Marina Isachenko

The coordinates of awakening. 2022

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he coordinates of awakening


      Marina Isachenko

      Translator Alexandra Sapronova

      © Marina Isachenko, 2022

      © Alexandra Sapronova, translation, 2022

      ISBN 978-5-0059-0928-2

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system


      I am writing this book for those who have all their lives avoided esotericism, but from birth knew God and communicated with him. Those who are harmless and will NEVER take something belonging to others.

      For those who seek their higher purpose, whatever it may be, who are ready to SERVE GOD, even at the cost of their worldview and life.

      For those in whom there are no superfluous emotions, but there is an understanding of the HIGH VALUE of every born and unborn person.

      For those who KNOW for SURE that we are born and die many times, so they strive to preserve the purity of their thoughts and life at all costs…

      If this text seems stilted to you, you don’t have to read any more. This book’s time will come later.

      The book contains much more information than is obvious. Each paragraph is a form of self-diagnosis for the possibility of transformation towards oneself.


      The movement of civilization towards a bright future for every person is progressive and dynamic. Many sciences strive to tell you what to do and how to do it, in a certain sequence, and for what. All knowledge can be found, all theories can be proven again or refuted. Everything is allowed. The measure of freedom borders on impunity.

      The current civilization is harmonious in its paradoxical nature: all the conditions have been created to block the natural needs of humanity: to give birth, to live simply and quietly, working on your land, creating your own world, your own space. These little things that give simple human happiness [making simple human happiness available] are excluded from the system of survival in our world.


      For whom was this world invented, I ask myself, how did it happen that most of the inhabitants of the World are deprived of the opportunity to take all the elements of happiness, and are forced to always earn their living through sweat and blood, working for self-destruction in peacetime?

      How did it happen that the natural needs began to be considered a tendency to debauchery, drunkenness, gluttony or addiction? How did it happen that you don’t want to bring your children into the world, because there is no time to spend with them, and after raising a child in a hostile environment, you don’t know how to help them become a person?

      How did it happen that, when striving for freedom, each of us falls into a certain dependence: debts, limited resources, a lack of understanding of society, the arbitrariness of officials, the inability to remove from ourselves the abomination of information and social unrest?

      After all, even the powerful of this world, who are at the top of the hierarchy, are not happy. Their children are also not protected from hostility, since even at the top the “fear of loss” and the feeling of slave-like dependence rule all.

      What happened? What kind of vicious circle do we go through, striving for freedom and becoming more and more entangled with each step in a strange web of social conventions, connections and directions?

      What kind of civilization is this, that turns all concepts upside down, excluding from the system of the world the carriers of the future, children, and the carriers of the past-the elderly, thus shortening our lives to the size of social utility? Social utility to whom? From 18 to 45 – what’s next? 28 years of active life, and then social death – then an ordinary death, and the ones who do not want to live by these rules are marginal people, and are already being purged from social processes by public opinion, as not fast enough for the modern world? Children should not be produced, old people should be retired, young people should be involved in social processes.

      There is not a single living being on the planet who has been touched by our civilization and who has managed to remain protected, happy and free in their own choice of path.

      What is this world we live in?


      – Mom, tell me a story about the ceiling…

      …Once upon a time there was a Ceiling. He lived well and was very proud that he was higher than the Floor. That people were walking under him, and he was holding a Chandelier. Every night when the lights were turned on, he was particularly proud of his work and his usefulness. Of course he was. It gave so much light.

      But one day water poured down on him from above! The ceiling was very surprised and even scared: after all, the Chandelier could be ruined! He looked up for the first time and saw… the floor!

      The ceiling couldn’t believe his eyes and asked: “Who are you?”

      “I’m Floor,” The Floor replied.

      “No way,” the Ceiling protested and inadvertently looked even higher. And It saw another ceiling!!! “It can’t be,” the Ceiling muttered, and looked higher and farther: it can’t be…

      But above was the Floor and Ceiling of the second, third, fourth, and even fifth floors!!! The Ceiling looked even higher and saw something quite unimaginable: the Roof!

      The emptiness of the Attic and the purpose of the Roof struck him: The Ceiling realized that there was something that protected it from something unpredictable and unmanageable. And the Ceiling felt the World… And the World had lost its usual form.

      Then the Ceiling looked up quite high and saw the Sun. It’s rays now warmed and burned, then disappeared behind the clouds, then again shone bright and pure. And the Ceiling realized that there is Love…

      – Now sleep…



      I had almost filled out the log when a question suddenly rang out from the audience:

      – Tell us about your concept of the world…

      – In what sense? – the question surprised me.

      I always adhered to the lesson plan, only occasionally giving special exercises to students if they could not solve their problems on their own. The exercises were quite practical, including knowledge from psychology and economics. That’s all.

      Of course, I found out about their problems from their own thoughts, which, recently I have been hearing quite clearly, but I never asked aloud what was going on with them. By solving problems, they simultaneously solved their own life issues, without making excuses, without explaining anything to anyone.

      Periodically, students from other groups came to my lectures. Once they caused me a lot of trouble by leaving the seminar of the head of the department where I was working. Since then, I’ve banned other students from attending my classes, but almost every lecture had two or three people in the audience I hadn’t seen before. Today was another such instance.

      The most frightening thing is to hear fear. It was not by chance that each of my lectures began with filling out documents – in these moments of silence, I listened to my students. Calling them by name, listening to each one. I started doing this after one case, when I heard a girl at a lecture thinking about suicide. I then hastily came up with a task for her about identifying employees with hidden motivation, and at the end of the lecture I asked her to stay. It turned out that a woman in the subway pricked her boyfriend with a needle, allegedly infected with hepatitis “B”, shouting that “I will not die alone!”. Now he began to prepare to take his own life, but he had not yet decided how to deliver the news to his parents. The insane situation, the insane fear, the insane pain threatened to turn into irreversible grief.

      “He’s not really sick,”