Marina Isachenko

The coordinates of awakening. 2022

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This cast of the past, like a remnant of a badly erased program, affected her current life, created insanity, and opened a portal for alien creatures to enter her body.

      I formed the ability for the memory of the previous incarnation to come out, and for the body to have the resources to transform, and that’s it… after a while, my next transformation forced me to leave the course. Because my measure of usefulness has been exhausted there.


      We never know for whom exactly we find ourselves in any place. We think that for ourselves, and even solve our own problems. And that’s right. During those courses, I learned a lot and learned even more. But, in addition to my own goals, other people’s tasks were also solved there They were solved by my hands and within the framework of the benefits that I had to bring, but according to my upbringing, which I did not even imagine in myself.

      When I answered my questions, and people answered their own, there were many insurmountable obstacles that forced me to leave the courses and continue to look for myself further.

      The completion of a measure of utility is a sense of the cessation of meaning. Normally, a completed utility is the beginning of a new measure.

      The meaning of my nature became clear to me: the abilities necessary for solving a specific task at a moment in time are included in me.

      But it’s still amazing, if only because I haven’t even read about it. And again: all this was very puzzling to me then: why such a strange ability for the World? Why be able to do everything at once, if there are “narrow specialists” who are also delivered to the right places and people to solve higher issues?

      You need to heal – there is a healer, you need to clean the place – there are psychics, you need to see the future – there are seers. Why such multitasking? Who am I? What to do about it? What is my sense of Usefulness?


      – What is the meaning of me? I once asked into the void.

      “To awaken Consciousness – » was the reply.


      So began the development of my gift and the concept of “Consciousness”, which I did not pay attention to, as something boring and obvious. But, as you know, “the more obvious the phenomenon, the less we know about it.”

      Consciousness as a phenomenon was probably well known to the ancient Slavs. I realized this much later, when in fairy tales and legends, I began to notice nuances in the behavior of the characters that are characteristic of seers or conscious beings.

      The fact that such “consciousness” is not obvious to our psychological and psychotherapeutic science is due to the lack of self-awareness of researchers, who find it difficult or impossible not only to interpret, but also to correctly identify its phenomena. Rather, they do not all know where to look to really see the nuances and correctly create experiments. After all, it is no secret that for one gifted researcher there are hundreds of incompetent “followers” who, sometimes, will twist the research and write such conclusions that it shocks you from the abundance of informational garbage. But I digress.

      To me, psychological science was a dream filled with the unknown. The information space that revealed the essence of a person is full of failures and secrets. Behind every phenomenon of psychology [a phenomenon is generally a phenomenon under close attention] there are many overlapping variables; and all these variables interact with each other according to certain laws of dynamics.

      It is not true that there are no laws in psychology, but only regularities. If there are laws in the work of a known carrier of the psyche – the body – then there are also laws in the psyche. Only they are often very veiled by compensatory mechanisms. If there is in the psyche, there is also in the science that studies it.

      I once, for fun (when I was preparing myself for my dissertation and trying to identify the basics for my own practice), decomposed into components the phenomenological series of elements of the psyche found by psychoanalysts from Freud to Horney. There were only 27 elementary phenomena, which make up the entire complex phenomenological series of psychoanalysis. In each large phenomenon, these elements were combined in a different order or were not present at all.

      Further, these elements easily formed into a certain level system. The levels, of course, were distributed according to the degree of energy / openness [awareness+ability to observe in the behavior] of the element. And the system was crowned with an extremely energetic level, unconscious, but obvious to the observer. “God’s level,” I realized, and I couldn’t prove it. I lacked the data and trust of others. I made it easier: I proved the lower behavioral levels in another science-sociology.


      Our ancestors did not call” Consciousness “an ephemeral” shared knowledge of the community”, but a complex energy machine, which for the sake of simplicity of perception here I called the “Human” System.

      The “Human” system is a set of energy structures of different densities, of which the main ones are: The Operator [Myself or “I”], the body and energy fields. This is what relates to our reality and the responsibility of the person himself; the two assistants of the system, the Soul and the Spirit, responsible for information support, training and partial protection of the carrier; The Path – that we work together with God, giving birth to utility and new bright energies. The birth of these energies, the warming of other people with them, the consolidation of energies, their materialization, giving them forms-this is the real Task of man before God and the World, in every incarnation until the end of the life of the World.


      It turned out that the “Human” system automatically opens in response to my presence. I am the activator of human content, whatever it is.

      But I had to figure out for myself what was in me as a Gift. What I work with in people. and why.


      Since the beginning of my activation, I have noticed that the key result of my influence is to improve the quality of a person’s life on all fronts: from work to relationships.

      At that time, I was teaching at one university and held a small position at another well-known university. For money, she led a small private practice.

      Of course, in those days, I didn’t make any passes with my hands and positioned myself as a psychologist. I practiced according to the canons of psychology, as before abilities. And I was going to raise a child and defend my doctorate.

      But now my practice was giving a more interesting result. My wards and clients not only recovered luck or lost wealth, but life became happier than before. And everyone in the feedback mentioned that “now there is a meaning to life” or “I’m going back to myself, the way I know myself.”

      The process of changing life took place rapidly, with a lot of wonderful coincidences. Over time, I realized that it was necessary to warn the client about them, because people were not ready for many things without warning and missed opportunities. So simply, Visions joined my work.

      The accuracy of the examples has increased so much that it began to frighten people, they started asking me questions about how I know this. Several people just burst into tears from surprise after hearing the answers to their unspoken stories. If with external clients such effects generated the “word of mouth” I needed, then with colleagues and students – dangerous rumors. Colleagues began to hint unequivocally that I was compromising on them, students suspected me of improper control. In any case, no one asked me to immerse myself in their life at universities. But I myself only realized much later what to say and what not to say.


      Then, under the pretext of a dissertation,