the subject of heated debate and will not be considered here. The range of magnesium and silicon isotopic composition CAIs is more easily understood, in no small part by comparison to the results of laboratory evaporation experiments described in the next section.
Figure 1.16 The panel on the left shows a false color image of a Type B CAI from the Allende meteorite shown on the right. Type B CAIs are characterized by having large euhedral to sub‐euhedral crystals of melilite shown in blue. The pink grains are anorthite, the light blue grains are pyroxene, and the small red “dots” are spinel. Most of the more or less spherical inclusions in Allende are chondrules while the less abundant, typically larger and more irregular, inclusions are most likely CAIs like the one indicated by the arrow.
1.6.1. The Hertz‐Knudsen Evaporation Equation
The standard formulation for the net flux Ji of an element i between a condensed phase and a surrounding gas is the Hertz‐Knudsen equation:
Ji is the flux of i in moles per unit area per unit time (positive indicating net evaporation), n is the number of atoms of i in the gas molecule containing i, γiv is the evaporation coefficient, γ ic is the condensation coefficient, Pi,sat is the saturation vapor pressure of the gas molecule containing i if equilibrium with the condensed phase were realized, Pi is the pressure of the gas molecule containing i at the surface of the condensed phase, Mi is the molar mass of the gas molecule containing i, R is the gas constant, and T is the absolute temperature. This version of the Hertz‐Knudsen equation applies when there is only one gas molecule containing the element i. In the case of a CAI‐like liquid the dominant gas species of the most volatile elements magnesium and silicon are Mg and SiO (not Si). Since these gas species contain only one atom of the element of interest, n is equal to one in equation 1.9. The total pressure in that part of the solar nebula where the CAIs formed was about 10–3 bars or less (mostly hydrogen with negligible amounts of Mg and SiO) and therefore Pi<<Pi,sat. Equation 1.9 when n=1 and Pi<<Pi,sat becomes
The isotopic composition of the evaporation flux is given by the ratio of the flux of isotopes i and j calculated using equation 1.10 with the further simplification that because of the thermodynamically ideal behavior of isotopes Pi,sat/Pj,sat = Ni/ Nj where Ni/ Nj is the atom ratio of the isotopes in the evaporating material. The equation for the isotopic composition of the evaporation flux is then
The quantity
1.6.2. Rayleigh Fractionation
The kinetic isotope fractionation factor α ij is the key parameter for calculating the isotopic evolution of vacuum evaporation residues as a function of the amount of the parent element evaporated when diffusion in the residue was sufficiently fast to continuously homogenize the residue. To arrive at this formulation as a form of Rayleigh fractionation consider the mass conservation equation of a uniformly distributed isotope i in a volume V bounded by a surface of area A, which is dNi /dt =−Ji A, where Ni is the total atoms of isotope i in V. A similar conservation equation applies for isotope j. Taking the ratio of the two conservation equations and using equation 1.11 for the ratio of flux gives
which when rearranged becomes
Integrating equation 1.13 from an initial state with isotopic abundances Ni, o and Nj, o to a later state when the abundances have become Ni and Nj gives