Characteristics 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Tunning the Size and Property of AIEgens, a New Approach to Create FL Hydrogels with Superior Properties 9.3 AIEgens for Characterization of Hydrogels 9.4 Conclusion References
17 10 Design and Preparation of Stimuli‐responsive AIE Fluorescent Polymers‐based Probes for Cells Imaging 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Design and Preparation Strategies for AIE–SRP Probes 10.3 Application of AIE–SRP Probes 10.4 Summary and Prospect Acknowledgements References
18 11 AIE 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Cellular Imaging 11.3 Biosensing 11.4 Conclusion References
19 12 AIE-based Systems for Imaging and Image-guided Killing of Pathogens 12.1 Introduction 12.2 Bacteria Imaging Based on AIEgens 12.3 Bacteria‐targeted Imaging and Ablation Based on AIEgens 12.4 Bacterial Susceptibility Evaluation and Antibiotics Screening 12.5 Sensors for Bacterial Detection Based on AIEgens 12.6 Conclusions and Perspectives References
20 13 AIEgen‐based Trackers for Cancer Research and Regenerative Medicine 13.1 Introduction 13.2 AIEgens for Long‐term Cancer Cell Tracking 13.3 AIEgens for Stem Cell‐based Regenerative Medicine and Regeneration‐related Process 13.4 Conclusion Acknowledgment References
21 14 AIE‐active Fluorescence Probes for Enzymes and Their Applications in Disease Theranostics 14.1 Introduction 14.2 AIE‐active Fluorescence Probes for Enzymes and Their Applications in Disease Theranostics 14.3 Summary and Outlook References
22 15 AIE Nanoprobes for NIR‐II Fluorescence In Vivo Functional Bioimaging 15.1 Introduction 15.2 NIR‐II Fluorescence Macroimaging In Vivo 15.3 NIR‐II Fluorescence Wide‐field Microscopic Imaging In Vivo 15.4 NIR‐II Fluorescence Confocal Microscopic Imaging In Vivo 15.5 Summary and Perspectives Acknowledgments References
23 16 In Vivo Phototheranostics Application of AIEgen‐based Probes 16.1 Introduction 16.2 AIE Fluorescent Probe with Photodynamic Therapy Function 16.3 AIE Photoacoustic Probe with Photothermal Therapy Function 16.4 Application of AIE Fluorescent Probe in Synergistic Therapy 16.5 AIE Fluorescent Probe with Immunotherapy Function 16.6 Conclusions and Perspectives References
24 17 Red‐emissive AIEgens Based on Tetraphenylethylene for Biological Applications 17.1 Introduction 17.2 TPE‐based AIEgens with Dicyanovinyl Group 17.3 Pyridinium‐based AIEgens 17.4 Summary and Perspectives References
25 18 Smart Luminogens for the Detection of Organic Volatile Contaminants 18.1 Introduction 18.2 Smart AIE Nanomaterials and their Sensing Applications for OVCs 18.3 Summary and Outlook References
26 19 Bulky Hydrophobic Counterions for Suppressing Aggregation‐caused Quenching of Ionic Dyes in Fluorescent Nanoparticles 19.1 Introduction 19.2