packet generation rate and energy efficiency depending on th...Figure 6.10. Architecture of harvesting multisource energy for LoRa standard. Fo...Figure 6.11. Performance of different EMs over 7 days of execution. For a color ...
7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1. XACML components and modules (XACML 2019)Figure 7.2. Integrating XACML and SAML (OASIS 2019c)Figure 7.3. Security architecture for the Internet of Things. For a color versio...Figure 7.4. IoT access control environment. For a color version of this figure, ...Figure 7.5. IoT-MAAC-MAAC access control architecture. For a color version of th...Figure 7.6. DPS notation system. For a color version of this figure, see 7.7. DSL notation system. For a color version of this figure, see 7.8. DOT notation system. For a color version of this figure, see 7.9. DPS, DSL and DOT membership functions. For a color version of this f...Figure 7.10. IoT-MAAC decision-making algorithm. For a color version of this fig...Figure 7.11. SAML assertion of the IoT object. For a color version of this figur...Figure 7.12. XACML authorization request from the LL-Gw in IoT-MAAC. For a color...Figure 7.13. XACML response from the HL-Gw in IoT-MAAC. For a color version of t...
8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1. Biometric techniques (Cabra et al. 2018)Figure 8.2. The evolution of authentication methods from simple authentication t...Figure 8.3. Registration phase of Sammoud et al. (2020c). For a color version of...Figure 8.4. Login phase of Sammoud et al. (2020c). For a color version of this f...Figure 8.5. a) Authentication phase of Sammoud et al. (2020c); b) Protocol authe...Figure 8.6. An ECG sequence (Sammoud et al. 2020a). For a color version of this ...Figure 8.7. Overall structure of an authentication system based on ECGFigure 8.8. Acquiring an ECG signal. For a color version of this figure, see www...
9 Chapter 9Figure 9.1. Blockchain architecture (Che et al. 2019). For a color version of th...Figure 9.2. a) Traditional intelligent identity and access management; b) Blockc...
10 Chapter 10Figure 10.1. Lifecycle of a context. For a color version of this figure, see www...Figure 10.2. Example of implementing context-aware security (Sylla et al. 2021).Figure 10.3. CASPaaS architecture (Sylla et al. 2020). For a color version of th...
11 Chapter 11Figure 11.1. Number of scientific publications per year with “Moving Target Defe...Figure 11.2. MTD taxonomies and network layers (with a reference to the section ...Figure 11.3. Components of the proposed MTD framework. For a color version of th...
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