a semiconductor near the band gap.Figure 7.18 Valence band and conduction band near the junction between two s...
8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 (a) Precession of an atomic magnetic moment in an external field....Figure 8.2 Paramagnetic susceptibility of a solid with localized magnetic mo...Figure 8.3 (a) Density of occupied states for free electrons at
9 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 A parallel‐plate capacitor. (a) Charges on the plates of the capa...Figure 9.2 Mechanisms leading to microscopic electric polarization. (a) The ...Figure 9.3 The local field on microscopic polarizable units. (a) Microscopic...Figure 9.4 Dielectric function for a damped, driven harmonic oscillator clos...Figure 9.5 (a) Contributions to the imaginary part of
10 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 Typical temperature‐dependent resistivities of a normal metal an...Figure 10.2 Periodic table of the elements with the superconducting elements...Figure 10.3 (a) Combined effect of a magnetic field and a finite temperature...Figure 10.4 The Meissner effect is not merely a consequence of zero resistiv...Figure 10.5 Illustration of the isotope effect. The graph shows the critical...Figure 10.6 Exponential damping of an external magnetic field near the surfa...Figure 10.7 Local deformation of the lattice via the electrostatic interacti...Figure 10.8 Occupation of single‐electron levels at zero temperature in (a) ...Figure 10.9 Gap size for a superconductor in the BCS model as a function of ...Figure 10.10 Tunneling experiment between a superconductor and a normal meta...Figure 10.11 Qualitative low‐temperature heat capacity of a superconductor i...Figure 10.12 (a) A superconducting ring enclosing a magnetic flux. The magne...Figure 10.13 Resistivity
11 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 (a) A thin metal film on a semiconducting or insulating substrat...Figure 11.2 (a) Matching of a bulk electronic state (a Bloch wave) to an exp...Figure 11.3 Illustration of topologically protected metallic states between ...
12 Appendix BFigure B.1 Two‐dimensional lattices with unit cell.
1 Cover
5 Preface to the First Edition
6 Preface to the Second Edition
7 Preface to the Third Edition
8 Physical Constants and Energy Equivalents
10 Appendix A
11 Appendix B
12 Index
1 iii
2 iv
3 xi
4 xiii
5 xv
6 xvi
7 xvii
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9 2
10 3
11 4
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