Indira Jackson

Rayan - Son of the Desert

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the head of the man was a sign fixed to the wood. It seemed to be some kind of inscription but she could not read as it was written in Arabic.

      "Who does something like this?!“, she asked in a low voice, without really expecting an answer.

      As if the man had heard her words, he suddenly raised his head up and looked at her pleadingly. He tried to speak, but did not succeed. His head sunk low again, he seemed to have lost consciousness again. "Or maybe he died“, a voice whispered in her head.

      The stare went to her core and then her blood ran cold: she suddenly remembered that she knew this man. She had seen him at the airport but because of the horrible state he was in and all the blood she had not immediately recognized him. Yet now she was sure that it was the assassin.

      Carina felt cold despite the rising temperature and she addressed Hatem, who had brought his camel aside of her and was just about to take over her reins to encourage her camel to move onwards.

      "Good lord Hatem! He is still alive! Someone has to do something!“

      However Hatem just dragged her camel with a gloomy face, without even hesitating for a second.

      "No one can help him anymore. Stay out of things that are not your business!“ Tears ran down Carina’s face.

      "What did it say on the sign?“, she demanded to know. When Hatem did not reply, she said it again. "Please Hatem, I have to know!“ Finally in a low voice he answered her: "Beware! This is going to happen to all enemies of the great Sheikh Suekran al Medina y Nayran.“

      Carina moaned. "Oh lord! This cannot be true!“

      The Sheikh? What kind of monster was he if he allowed things like that to happen?

      Hatem was still holding the reigns of her camel, as if he was afraid she would do something stupid.

      "How long do you think he has been hanging there?“, she asked Hatem with a trembling voice. He looked shaken as well.

      "Supposedly since yesterday morning. I heard rumours that the assassin managed to break out of prison the night of the assassination …“

      "But why would anyone do something so savage and cruel?“

      Hatem laughed dryly and without any humour said: "You have heard what is said on the sign. It is a warning: now everyone will think twice to dare go against His Excellency.“ Then he added: “And now Miss Carina you understand why I told you that you have no idea what you are getting yourself into. We are in the desert now and you should just forget about all the laws that you learnt at home. Here it is the rule of the strongest: whoever is not strong enough dies. Very simple!“

      A little softer he went on: "Now we can still turn around. Are you really sure you would like to continue?”

      Carina gave herself a start and adjusted herself correctly on her camel. She held her head high and looked firmly at Hatem. "I am even more convinced!“

      Thus they continued onwards further into the desert, following the path that the camels had left in the sand. 1990 - Rabea Akbar - The General

      It was the beginning of November when Rayan rang the bell of General Jack Tanner’s house. He was quite nervous, standing in front of a door made from expensive dark wood with a golden door knob and a golden door bell.

      The walls had been whitewashed recently, which emphasised the elegant impression of the whole property.

      To his right he guessed that there was a garden rather than actually being able to see it, due to the high fence and a hedge as well. Additionally, he could hear the dribbling sound of a fountain.

      Through a gap in the fence he got a glimpse of a terrace that went all along the length of the house. It had seemingly comfortable-looking and inviting wooden furniture with colourful cushions to recline on.

      He had been invited to lunch. Within the camp he was treated like all natives: mostly with arrogance; so he did not appreciate the whole idea about this special status and an invitation from the “big boss”. It was unclear how the soldiers would react if they found out about it. He just hoped that they never would. Furthermore, it had been quite some time since he had last sat at a Western table. Here mostly the flat ones were used, which you ate at while sitting on the floor, on a carpet or some pillows. He silently thanked his grandmother, who had insisted on teaching him table manners from Germany whenever he visited her. Clara had assured him that the American habits were very similar. Of course, she could not suppress an amused grin along with it. “Just great”, he thought, “this is going to be one big disgrace.”

      A servant of the General opened the door for him, he was let in and led to the living room.

      "Here he is our ‘son of the desert’“. With a big smile on his face the General came to greet him. Rayan liked him from the very first minute. He had broad shoulders, a slightly greyish moustache and Clara had secretly told him that he was 52. Due to his height of 1.94 m he was taller than most other people. Against his will, Rayan had to admit that the General reminded him a little of his own father. He had the natural gift to impress people without doing a lot as well. Even when Clara’s dad entered a room without his insignias he immediately drew everyone’s attention. He was known to his men as being level-headed and fair and they looked up to him.

      Even Rayan, who measured an impressive 1.89 m, felt small beside him. Jack Tanner had dark grey eyes, which never seemed to rest and when he looked Rayan straight in the eye it felt like he was seeing directly into his soul. Behind his back it was said that he could read minds and now Rayan understood why that was.

      Julie, Clara’s mother, was a wonderful person. She smiled a lot and the way she looked at her husband gave the impression that she was very much in love with him. Her hair had the same reddish-brown colour as Clara’s, but in hers some grey was already visible. The grey had a positive effect and made her even more attractive.

      She was some years younger than her husband and Rayan estimated her to be in her mid-40s.

      Besides her hair, she had also passed on her pale blue eye colour to Clara, but it was without Clara’s constantly mocking sparkle. She did not say much and when she did, it was with a quiet, soft voice. Rayan found himself thinking that Clara was going to grow into a fairly beautiful woman if she continued to resemble her mother.

      In comparison to his wife the general talked a lot and mostly with a strong, melodic voice, and he loved to laugh.

      The lunch went without the feared embarrassment, which Rayan had painted in all colours in his thoughts. The main reason for the success was the relaxed atmosphere that both Tanners radiated.

      Only once did Rayan blush, when Clara’s mother asked him if he had a girlfriend. To be the centre of attention like that was unusual for him and he did not like it at all. Especially as the General focused his intense gaze in his direction as well. He had no idea what to reply.

      Clara came to his help: "Mum. Don’t be so curious. Yasin has one girlfriend or the other all the time. I just can’t tell them apart anymore.“ Along with that explanation she rolled her eyes in fake desperation, which made everyone at the table laugh out loud.

      When evening came Rayan went home. The hours had just flown by. During the farewell the General took him aside and said with a concerned look in his eyes: “Please keep your eyes open, we have received a threat. So far we do not know how serious we should take the message. It could just be some crazy guys that think it is a good joke. But you are surely aware that the presence of the American army around here is a thorn in some people’s side. There might indeed be incidents. Take care of Clara, okay?“

      Rayan nodded quickly but did not say anything. He went home lost in thought and noted to himself to keep his eyes and ears wide open.

      2014 - Rub’al Khali, Oasis Wahi – Meeting in the Oasis

      After four days the caravan finally reached the oasis called Wahi, south of Dubai.
