Adrian Becker

Orthodontic Treatment of Impacted Teeth

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placed exactly in the middle (in the bucco‐lingual aspect) of the focal trough. Any deviation from the middle of the focal trough will cause distortion, especially in the horizontal magnification. In such cases the apparent mesio‐distal dimension of the teeth is unreliable.

       Radiographic views at right angles

      Radiographic views may be taken at right angles to one another in various ways but, for the method to be of value, it must be possible to determine the exact orientation in space of both the receptor and the central ray [1, 2]. The observer must be in a position to deduce these from observation of other structures on the radiograph whose locations are known. Thus, if one begins with a periapical view, it becomes necessary to provide another view that is at 90° to it, in order to satisfy the minimum geometric conditions. However, having done this, it must be possible to mentally reconstruct the exact orientation of this second view at a later date, by looking at the radiograph alone and without necessarily having prior knowledge of exactly how the tube and receptor were placed. This is obviously very confusing and completely impractical.


Photos depict (a) the true lateral cephalometric radiograph shows both canines superimposed at a higher level than the other teeth. (b) The postero-anterior cephalometric radiograph shows the two canines similarly angulated, with their apices in the line of the arch and their crowns close to the midline. (c) The panoramic view of the same patient.

      For most orthodontic cases, a lateral cephalometric radiograph (a cephalogram) is an essential initial step, whose primary purpose is the routine measurement of angles and planes. On the other hand, this radiograph potentially contains much useful information regarding the location and angulation of unerupted teeth. The radiograph represents a true lateral view of the skull and, for the present purposes, of the jaws and the anterior maxilla in particular (Figure 4.10a). Although there are many superimposed structures in this area, the outline of a canine may be clearly seen. The direction of the long axis of the tooth in the anterior–posterior and vertical planes may be clearly defined, together with the mesio‐distal position of both crown and apex.

      If a cephalometric radiograph is not available, the same view of the anterior maxilla may be obtained on a small, occlusal‐sized receptor. The receptor is held vertically against the cheek and parallel to the sagittal plane of the skull. The X‐ray tube is directed horizontally above and parallel to the occlusal plane from the opposite side of the face and at right angles to the receptor. The result is called the tangential view and has the advantage of simplicity. This view is particularly useful in monitoring progress in the resolution of impacted incisors during active treatment.

      At the age that most patients first present with an impacted central incisor, around 8–10 years, the permanent canine teeth are unerupted and are located both well forward and high in the anterior maxilla. Thus, on the lateral cephalometric or tangential view, right and left canines will be impossible to distinguish from one another. The roots of the incisors, at the same height as the canines, as well as the superimposed images of the more inferiorly placed crowns of the erupted incisors and deciduous canines, will all be impossible to differentiate from one another and from any supernumerary teeth that may also be present. For this reason, the lateral view may be of limited value in cases where there is obstructive impaction, with minimal displacement. When gross displacement is present, however, the outlines of the altered axial inclination and height of the tooth are usually possible to delineate, despite the considerable superimposition of other teeth.

Photos depict the true lateral and true occlusal views, taken together, provide all the information needed for a good positional assessment of crown and root in the three planes of space.