Максим Титовец

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Don’t you get mixed up with him, Yumi! He has some bad genetics.

      Yang. Now get out of here! We are not afraid of you.

      Yin. Yes, Yumi! Kick him away. You are stronger.

      Yumi. I thought you were my friend, but you… Grrr!!!

      Yumi and the little mice move up to the kitten.

      Toy. Take it easy, dear members of the jury. Play it cool. I know how to let your mother free!


      Yumi. What have you just said?

      Toy. I know how to let your mother free.

      Yumi. Go ahead.

      Toy. You mom was taken by the animal tormentors from Khorkov’s band, wasn’t she?

      Yumi. She was.

      Toy. She is in the animal control center now, right?

      Yumi. Yes. Aunt Titmouse saw them taking her there.

      Titmouse. Yes! I saw it with my own eyes! A dreadful place. No one has ever gone there and came back alive.

      Toy. Stop cawing, crow.

      Titmouse. I am a titmouse, not a crow.

      Toy. I’ve noticed that. Crows are much smarter.

      Titmouse. What a bounder! What do you think you are?!

      Toy. A slingshot groans for you, scandalmonger.

      Yumi. Stop fighting!

      Yin. Toy, go on with your story.

      Yang. Yes, Toy, go on. How can we save Greta?

      Toy. I worked in with the cat burglar gang. What else was I supposed to do? I am an orphan. I had to survive on the street.

      Yang. We know it already, what’s next?

      Yin. Let him finish, don’t interrupt.

      Toy. I can break into the cage where they put your mom.

      Yumi. Will you really manage to do it?

      Toy. You bet!

      Titmouse. Look at him throwing dust in our eyes, whiskered rascal. It’s easy to tell stories.

      Toy. My father was the best safebreaker in this city. He taught me everything. But then my father died…

      Yumi. It means you are really an orphan?

      Toy. Yes. But one day I will take vengeance for him.

      Yin. How can we find this animal control center?

      Yang. It is probably far from here.

      Toy. I know the way there and I will help Yumi get into the building.

      Yumi. And what’s next?

      Toy. The rest is paperwork. We will find your mom. I will open the lock and we will escape from here together.

      Yumi. I am scared.

      Yang. That sounds great!

      Yin. Well done, Toy. That’s some good thinking.

      Titmouse. Ah, I don’t believe his cock-and-bull stories. I don’t believe them!

      Toy. Instead of picking at me, Titmouse, help us! Does the puppy trust you?

      Titmouse. He does.

      Toy. Let Yumi believe me. Do a good deed. Please.

      Titmouse. Well, I don’t know…

      Toy. Titmouse, your neighbors ran into trouble!

      Titmouse. I get it.

      Toy. It’s a life-or-death issue.

      Titmouse. But can we really trust you, Toy?

      Toy. I can save them. Which part of it don’t you understand?


      Titmouse. He may be right, guys.

      Yumi. You think so?

      Titmouse. It’s clear that this kitten is a sharp lad.

      Toy. Here you go. That’s what I’m talking about!

      Yang. What do we need to do, Toy? Tell us. We want Greta to come back home too.

      Yin. Yes, Toy, teach us what to do.

      Toy. Take it easy, my friends. We are on track. Trust me.

      Yumi. I am still scared. But now I’ve embraced hope to see my mom again and to save her.

      Toy. Let’s get to it then. Titmouse! Can I commit a highly sensitive task to you?

      Titmouse. I am ready.

      Toy. Fly to the animal control center and test the waters. Wait for us there till evening. As soon as it gets dark, we will enter from the back door. Everything’s clear?

      Titmouse. Yes, I’ll be waiting for you there.

      Toy. Fly then and be careful.

      Titmouse. See you later, my friends.

      Titmouse flies away.

      Toy. Little mice, now there is a task for you. Listen to me carefully.

      Yang. We are waiting for further instructions, boss.

      Yin. What do we need to do, Toy?

      The crow flies in unbeknownst to them and hides itself in the yard of the apartment block.

      Toy. In order to leave the yard without being seen, we should split up. Go ahead. Wait for us near the supermarket. In the event of emergency send out a signal. Everything’s clear?

      Yang. Everything is clear, boss!

      Toy. Boss? Well, I like it. Boss! My dad would be proud of me.

      Yin. We can make a good team.

      Toy. Go now.

      Yumi. See you!

      The little mice cut the yard across and whip out of sight.

      Toy. Are you ready, Yumi?

      Yumi. Yes, I am ready. Give me a couple of minutes. My mom hid a spongy bone for me in the gully, for a rainy day. I will take it along, it will bring us good luck.

      Yumi goes off to the bushes. As soon as he drops out of sight, the crow flies up to Toy.

      Crow. Lord gave me the order to watch you.

      Toy. These fools believe that I will take them to Greta.

      Crow. They will be surprised when they get to your gang hide-out.

      Toy. Tell the boss that I will fulfill his order.

      Crow. Got it.

      Toy. Soon I will take vengeance for my father’s death. I will flush out