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X-Ray Fluorescence in Biological Sciences

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by X‐ray spectral analysis. X‐Ray Spectrom. 39 (1): 63–69.

      97 97 Pashkova, G.V. and Revenko, A.G. (2013). Choice of conditions for the natural water analysis using a total reflection X‐ray fluorescence spectrometer. Anal. Control 17 (1): 10–20. (in Russian).

      98 98 Pashkova, G.V., Revenko, A.G., and Finkelshtein, A.L. (2013). Study of factors affecting the results of natural water analyses by total reflection X‐ray fluorescence. X‐Ray Spectrom. 42 (6): 524–530.

      99 99 Suvorova, D.S., Khudonogova, E.V., and Revenko, A.G. (2016). Development of the XRF determination technique for the Ga, Hf, and Ta contents in rare earth ores. Anal. Control 20 (4): 344–354. (in Russian).

      100 100 Finkel'shtein, A.L. and Afonin, V.P. (1986). Calculation of the intensity of X‐ray fluorescence. S.V. Lontsikh, Ed. In: Methods of X‐Ray Analysis, 5–11. Novosibirsk: Nauka Publishers (in Russian).

      101 101 Govindaraju, K. (1994). Compilation of working values and sample description for 383 geostandards. Geostand. Newslett. Spec. Issue 18: 1–158.

       N.L. Mishra1,2,* and Sangita Dhara1,2

       1 Fuel Chemistry Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India

       2 Homi Bhabha National Institute, Mumbai, India

      The main reason for the comparatively higher (poorer) detection limits observed in XRF, as stated above, is due to the higher spectral background in XRF. In energy dispersive X‐ray fluorescence (EDXRF), the X‐ray beam is made to fall on the sample at an angle of about 45°. The emitted X‐rays are detected by a detector which is also placed at an angle of 45° from the sample surface. This geometry, having