Herbert Wolfe Samuel

liu heart

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a thorny electric current sounded, and the surrounding air became sweet. Dou Lingxin raised his hand to caress his forehead: I didn't say it, you two are free.

      After speaking, she turned to leave, and Qiao Ye hula-la caught up and grabbed her arm: Xinxin, are you angry?

      Dou Lingxin laughed angrily and said: Why am I angry? I am here to make room for you, but I have the consciousness of not being a light bulb.

      Xinxin, how are you a light bulb, you are our matchmaker. We are now happy, Xinxin you contributed! Qiao Ye said while pulling Dou Lingxin back.

      Dou Ling was busy and said that she really had something to do: Qiao Ye, I want to talk to my mom, I'm leaving soon, and I won't be able to see her for a long time.

      Chapter 48

      Dou Lingxin is really happy for Qiao Ye and his eldest cousin. The two of them have similar temperaments and love each other. They are really a good match.

      The key link between the two is her soul, she is proud and proud, and eating dog food is delicious, okay?

      Oh, then you go quickly, and I will come and talk to my aunt later, tell her, and give me your heart at ease.

      Hearing Dou Lingxin talk about this, Qiao Ye immediately let go and urged Lingxin to go quickly.

      After Dou Lingxin entered her mother's room, Qiao Ye ran back to Zou Mingsheng.

      Zou Mingsheng had already put the things that Qiao Ye brought home again. Some small bags were stuffed into the big ones, and they didn't look as messy as before.

      When he looked up and saw Qiao Ye coming over, he smiled dotingly and said: Ye Zi, look, it's not all put in, I think I can put the car on my car.

      No, my house is on the third floor of an old-fashioned building, and there is no elevator, so it would be hard for me to carry it up. Seeing that Zou Mingsheng had to take something, Qiao Ye had to quickly change the subject.

      Zou Mingsheng frowned: Forget it, this time I have to sit in the company and can't go, I will take it next time I go, and I will be responsible for carrying it.

      After he finished speaking, he bent his arms, indicating that he had strength.

      Mmmm, Qiao Ye hurriedly nodded in agreement, secretly happy, but finally Zou Mingsheng gave up the idea of adding more.

      When Lingxin entered the room, Zhang Mama and Nursing Sister Chen gave her mother a massage.

      Mother Zhang, Sister Chen, you have worked hard. Dou Lingxin looked at the two of them sweating profusely and sincerely thanked them.

      The two waved their hands again and again, and they all replied that you are welcome, Miss, this is what we should do.

      Miss, do you want to be alone with your wife?

      Seeing Dou Lingxin staring at his wife, Ma Zhang guessed that she might have something to say to her.

      Dou Lingxin nodded: Yes, I want to travel far away and want to say goodbye to my mommy.

      Zhang Ma just heard that the eldest miss was leaving, so she was very surprised, but she was a hundred reassured of her spiritual heart. What the eldest lady wanted to do naturally made sense. After a short period of stunned Zhang Ma, she returned to normal.

      Oh, the eldest lady has to stay with the wife for a while, so let's go out first. After she finished speaking, she took Nursing Xiao Chen and left, and took care of the door.

      The quiet room was covered with sunshine. Dou Lingxin dragged a chair and sat by the bedside, basking in the spring sunshine with Mommy.

      Mommy had a serene look on her face. Because of the good care, her face was a little rosier than when she first left the hospital.

      Dou Lingxin took Mommy's hand and put it on her face, and started chatting with her.

      Mommy, tomorrow I will leave Australia for Shanghai. It may take a long time. I hope you will be fine when I come back and give me a big hug.

      Mommy, I have recorded a lot of what I said to you, and I will ask Ma Zhang and them to play it to you later. If you listen to me more, maybe you will get better sooner.

      Mommy, when I'm not here, the company will be handed over to cousin Mingsheng. Auntie will often come to see you at home. Sister Ping, Mommy Zhang, Sister Chen, Xiaocui... They will also take care of you wholeheartedly.

      By the way, Mommy, we will not celebrate your birthday this year. We will keep it for you to celebrate together. Hello, make a wish and blow out the candles.

      Lingxin kissed Mommy's hand, looked up at the ceiling, and forced back the tears in her eyes.

      Mommy, I went to Shanghai to seek justice for you and Daddy.

      Do you know? That scumbag Zuo Mingchong is dead. But I don't want to let him go like this. I want to take away the company he left behind, and by the way, I will harm his only son, so that his son will also experience the sins of you and Daddy.

      Do you say okay? Dou Lingxin put a kiss on Mummy's hand again, and her misty eyes looked at Mummy with tenderness, not letting go of the change on Mummy's face.

      She really hoped that Mommy could open her eyes or move her mouth at this moment, but she was as disappointed as ever.

      With a sigh, Lingxin took out an ID card from her pocket and waved it towards Mommy: Mommy, my new identity is for dealing with Zuo Mingchong. Don't worry, Mommy, I will work harder and avenge your revenge with Daddy earlier.

      Mommy, I went to see Daddy yesterday and told him my plan, he will be happy. How could I be so stupid before, now I have a lot of words, and I can only talk about Daddy's photos...

      Speaking of which, she couldn't go on, she fell on the edge of the bed and began to cry.

      The more Dou Lingxin thought about it, the more angry she became, and the more she thought about it, the more sad she became, and she stopped crying after a while.

      All this was caused by Zuo Mingchong, so the path of revenge that he chose must go down to the end!

      After venting her emotions happily, she went to the bathroom in the room to wash her face, smoothed her hair, sat down next to Mommy again, and continued to talk to Mommy for a while.

      Until there was a knock on the door.

      Xinxin, can I come in and see Auntie?

      It was Joe Ye knocking on the door.

      come in. Dou Lingxin took a deep breath, smoothed her hair, and responded.

      Qiao Ye and Zou Mingsheng came in together.

      Qiao Ye first walked to Lingxin's side, glanced at Lingxin's face, and saw that Lingxin had cried, and her heart was aching for a while, and she reached out and embraced Lingxin: Xinxin, Auntie Jiren Tianxiang will definitely get better.

      Zou Mingsheng nodded and said: Yes, I saw my aunt's complexion, which was better than the previous two days.

      The two of them had good intentions and wanted to comfort Dou Lingxin, but the tears that Dou Lingxin finally put away flooded again.

      On the one hand, it is for Mommy, and on the other hand, she is moved by the kindness of people around her.

      Seeing that Dou Lingxin was crying again, Qiao Ye took out a tissue and hurriedly wiped her tears: Xinxin, I'm sorry, it's all my fault that I said something that made you sad.

      Saying that, he put his arms over to show his spirit.

      She and Lingxin knew each other because of their sparring. At that time, both of them were members of the Taekwondo club, and they had a dispute during practice.

      Qiao Ye was finally beaten by Lingxin's arm, so Qiao Ye minds being beaten by Lingxin the most, and now he takes the initiative to lend his arm, which gives Lingxin twelve points of face.

      Go, whoever hit you. Ling Xin was laughed through tears by Qiao Ye's move.
