Marina Isachenko

The coordinates of awakening. 2022

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two years I practiced with interest. Until one of my friends noticed that my adverb is very similar to the video posted on the Internet. That’s how I learned about the Senzar language.

      Only in 2014, I went to a website where a woman reads a message in this language. Some of the phrases and the phrases she used were already familiar to me. The symbols that she wrote were identical to those that my client wrote.

      I copied one of the pages of the text and “translated” the first column, wondering: why was this text shown to me?

      Didn’t THEY have a more popular person who could get this message out to more people than me?

      Why would I, a minor psychologist and an extremely complex sociophobe, who lives on books, be entrusted with such a wealth – because no one will appreciate this material, since I do not have the necessary influence to distribute it.


      I called the owners of the site, and they confirmed that my attempt to “translate” is the first intelligible one. Before that, the text could not be deciphered. The Senzar language died 700 years ago, its logic was lost.

      In my Internet resources, this text is posted everywhere, but not everyone, as practice has shown, is able to understand it.

      For the first two years after the publication, my clients, one after another, asked me to explain its fragments. Some were very offended that I “write so incomprehensibly”. And only since 2016, this text began to be understood independently.

      Now it has the largest audience in Zen compared to my other publications. But there are only two reviews: one is strange, the other is almost negative.

      I am very interested in what you, my reader, will see in it. But I decided that I would probably explain some of the paragraphs in this book.

      The pure text, without my remarks, can be found on my pages on the Internet.


      Stop, brothers! Clear your mind to open the gates of knowledge of the infinite universe. Release your knowledge to the search for the ultimate life-creating truth.

      We suffer endlessly from your attempts to self-destruct and search for ways to collapse ourselves.

      It is possible to stop the processes of self-destruction through the study of the essence of the layers of consciousness of the planet, identical to the essence of human consciousness [initiation/incarnation/structure].


      Wherever the words are in square brackets-I did not have a suitable term for the right concept. Therefore, in parentheses, a figurative series of the most closely related concepts is presented. The text in parentheses is read as a conceptual Monoblock.

      Initiation is the entrance to the highest self-realization and usefulness to the World. There are initiations which are activated automatically as the life support system matures. They are, as you understand, marked in psychology as age-related crises. But in fact, each such transition opens up a new layer of access and energy levels and can completely change a person’s life.

      From incarnation to incarnation, a certain layer of potential for this realization and garbage accumulates at each energy level. It happens that this “garbage”, like a time bomb, opens together with the formation at the energy transition and can lead to life-threatening situations or extremely bright luck.

      Quantity to quality-that’s the motto of transitions. Only the hidden layers of information and programs brought from past lives have a very large weight here.

      The structure is the structure of the “Human"system. I described it further in the text. We shall continue.


      Everyone on this planet is able to achieve the highest level of knowledge, akin to God, taking the path of changing the worldview.

      The currents of the Universe, passing through you, still preserve the nature of your bodies from inevitable mutations. However, this is not an endless process.


      In general, everything here is also familiar, just for a second you need to imagine it: everything is energy. The vast universe is a single current. Part of it is our galaxy. Part of the galaxy is our system. We are part of the system. The main thing is that all energy moves with a single speed and at a single pace.

      Therefore, we are built like this and remain like this, no matter what.


      You are trying to bleed out your races by combining them into a common energy flow, which will irrevocably lose the valuable keys of self-rebirth.

      The pure blood of the Initiates should not interfere with each other, and interracial marriages should be excluded.

      Stop the slaughter of the planet’s indigenous peoples, who carry the powers of this world on their shoulders. Their energy flows are too unique to be carelessly destroyed.

      Renounce the cult of death and look ahead. Understanding the infinity of your life, even for a hundred centuries to come, will cool your fervor of destruction.

      You will be born on your planet until the full cycle of incarnations is complete, even if it is burning with fire because of your fault; it is painful to restore its flows, even if the energies will embody you as freaks or monsters.


      This is my favorite piece.

      The cult of death – that’s how the story turned out: we all live in fear and expectation of death. Some consciously, some not. And death-as a phenomenon-is not what it seems at all. Each of us has had contact with the dead at least once in our lives, there are those who talk, there are even those who have access to the world of the dead. And in the reverse order: people receive messages from the world of the dead, and the different levels of disembodied transformational worlds, to which our life support Systems move after rejection of their material bodies, now and then intersect with our usual reality, and in the closest layers even duplicate them.

      The world of the dead, of course, has its own laws and its own bandits. However, those who we call ghosts are mostly just a little scared,” disembodied " [sorry, left without a body] for a while for the purpose of renewal, but not fully aware of this, people. You do not need to offend them or burn them out, they also do not need to be rude. If you’re afraid of them, tell them you can’t help them. If you feel sorry for them, pray and ask for a stream of light for them: this is a kind of elevator for moving them.

      We are all just energies of different densities that make up the thoughts and fantasies of our planet.

      No one will move to any other planet, because we are all the consciousness of our World. Thoughts cannot move separately from the body to another brain. And even if the body is in complete pain, thoughts will still be born in their head, complementing the painful delirium.

      We will suffer, but we will still arise on our planet until it is completely destroyed.


      Come to your senses! Your world cannot become a desert, because your prototypes will remain in it, coming to the dead earth in their turn, even if the day cannot change into night, and the landscape will be solid sand.

      The denial of the laws of life has never led a race so far from true development. We are watching you, but we are afraid to interfere, because the canvas of your mental spaces has changed too much [drained, plastered, blackened]. To restore it by force means to destroy your psyche, since your idea of the worlds is fundamentally contrary to the ideas of development.


      This was unexpected for me. Before the activation, I felt that something was not quite right in our world, but I realized that everything was not as it should be, much