Карен Армстронг

Утраченные смыслы сакральных текстов. Библия, Коран, Веды, Пураны, Талмуд, Каббала

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      Втор 8:3.


      Втор 6:10–12.


      Assmann, Cultural Memory, 191–193.


      Иер 36:29.


      Niditch, 104–105.


      Edwin Bryant, The Quest for the Origins of Vedic Culture: The Indo-Aryan Debate (Oxford, 2001); S. C. Kak, ‘On the Chronology of Ancient India’, Indian Journal of History and Science, 22, 3 (1987); Colin Renfrew, Archaeology and Language: The Puzzle of Indo-European Origins (London, 1987).


      Holdrege, 229–230.


      Klostermaier, Survey of Hinduism, 68.


      «Аитерейя Араньяка» 5.5.3, в пер. J. G. Staal, ‘The Concept of Scripture in Indian Tradition’, in Juergensmeyer and Barrier, eds., 122–123; Coburn, 104.


      Wilfred Cantwell Smith, What Is Scripture?, 139.


      Carpenter, 20.


      Brian K. Smith, 20–26.


      Kautsky, Aristocratic Empires.


      Doniger, The Hindus, 114.


      Whitaker, 24–28.


      Ригведа (РВ) 4.22.9; 8.100.1.


      РВ 4.1.15.


      РВ 1.166.7; 6.66.10.


      РВ 9.111.3; 8.66.9; 2.25.24.


      Renou, Religions of Ancient India, 65–66.


      Там же, 19.


      РВ 10.4.3–5.


      РВ 3.7.2; 8.18.10; 8.91.5–6.


      Mahony, 11–13.


      РВ 10.90; 1.164.41.


      Heesterman, ‘Ritual, Revelation and the Axial Age’, 403.


      Heesterman, Broken World, 126.


      Klostermaier, Survey of Hinduism, 130.


      Griffiths, 58–59.


      Elizarenkova, 19.


      РВ 8.48.3, 11; пер. Doniger.


      РВ 3.59.1.


      РВ 8.48.9; 3.5.3; 1.26.2–4; пер. Doniger.


      РВ 1.164.46; пер. Doniger.


      РВ 1.11.9; 5.41.17; 6.74.2; Mahony, 102–104.


      РВ 10.125.1, 7–8; пер. Doniger. Ашвины – божественные близнецы, священные хранители плодородия.


      Ин 1:1–2.


      Sloek, 63–67.


      Wilfred Cantwell Smith, What Is Scripture?, 234.


      Johannes Ruysbroek, De Spiegel dar Ensige Sulichpichest, цит. по Dupré, 454 (курсив автора).


      Johnston, 33, 55–57.


      РВ 6.9.6; пер. Doniger.


      РВ 1.139.2; пер. Gonda, Vision, 69; ср. 1.18.5; 1.139.2; 1.22.


      Elizarenkova, 16–17.


      Gonda, ‘The Indian Mantra’.


      Michael Witzel, ‘Vedas and Upanisads’, in Flood, ed., Blackwell, Companion to Hinduism, 69, 71; Holdrege, 278; Gonda, Vision, 39, 42–50.


      РВ 5.29.15; пер. Griffith.


      Mahony, 216–218.


      Elizarenkova, 15–16.


      Gonda, Vision, 27–34, 56–57.


      Wilfred Cantwell Smith, What Is Scripture?, 138.


      РВ 4.13.2–3.


      РВ 6.70.1.


      Elizarenkova, 17–18.

