Ming Qiu Zhang

Extrinsic and Intrinsic Approaches to Self-Healing Polymers and Polymer Composites

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2.7 Curing kinetics (estimated from non‐isothermal DSC studies) and a...Table 2.8 Description of the microcapsules for making self‐healing epoxy ma...Table 2.9 Properties of the specimens of cured epoxy and its composites for...Table 2.10 Description of the epoxy‐loaded microcapsules for making self‐he...Table 2.11 Description of the hardener‐loaded microcapsules for making self...Table 2.12 Orthographic factorial design and results of four factors (capsu...Table 2.13 Non‐isothermal curing kinetics of the healing agent with and wit...Table 2.14 Relative outflowa of epoxy healing agent from PP tubes.

      3 Chapter 3Table 3.1 Creation of an orthographic factorial design of five factors and f...Table 3.2 Pyrolytic characteristics of epoxy, epoxy‐containing microcapsules...Table 3.3 Results analysis of the orthographic factorial design for microcap...Table 3.4 Recipes for preparing hollow microcapsules in emulsion via UV‐irra...Table 3.5 Three‐dimensional solubility parameters of MMA and EPON 828‐epoxy ...Table 3.6 Surface free energies of the hollow microcapsules.Table 3.7 Estimation of (C2H5)2O·BF3/epoxy weight ratio of released healant ...Table 3.8 Estimated average thickness of the bled healing agent delivered to...

      4 Chapter 4Table 4.1 Porosity of self‐healing woven glass fabric/epoxy composites.Table 4.2 Dependence of healing efficiency of self‐healing woven glass fabri...Table 4.3 Effect of storage time on healing efficiency of self‐healing woven...Table 4.4 Linear shrinkage rates of TEPA cured epoxy resina.Table 4.5 Specifications of the epoxy‐loaded microcapsules.Table 4.6 Healing efficiencies of the composite laminates.

      5 Chapter 5Table 5.1 Descriptions of PMF‐walled microcapsules containing GMA prepared u...Table 5.2 Control tests showing the solvent effect of GMAa.

      6 Chapter 6Table 6.1 Curing kinetic parameters of stoichiometric DGFA/MHHPA obtained fr...Table 6.2 Quantification of endothermic peaks of cured DGFA polymer measured...Table 6.3 Mechanical properties of cured epoxy.Table 6.4 Quantification of endothermic peaks of cured FGE polymer measured ...Table 6.5 Healing efficiency of cured FGE.Table 6.6 Molar compositions of cured DGFA/FGE blends.Table 6.7 Thermal reversibility of DA reaction in the cured blends of DGFA a...Table 6.8 Healing efficiency of the DF10 specimen.Table 6.9 Healing efficiency of the DF91 specimen.Table 6.10 Healing efficiency of the DF82 specimen.Table 6.11 Healing efficiency of of DF73 specimen.Table 6.12 Healing efficiency of the DF64 specimen.Table 6.13 Mechanical properties of the cured blends of DGFA and FGE.

      7 Chapter 7Table 7.1 Molecular weight between crosslinks, Mc, of the cured epoxies esti...Table 7.2 Healing efficiencies of 828/diEP measured during three successive ...Table 7.3 DSC characterization of the polyurethanes.

      8 Chapter 8Table 8.1 Disulfide exchanges of linear polymers containing disulfide bonds....Table 8.2 Compositions of the rubbers studied in this work.

      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Cohesive failures beside plated through holes on copper clad lami...Scheme 1.1 Flow chart of the key stages for thermosetting composite repair....Figure 1.2 Typical repair processes of thermosetting composites represented ...Scheme 1.2 Fusion bonding techniques.Figure 1.3 Blood clotting in an injured vessel.Figure 1.4 Number of research papers on self‐healing polymers and polymer co...Figure 1.5 Connectivity transition difference for the reversible addition (t...Scheme 1.3 Thermally reversible cross‐linking based on Diels–Alder reaction....Figure 1.6 Cross‐linked polymers constructed with dynamic‐covalent boronic e...Scheme 1.4 Strategy for constructing a dynamic hydrogel with an environmenta...Figure 1.7 (a) Scheme illustrating the welding of two pieces of epoxy resin ...Figure 1.8 (a) Chemical structure of the cross‐linked polyurethane (P1). (b)...Figure 1.9 Chemical structure of a PDMS functionalized with 2,6‐pyridinedica...Figure 1.10 (a) Chemical structure of PU‐b‐P(D‐r‐U)‐b‐PU and (b) its microph...Figure 1.11 Schematic diagram of repair concept for polymer matrix composite...Figure 1.12 Vascular hierarchy. (a) 1D straight channels; (b) 2D segregated ...Figure 1.13 Typical extrinsic self‐healing systems based on microcapsules. (...Figure 1.14 Schematic drawing of the formation of microcapsules by in‐situ p...Scheme 1.5 Ring‐opening metathesis polymerization of DCPD.Scheme 1.6 Schematic illustration of polycondensation between HOPDMS and PDE...Figure 1.15 Performance map of self‐healing structural composites. Maximum h...Figure 1.16 Schematic drawing of a cross‐linked polyurethane containing a re...Figure 1.17 Cartoon depicting the ultrasound‐induced mechanochemical scissio...Figure 1.18 Schematic drawing of the mechanochemically initiated reversible ...

      2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Schematic drawing of a self‐healing epoxy specimen with embedded ...Scheme 2.1 Chemical structure of PETMP.Scheme 2.2 Reaction schemes of melamine‐formaldehyde resins. (a) Formation o...Figure 2.2 DSC heating traces of (a) epoxy (DTP)/PETMP/BDMA = 10.9/8.7/1, (b...Figure 2.3 Effects of storage time and temperature on stability of PMF‐walle...Figure 2.4 Micro‐Raman spectra of (a) cured epoxy, (b) a raw DTP drop on cur...Figure 2.5 Effects of storage time and temperature on stability of PMF‐walle...Figure 2.6 (a) Expansibility and advantages of thermoplastic tubing in const...Figure 2.7 Optical microscopy photo taken from a self‐healing TDCB specimen,...Figure 2.8 Typical load–displacement curves recorded during TDCB tests. The ...Figure 2.9 Influence of capsule concentration on fracture toughness and heal...Figure 2.10 Time dependence of healing efficiency at different temperatures....Scheme 2.3 Reactions between epoxide and mercaptan catalyzed by tertiary ami...Figure 2.11 Influence of species and content of catalyst on healing efficien...Figure 2.12 Influence of combinations of epoxy and mercaptan on healing effi...Figure 2.13 Scanning electronic microscopy images of healed cracks near the ...Figure 2.14 Time dependences of fracture toughness (•) developed in healed s...Figure 2.15 Crack length vs. fatigue cycle of (a) neat epoxy specimen, (b) m...Figure 2.16 Crack length vs. fatigue cycles of (a) control specimen and (b) ...Figure 2.17 Crack length vs. fatigue cycles of (a) control specimen and (b) ...Figure 2.18 Healing efficiency of self‐healing specimens as a function of st...Figure 2.19 Crack length vs. fatigue cycles of self‐healing specimens. The a...Figure 2.20 Healing efficiency of self‐healing specimens with a rest period ...Figure 2.21 Healing efficiency of self‐healing specimens with a rest period ...Figure 2.22 Through‐scan mode ultrasonic images of the impacted self‐healing...Figure 2.23 SEM micrographs of the fractured surfaces of the self‐healing la...Figure 2.24 Experimental results of the orthographic factorial design.Figure 2.25 Non‐isothermal DSC scanning curves of the mixture of 100 parts D...Figure 2.26 Non‐isothermal DSC scanning curves of the mixture of 100 parts D...Figure 2.27 (a) Load–displacement