Stephen W. S. McKeever

A Course in Luminescence Measurements and Analyses for Radiation Dosimetry

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are highly dependent on temperature, and thus a localized level that is a trap at high temperatures, may be a recombination center at lower temperatures. The weaker temperature dependencies of the attempt-to-escape frequencies and the cross-sections are less significant than the exponential dependence on T.

      Exercise 2.1

      (a) Consider an electron trap at energy E and energy depth Et = Ec – E (where Ec is the bottom of the conduction band). The total concentration of traps is N, of which n are filled with electrons. What will be the occupancy of this trap if E = EF?

      (b) If Nc is the density of available states in the conduction band, nc is the concentration of free electrons, ve is the thermal velocity of free electrons, and σ is the capture cross-section for the trap, show that the attempt-to-escape frequency, s is given by Equation 2.3. (Hint: consider equilibrium between trap filling and trap emptying.)

      (c) What is the expected T dependence of s?

      (d) If me*≈mh*, show that, at thermal equilibrium at T > 0 K, the Fermi Level lies mid-gap. Optical Excitation

      If, instead of heating a material, the trapped electrons are released from their traps via absorption of energy from photons, Equation 2.1 now becomes:

      p equals upper Phi sigma Subscript p Baseline left-parenthesis upper E right-parenthesis comma (2.12)

      where Φ is the intensity of the stimulating light (in units of m–2s–1) and σp(E) is the photoionization cross-section (m2) for a stimulation energy E. If Eo is the threshold photon energy required to excite the electron from the trap (i.e. the optical trap depth) one might expect Eo = Et, that is, the thermal trap depth Et and the optical trap depth Eo are the same. However, thermal energy is also absorbed by lattice phonons such that:

      where Eph is the phonon energy given by:

      upper E Subscript p h Baseline equals upper S h v Subscript p h Baseline period (2.14)

      Here, S is the Huang-Rhys factor, h is Planck’s constant and vph is the phonon vibration frequency.

      Figure 2.8 A configurational coordinate diagram showing the potential energy curves Eg(Q) and Ee(Q) in the region of the defect when the defect state is occupied by an electron, and when it is empty (ionized). When the level is occupied the energy is a minimum at configurational coordinate Qg. Optical transitions take place vertically (transition AB) since the lattice does not have time to respond to the change in charge state of the defect and relax to its new configurational coordinate. The optical energy required to affect this transition is Eo. Once ionized, the lattice relaxes to new coordinate Qe and a new energy minimum at C, following emission of phonons of energy Eph. Lattice relaxations are allowed during thermal excitations, however, and thermal stimulation can cause transitions directly from A to C. The required thermal energy is Et, where Et=Eo – Eph.

      The various expressions for photoionization cross-section σp(E) depend