Soar .

Yours, poetically

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      Unbinding borders of complexity unified

      Through flamboyant communication means.

      Antiquity named it by its deeds

      Stemming from castra, chivalry and masculinity

      Audacious bod, brandishing fierce coats-of-arms

      While bashfully subdued to nature’s attributes.

      From its core in an island in bloom

      To its surface mirroring stilt houses and flying balloons,

      Sweet apples and wine remind sojourners of its taste

      While it feels like sun on its canvas of Mediterranean hues.

      And when it represents traditions and cutting edge feelings

      In three hugs, a hand-shake or a friendly servus

      It’s a culturally attired melting pot of Europe

      To explore so that one can learn, to adopt so that one can love.

      And so its shores beholding hopes and dreams

      At the threshold where reality sets sail to explore fantasies

      Are the immutable purveyor of waves humanly entwined

      Carrying, upon their crystalline beliefs, the sequel of life.

Author’s note: Bod = antique German word meaning “messenger” Bodensee4.tif

      Ü, Berlin

      Vastness of cosmopolitan weaving over marshy spaces

      Gathered in eclectic clusters of styles and tendencies

      You’re like a poor chameleon, arduous to adapt and diversify

      As soon as the onerous time passes you by with its spotlight.

      Populous and popular in theme

      Engraved by an unsettled history of three million heartbeats

      They seem to have forgotten your etymology

      Replaced by a hugging bear at your Ishtar gate of Greek virtues.

      To complete history’s reminiscence with geographical cachets

      Of twelve downtowns, fashioned from castles to Plattenbau

      Your highlights display human vintage with glamour names

      Smouldered by unknown juvenescent faces.

      For you’re the city of Marlene, exhibiting a lot of Marilyn

      Of high-avenue puppets against low-street mannequins

      The big screen projecting Hollywoodian reveries

      Directed with scripts and impromptus to cajole reality.

      An idiosyncratic array imbues in colours all your limbs

      But where lies the core of your luminescence?

      Is it the high-tech Platz, the bourgeois play with lime-tree sceneries,

      Or maybe the Funkturm film, with all social marks in one storyline?

      The moonlit scene fumbles for your wells of passion

      You, city of arts, motions, carnivals and cultures

      Where the millions of eyes with peregrine curiosity

      Don’t feel for the blueprint, rather live the pixels of your images.

      In this amphitheatre of directors, visitors and actors

      During the intermission, your lens may capture just one sparkle

      Two eyes close-up, one love up-close, from the path of fate into your cityscape

      Meant to portray a time-lapse glow, which will perpetuate

      Your seed, your universe.

(June 2012)


      You see them pass by, sojourners of your life

      Some stop to dazzle your train, fogging the horizon of its trails,

      Others share with you their path to construe visions alike

      Yet just a few will reflect the glimmer of your eyes.

      Despite human reasoning to expect so that you can give

      You keep yourself naïve and share without prerequisites

      One smile of solace, two for care, three: for the deepest feeling

      You lose too much so that you win towards the dawn of dreams.

      But here it comes, as if from an outdated track, the one changing all sounds

      Replete with déjà vu and tempting mysteries alike

      You dance away , eyes closed on an open soul, grasping it to the core

      You strum and drum with all you hold the purpose of its melodies.

      Yet, was it him reflecting you, or rather you reflecting him?

      When your heart speaks its sways to him, is that a weakness or a virtue?

      On the new track, you blithely steer an ad-hominem reasoning

      You live one smile alone, amid the same collage of love, weaving destinies.

       (April 2011)


      The Path

      One day

      I took a road narrow and long,

      with cracking beams of wood hurting my feet, tiring out patient horizons

      aiming for old and new in the same truth;

      it searched for you and couldn’t shape you

      until long time had walked by my side

      for me to realize

      that I was never alone

      and you were with me after and before,

      giving me strength with your glow,

      carrying my burden secretly

      everytime I found serenity,

      leaving with me a precious gift to wear for eternity –

      your memory.

       (January 2010)


      The Unicorn

      There he goes, wild and kind

      Running free on open fields

      His own passion to grasp

      To the end of significances and back

      At confines to stand out

      Eyes to bewilder, feelings to wake up

      In pain or broad grins

      Like a squire of love, flaunting a blade of two sides.