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Handbook of Aggregation-Induced Emission, Volume 1

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The resultant gel emitted a strong fluorescence but the solution showed no fluorescence. They ascribed the AIE effect to the J‐aggregation of CN‐TFMBE molecules in solid state because a stronger red‐shift emission was observed in a mixed solvent of THF/H2O 1 : 4 compared with the solution in THF. Meanwhile, the absorption band of the suspension in THF/H2O 1 : 4 also displayed an obvious red shift with that of solution. But later, Ma et al. [26] found that the similar α‐cyano‐stilbene derivative CN‐DPDSB did not form compact ππ stacking in the crystal structure due to large cyano and phenyl groups. Instead, strong intermolecular cyano nitrogen–hydrogen interactions (2.43 and 2.56 Å) restricted the rotation of a double bond and a phenyl group in the solid state, causing its AIE effect (see Figure 3.5).

Schematic illustration of structure of DTFO, DSFO, and excimer of DSFO. Schematic illustration of structure of CN-TFMBE and CN-DPDSB. Schematic illustration of structure of DTP and its PET process. Schematic illustration of structure of DPDSB and BDPVA and their cross-dipole stacking. Schematic illustration of emission of CN-MBE in the solid state by molecular coplanarization.

      Source: Reproduced with permission from Ref [8]. Copyright 2002, American Chemical Society.

Schematic illustration of molecular structure and crystal structure of TOP viewed (a) perpendicular to the molecular plane and (b) along the molecular plane; (c) the slipped StartπEnd–StartπEnd packing of the molecules. Schematic illustration of fluorescence quantum yield of HPS vs water fraction in acetone/water.
