Anthony R. West

Solid State Chemistry and its Applications

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href="#fb3_img_img_1fef522e-f99c-5abc-82e3-6b4232d939b0.png" alt="upper N a Subscript x Baseline normal upper W Subscript x Superscript normal upper V Baseline normal upper W Subscript 1 minus x Superscript upper V upper I Baseline normal upper O 3 period"/>

      These materials have interesting colours and electrical properties. At low x, they are pale green/yellow in colour and semiconducting. As x rises and electrons begin to occupy the 5d band of tungsten, they become brightly coloured and metallic, hence the name ‘bronze’.

       Table 1.20 Some compounds with the ReO3 structure

Compound a/Å Compound a/Å
ReO3 3.734 NbF3 3.903
UO3 4.156 TaF3 3.9012
MoF3 3.8985 Cu3N 3.807

       Figure 1.43 The structure of (a) ReO3, (b) tungsten bronze NaxWO3, (c, d) bronze and tunnel structures derived from ReO3 by rotation of blocks of four octahedra and (e, f) the tetragonal tungsten bronze structure.

      Adapted from B. G. Hyde and M. O'Keeffe, Acta Cryst. Sect. A 29, 243 (1973).

       (g) The TTB structure of Ba2LaTi2Nb3O15.

      Adapted from G. C. Miles et al., J. Mater. Chem. 15, 798 (2005).

       (h, i) Tunnel structure of Mo5O14.

      A variety of monovalent cations enter the tungsten bronze structure; similar series also occur with MoO3 in the molybdenum bronzes. Many other highly conducting bronzes based on oxides MO2 or MO3 form in which M is a transition metal, such as Ti, V, Nb, Ta, Mo, W, Re, Ru or Pt, that is capable of existing in mixed oxidation states.

      Thus far, we have not modified the arrangement of octahedra. Different arrays of octahedra are, however, obtained by rotation of columns of four octahedra by 90° and reconnecting them with the parent structure as shown in Fig. 1.43(c) and (d). This has major consequences for the size and coordination number of the A cation sites. Some, A, retain their coordination number of 12 and in projection may be perceived as ‘square tunnels’; a second set of sites, A′, has a coordination number which is increased to 15 and in projection may be regarded as “pentagonal tunnels’. A third set, C, has coordination number reduced to nine and is referred to as ‘triangular tunnels’. We now have the building blocks for the tetragonal tungsten bronze, TTB, structure. This contains an important family of ferroelectric materials although, since they are insulating, it is rather a misnomer to call them bronzes.

       Table 1.21 Some compounds with the tetragonal tungsten bronze, TTB, structure. Unit cell: tetragonal a 12.4, c 3.9 Å

A2 A′ B4B′ O15
Ba2 Ti2, Nb3 O15
Sr2 Na or K Nb5 O15
Ba2 Na Nb5 O15
Ba2 or Sr2 Ba or Sr Ti, Nb4 O15
Sr2.5 Nb5 O15
K0.4–0.6 W O3

      A selection of compounds with the TTB structure is shown in Table 1.21. The structure is versatile since cations on the A and A′ sites can be either fully ordered, disordered or only partially occupied. In addition, there are two crystallographically distinct, octahedral B and B′ sites, which can be occupied by one species or a mixture. As with all crystal structures, it may be useful to view them in different ways and the TTB structure is shown from three different perspectives in Fig. 1.43(g).

      The structure of Mo5O14 is based on the same principles but is rather different to the TTB structure, Fig. 1.43(h) and (i). Pentagonal columns are again present and these are occupied by rows of Mo and O atoms, as shown by open and closed circles in (i). Because of the extra oxygens in the columns, Mo occupies small sites whose coordination number is reduced greatly from 15 to 7. Other pentagonal columns, and triangular columns, remain empty. In addition, new hexagonal columns are created by the array of octahedra and these remain empty in Mo5O14. Many other complex structures are built using similar principles, for example, NaNb6O15F, Nb16W18O94, Bi6Nb34O94 and Ta3O7F.

