for WR‐430 waveguide filled with positively u...Table 9.9 TE mn and TM mn modes for WR‐430 waveguide filled with negatively u...
7 Chapter 10Table 10.1 Intermodulation frequencies and corresponding amplitudes.Table 10.2 Summary of IM product frequencies.Table 10.3 DC bias circuit design equations.Table 10.4 Final component values for the amplifier.
8 Chapter 11Table 11.1 Antenna parameter comparison for aluminum wire half‐wave dipole a...Table 11.2 Slot antenna parameter calculations.
9 Chapter 12Table 12.1 Comparison of ZigBee, 6LoWPAN, Wi‐Fi, and Bluetooth.Table 12.2 RFID tags and communication distance.Table 12.3 Differences between active and passive RFID tags.
10 Chapter 13Table 13.1 Calculated dimensions for the meander antenna.
List of Illustrations
1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Vector representation.Figure 1.2 (a) Representation of vectors
2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Transfer characteristics: (a) passive component; (b) active compo...Figure 2.2 Conductor with uniform cross section.Figure 2.3 Representation of the resistor equivalent model: (a) ideal resist...Figure 2.4 Frequency characteristics of (a) ideal resistor and (b) nonideal ...Figure 2.5 Figure for Example 2.1.Figure 2.6 Resonance frequency plot for Example 2.1.Figure 2.7 (a) Two conductor capacitor. (b) HF model of capacitor.Figure 2.8 Equivalent parallel circuit.Figure 2.9 Plot of Z( f ) versus frequency.Figure 2.10 Flux through each turn.Figure 2.11 HF effects of an RF inductor.Figure 2.12 HF model of an RF air core inductor.Figure 2.13 Equivalent series circuit.Figure 2.14 The HF characteristics of the inductor in Example 2.3.Figure 2.15 (a) Air core inductor. (b) Toroidal inductor.Figure 2.16 HF characteristics' response of air core inductor.Figure 2.17 Quality factor of air core inductor versus frequency.Figure 2.18 (a) Magnetic flux in toroidal magnetic core; (b) geometry of tor...Figure 2.19 (a) Rectangular spiral inductor. (b) Layout of current filaments...Figure 2.20 Toroidal transformer.Figure 2.21 Energy diagram of a semiconductor [5].Figure 2.22 The performance comparison of WBG semiconductors for RF [9].Figure 2.23 Family tree for power devices.Figure 2.24 Typical layer structure of (a) Si BJT and (b) InP/InGaAs HBT tra...Figure 2.25 Simplified structure of FET.Figure 2.26 FOM comparison of planar and trench MOSFET structures.Figure 2.27 Trench MOSFET: (a) Current Crowding in V‐Groove Trench MOSFET, (...Figure 2.28 Die size versus power loss.Figure 2.29 MOSFET structure capacitance illustration.Figure 2.30 Simplest view of MOSFET with intrinsic capacitances.Figure 2.31 HF small signal model for MOSFET transistor.