CLARA married4702 Friedrich ANTON WAND on 01.02.1881 in Helmsdorf. Friedrich was born4703 on 06.05.1851 in Helmsdorf. He was christened4704 on 06.05.1851 in Helmsdorf. He died4705 on 28.04.1924 in Breda, IA. He was buried4706 in Breda, IA.
Eltern: Johannes Joachim und Maria Clara Elisabeth Luster
(parents: Johannes Joachim and Maria Clara Elisabeth Luster)
Friedrich and CLARA had the following children:
2727 M i. Augustin C. WAND was born4707,4708 on 13.11.1883 in Lancaster, WI. He died4709 on 08.11.1974.
2728 M ii. JOSEPH Heinrich WAND was born4710 on 17.08.1886 in Dawes County, NE. He died4711 on 25.11.1911 in Breda, IA.
2729 F iii. Theresia WAND "Sr. Mary Mammerta" was born4712,4713 on 26.01.1889 in Dawes County, NE. She died4714,4715 on 16.11.1965. She was buried4716 in La Crosse, WI.
2730 F iv. ANNA Maria WAND "Sr. Alphonsine"4717 was born4718 on 22.01.1892 in Dawes County, NE. She died4719 on 06.09.1982 in La Crosse, WI. She was buried4720 in La Crosse, WI.
2731 F v. Sr. MARY Antonia WAND was born4721 on 08.06.1895 in Breda, IA. She died4722 on 12.09.1945 in Carroll, IA. She was buried4723 in Carroll, IA.
+ 2732 M vi. Anton Leo WAND was born on 19.04.1898. He died on 08.01.1968.
939. Catharina Margaretha MEYER (Theresia ZIEGENFUSS, Johann JOSEPH, Johann Heinrich, Johannes, Johannes Valentin, Hans Hildebrand) was born4724 on 31.12.1864 in Helmsdorf. She was christened4725 on 01.01.1865 in Helmsdorf. She died4726 on 15.10.1954 in Eichsfeld.
Catharina married4728 Alois WEDEKIND 4727 son of Johannes Franz WEDEKIND and Anna Maria SCHROETER on 21.07.1890 in Helmsdorf. Alois was born4729 on 08.01.1865 in Helmsdorf. He was christened4730 on 09.01.1865 in Helmsdorf. He died4731 on 31.08.1931.
Alois and Catharina had the following children:
2733 M i. Ludwig WEDEKIND was born4732 on 04.06.1891 in Helmsdorf. He was christened4733 on 05.06.1891 in Helmsdorf. He died4734 after 1920.
Ludwig married4736,4737 Anna WERNER 4735 in 1920 in Helmsdorf. Anna died4738 after 1920.
2734 M ii. Franz WEDEKIND was born4739 on 24.02.1893 in Helmsdorf. He was christened4740 on 25.05.1893 in Helmsdorf. He died4741 on 09.03.1916 in Frankreich. The cause of death was gefallen (died in WWI). He was buried4742 in Frankreich.
2735 M iii. Carl Joseph WEDEKIND was born4743 on 13.03.1895 in Helmsdorf. He was christened4744 on 13.03.1895 in Helmsdorf. He died4745 on 14.12.1915 in Helmsdorf. He was buried4746 in 1915 in Helmsdorf.
2736 M iv. Joseph WEDEKIND was born4747 on 02.03.1897 in Helmsdorf. He was christened4748 on 03.03.1897 in Helmsdorf. He died4749 on 28.05.1899 in Helmsdorf. The cause of death was Kraempfe (convulsions). He was buried4750 on 31.05.1899 in Helmsdorf.
2737 F v. Luise WEDEKIND was born4751 on 31.03.1899 in Helmsdorf. She was christened4752 on 01.04.1899 in Helmsdorf. She died4753 after 1927.
Luise married4754 Unknown in 1927.
2738 F vi. Elisabeth WEDEKIND was born4755 on 01.02.1901 in Helmsdorf. She was christened4756 on 02.02.1901 in Helmsdorf. She died4757 on 12.12.1901 in Helmsdorf. The cause of death was Keuchhusten (whooping cough). She was buried4758 on 15.12.1901 in Helmsdorf.
+ 2739 F vii. Maria WEDEKIND was born on 21.10.1902.
+ 2740 F viii. Mathilde WEDEKIND was born on 18.08.1904. She died after 27.09.1930.
2741 F ix. Dorothea WEDEKIND was born4759 on 26.06.1906 in Helmsdorf. She was christened4760 on 27.09.1906 in Helmsdorf.
2742 M x. Joachim WEDEKIND was born4761 on 20.05.1909 in Helmsdorf. He was christened4762 on 20.05.1909 in Helmsdorf.
942. Johannes WAND (Catharina Elisabeth ZIEGENFUSS, Johann Antonius, Johann Heinrich, Johannes, Johannes Valentin, Hans Hildebrand) was born4763 on 05.06.1828 in Helmsdorf. He was christened4764 on 06.06.1828 in Helmsdorf. He died4765 after 23.08.1862 in Helmsdorf?.
Johannes married4766 Maria Catharina MEINHARD daughter of Johann Georg MEINHARD and Anna Margaretha FIEDLER on 01.05.1853 in Silberhausen. Maria was born4767 on 30.03.1826 in Silberhausen. She was christened4768 on 31.03.1826 in Silberhausen. She died4769 after 23.08.1862 in Helmsdorf?.
They had the following children:
2743 M i. Johannes Joseph WAND was born4770 on 17.11.1855 in Magdeburg. He was christened4771 on 18.11.1855 in Magdeburg.
2744 M ii. Paul WAND was born4772 on 10.05.1858 in Helmsdorf. He was christened4773 on 13.05.1858 in Helmsdorf.
2745 M iii. Jacob Nicolaus WAND was born4774 on 05.12.1859 in Helmsdorf. He was christened4775 on 06.12.1859 in Helmsdorf.
2746 F iv. Anna Maria WAND was born4776 on 23.08.1862 in Helmsdorf. She was christened4777 on 24.08.1862 in Helmsdorf.
944. Franz Joachim WAND (Catharina Elisabeth ZIEGENFUSS, Johann Antonius, Johann Heinrich, Johannes, Johannes Valentin, Hans Hildebrand) was born4778 on 25.07.1833 in Helmsdorf. He was christened4779 on 26.07.1833 in Helmsdorf. He died4780 in 1912.
Franz married4782 Josepha SCHMIDT 4781 on 15.04.1860 in Helmsdorf. Josepha was born4783 on 25.01.1834 in Helmsdorf. She was christened4784 on 26.01.1834 in Helmsdorf. She died4785 on 08.06.1925 in Helmsdorf. She was buried4786 on 11.06.1925 in Helmsdorf.
Eltern: Christoph und Maria Catharina Schmidt
(parents: Christoph and Maria Catharina Schmidt)
Franz and Josepha had the following children:
+ 2747 F i. Christina WAND was born on 04.11.1855. She died on 24.09.1928.
2748 M ii. Carl Joseph Anton WAND was born4787 on 12.06.1860 in Helmsdorf. He was christened4788 on 13.06.1860 in Helmsdorf. He died4789 on 13.12.1863 in Helmsdorf. The cause of death was Scharlachfieber (scarlett fever). He was buried4790 on 16.12.1863 in Helmsdorf.
2749 M iii. Martin Cleophas WAND was born4791 on 23.09.1862 in Helmsdorf. He was christened4792 on 25.09.1862 in Helmsdorf. He died4793 on 11.11.1863 in Helmsdorf. The cause of death was Halsbraeune (dipthheria). He was buried4794 on 14.11.1863 in Helmsdorf.
2750 F iv. Anna WAND was born4795 on 30.01.1865 in Helmsdorf. She was christened4796 on 31.01.1865 in Helmsdorf.
Anna married4798 Eduard MUELLER 4797 in 1893. Eduard was born4799 before 1893 in Dortmund-Hoerde.