Justin Howard

Resurrection Patriarch

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      Chapter 1: The death of a migrant worker, reborn as a teenager

      As a thirty-five-year-old migrant worker, someone who is not high or low does not even deserve to have a name. He was born in a remote village. After graduating from high school, he followed the same villagers to the south to work. He has always been at the bottom of the working class. The more I change, the more unsatisfactory I am. Now I am a maintenance staff of a property company, and it can be regarded as stable.

      However, with a monthly income of more than 3,000 yuan, living in this third-tier city on the eastern coast of the Xia Kingdom can barely starve to death, but there is no way to save money.

      He has always dreamed of having a house of his own. In the past few years, he has been working part-time in the evenings and in his spare time during holidays. At first, he worked in bars, restaurants and other places.

      Later, I started to work as a driver with more flexible hours and more income. Although the work was hard, I often only slept five hours a day, but fortunately, my income was relatively considerable.

      This year, he finally managed to save enough for the down payment, so that he could successfully win a set of commercial housing that he liked.

      In addition, the homestead left by his grandfather was also sold by him for 80,000 yuan. Although he could not avoid wrangling with relatives over there, it was not a waste of effort to exchange the money for decoration.

      After paying the down payment, it catches up with the country's economic changes. The bank's housing loan lending is tightened. After three months of busy work, it is officially approved for the loan, and the online signature is filed. I have been working here for nearly ten years. The city nominally has its own set of small two-bedroom.

      It is not that he is too incompetent, but that since the beginning of the new century, the growth rate of people's wages is far less than that of housing prices.

      When he came to work in the capital city of Jiangnan Province more than ten years ago, he earned 3,000 yuan every month by moving bricks on the construction site and doing small jobs. At that time, the average house price was 4,000 or 5,000 yuan. He also bought a mortgage with a very low down payment. Opportunity for a small two-bedroom set in the early 60s.

      But at that time, he had just become an honorable migrant worker for less than two years, and he felt that after spending all the savings in his hand, he still had to pay off a loan of over 2,000 yuan per month for 30 years, which was too much for him.

      It seems that a loan of 2,000 yuan is easy now, but people at that time could not let go of their ideas.

      So the idea at that time was to save for two more years, pay more down payment and pay less loan each month, and then he perfectly missed the best opportunity in the best era of buying a house, and made the most in his life. A decision to regret.

      As a result, within half a year, the house price went up like a monkey who lit his ass, almost every day, to the point where he would not be able to make up even 10% of the down payment when he asked again after the new year.

      Later, due to the rent and other reasons, the provincial capital could not stay any longer, so I came to the current prefecture-level city and continued to work hard, so I saved a whole ten years of money, and worked 12 hours for almost 300 days a year. , I finally got my wish today.

      At this time, the requirement for buying a house is not the 10% down payment of the year, but the minimum 30%, which is still the treatment of the first home. The housing prices in the provincial capital where he once stayed have also risen to the point where he is out of reach, from five or six thousand ten years ago to five or six thousand now.

      Are you saying that you don't cheat people?

      His house is located in the peripheral area of the city where it is located, close to the city center. It has a good school district in an upper-middle location, and the price is naturally considerable, because the housing price in the coastal area is higher than that in the inland city of the same level, even if it is only It can be regarded as a third-tier city, and it needs 18,000 square meters.

      The small high-rise covers an area of 65 square meters, and it is just over 50 square meters after removing the public stalls. The small two rooms are not spacious, but this small home must be very warm when arranged.

      This is just an ordinary city, and ordinary people don’t dare to ask about the housing prices in those first-tier cities.

      In comparison, he actually had a pretty good life.

      There are many people of the same age who came to work here from other places like him. Most of them are family members at this age. Even if the couple has worked hard for a year, even if they earn a lot, they will spend a lot of money. Many of them are still struggling to settle down in cities where they work, and they are looking for a chance to settle down; some have given up their struggles, bought a house in their hometown, and then worked here to make money to pay off their mortgages, living in separate places with their children and their families. Life.

      And he is alone to feed the whole family and is not hungry. His parents divorced when he was young, and they each set up a new family. His son became a burden to both parties, and has been living with his grandfather. I came here to make enough for my grandfather and grandson to eat, and I never saw each other all year round.

      After high school, the old man also went, and the two parties, especially the mother, gave less and less money. After graduation, there was almost no news of him. After he went out to work, he basically lost contact.

      So now he is single and has no family burden and no conditions to find a partner, so he can save money and buy his first house at the age of thirty-five.

      It's just that someone didn't expect that the good days in the future have not yet come. On the day when he could hand over the house and get the keys in two months, he had a traffic accident because of a chauffeur job, and the owner of the car was fine. The driver was unlucky and cold on the spot.

      Waiting for rescue in the car, before he lost consciousness, his uncontrollable thoughts were chaotic, with fear and confusion, regret and happiness.

      The last thought is that my house and traffic accident compensation do not know who is cheaper? There is also the regret that he has not lived in the newly bought house for a day; fortunately, he has no wife and children, and he is not afraid that other men will sleep with his wife and beat his baby, and finally fall into darkness with regret and loss.

      When his consciousness woke up and became active again, he found that he seemed to be trapped in a world of endless darkness, surrounded by endless darkness, and only a few feet around him could see a faint grayish-white color.

      This is where? Is it hell, or the underworld?

      How come there is no black and white impermanence and ox head horse noodles?

      I don't know the size of the space, I can't tell the direction, I don't even have a sense of heat and cold, and I don't even breathe. There is only endless darkness around. There is no joy or sadness in my heart, only panic, loneliness, and confusion. It's like having a nightmare that will never wake up, with no way out and no end.

      It wasn't until a colorful bubble appeared in front of him that he got rid of this absolute sense of loneliness.

      A burst of tears of joy, he touched the bubble with his finger, and suddenly a memory picture poured into his consciousness like a duck.

      It was like an incomparably long dream, in which he seemed to have his own memories, as well as his life into a completely different person. Soon a bubble was digested, which made him seem to have regained his identity as a human being. Emotion and consciousness, he instinctively went to find more bubbles, and then burst them one by one, so the memories of various two people merged into consciousness, making his emotions more and more full.

      What followed was another screen change, and I couldn't help recalling my life from childhood to adulthood.

      As more and more bubbles were absorbed, the two