Marina Isachenko

The coordinates of awakening. 2022

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of the door. The others stood there, still unable to let go of the wonderful spell. Beyond the door, the ordinary world began.

      Gradually, the auditorium emptied. I stood and stared at the empty room. I can’t say exactly how I felt at the time, but I knew for sure that at that moment my life was divided into two stages: the first – before this lesson, and the second – after it. All my “human” mental supports have collapsed, and the new knowledge has not yet developed. My past has also disappeared, because it will now melt away like a dream, along with my” former” friends at the first comprehension. Everything was already different. And now it will always be irrevocably different.

      From now on, I have to talk all the time about what I’m not used to talking about.

      So suddenly, under the joyful blinking of electric lamps, a new era came for me.

      My life is divided into two stages: the first-before the realization of my own Destiny, the second-after it



      It was almost three years before the lesson that was just discussed, from the moment that I will talk about.

      I am working at the university. I’m getting used to hearing other people’s thoughts, but my body has started to give me amazing things: sometimes I become extremely strong, and then suddenly, during a sleepless night, I find myself clearly seeing objects in the room without opening my eyes. Sometimes I mentally observe where my relatives are, and sometimes my sensitivity plays tricks on me, and I can’t touch a person because his skin feels like wood, metal, or even ashes.

      I can’t say that it was completely unexpected for me. The fact is that from the age of twelve, I amused myself by reading information flows, then combining and proving them.

      This is how I wrote all my works. Including my dissertation.

      By the time I was thirty, I was used to trusting myself and the Mentors who opened up the World for me.

      But I didn’t have any other abilities other than “reading the information space”. And all my “peculiarities” were explained to others by the fact that I was talented. That was fine with me, and it flattered my ego.

      The period of “rose-tinted glasses” ended by the age of transition – thirty-three.

      The dramatic increase in the number of abilities, increased sensitivity, physical strength, and vision shattered my identity. For a moment, I didn’t know who I was. The amount of information that went beyond my understanding of the world surged over the edge of my perception. I couldn’t shut it out, and I had to watch the millennia of civilization develop. Many things frightened me; some things did not fit into my head. Positive historical characters were overgrown with unpleasant details, their decisions changed the layers of people, created and destroyed states.

      But the world around me was filled with” memories” of places, human emotions, remnants of other people’s dreams and terrible complexes. The remnants of murders, fights, fears – all of this poured into my thoughts, if I walked somewhere accidentally, in such a place. And there are a lot of such places in St. Petersburg.

      I had to figure out what I was very quickly. And then I made the only logical decision: to go for something featuring contact with people and sports.

      The fact is that I could check the significant pictures that appeared in my brain in the reference books, and most often found confirmation. The density of information was great – but I was well prepared by my Mentors when I was collecting a textbook and writing a dissertation. If I had a question about a person – he would come up to me and say everything that was necessary. It was a miracle, and it didn’t depend on me.

      I didn’t feel anxious. Just in case, I passed tests for clarity of consciousness and intelligence, worked two jobs and at the same time graduated from the higher school of economics.

      Just the load was superhuman and was accompanied by constant surprises. And I decided to test myself in some sports. Of course, it would have to be something adaptive, such as self-defense training based on Slavic practices.

      Who knew that each new exercise from the ancient analogues would cause an even greater storm of manifestations? But, it happened. We had to identify the pain points on the human body, feel them. We chose a couple. There was no need to hurry. You just had to feel it.


      I“stuck” my fingers in the girl’s back. Stuck – it’s not about the strength of the pressure, but about the depth of the sensation of her body. My hands felt at that moment like immaterial scanners that had penetrated her body, and now I could focus and see her insides and bones. But I “saw” something else.

      I saw a cluster of living matter, which is not written about in books and which is not indicated in reference and scientific publications. It is not “indicated” anywhere, but it is THERE!!!

      Under my hands, reflected in my mind like an ultrasound screen, were a multitude of spherical, bright material formations. A few, like bubbles, slowly deformed, moved through the body, as if walking, back and forth and up and down. The body was swarming with alien energy mass. Their own flows stood out in the body in bright tracks, accumulating, forming light silhouettes of internal organs. The picture under my hands was mesmerizingly beautiful. But there was also something extremely wrong about it, like in the paintings of Picasso or Dali. I “turned on my fingers” and the energy flowed into my body. Immediately, one of the bright balls bit into my phalanx, and my arm ached sharply and acutely. Startled, I hit it like an electric shock, amplifying the power. And everything in the body began to move!!!

      Bubbles, balls, amoebas, scraps of gray mass and other rubbish moved or struggled in the girl’s body, trying to dodge my hands. But that was not the case. My fingers were glued to my body, filling it with a flood of light. The girl was paralyzed as if by an electric shock. She screamed in pain and fear…

      I realized acutely, on the level of instinct, WHAT was wrong with her. “I can FIX IT in 20 minutes! Completely!!! " – a burning need turned on in me. But I WAS FORBIDDEN to do this: “She WILL NOT SURVIVE the complete transformation!” – this knowledge also naturally surfaced in the back of my head. At the same time, I couldn’t let go of my hands.

      Living things, quite material and tangible, continued to move under my fingers. The girl writhed and begged to be let go, but she couldn’t move. My hands wouldn’t work. My fingers were glued to the body. This went on for a very long minute, then the energy flow abruptly cut off. Terrified as if she’d been electrocuted, she slowly got up on all fours and crawled away from me, sobbing, toward the wall, as if it would save her if I turned on again…

      My coach in Slavic defense practices found his voice, and began to shout that I “am like a student driving a truck” … should look where I am going!!! The girl was sobbing in the corner of the hall. I stared at my hands with a mixture of surprise, delight, and horror. So for the first time I “joined” what I now call the “Human” System, with which I have been constantly and [now] CORRECTLY working for the last eight years.


      A couple of weeks later, the girl, still scared and very careful, let me see her again. Normal self-preservation drew her under my arms, because everybody has built-in systems, like energy sensors, that find the right currents in the world around us and draw us there.

      People can feel the sources of pure energy hundreds of kilometers away; the sources of related energies remove any barriers to communication. But you need to clearly understand: this is not euphoria, but recovery or healing – that is, the feeling that next to such a source, the body becomes whole. Complete, clean, and self-contained.

      Other sensations are not correct effects.
