Marina Isachenko

The coordinates of awakening. 2022

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people’s problems to understand: what is the difference between our idea of life and what God has given us? What is the essence of troubles or even tragedies? Why does something terrible come into people’s lives?

      And here’s what I realized:

      God has no bad scenarios for man.

      God has no bad scenarios for man. They simply do not exist, with all the deaths, wars and other horrors. He doesn’t create things like that. There are clean energy flows, and in the clean flows of the Test – some difficulties that culminate in bright victories. And it is mandatory, if a test is given, that all the conditions and safety measures are laid out for it and shown in advance. Trials are something that you can tell your children about, so that they are proud of their origins.

      But if there is an unbearable disaster, an acute tragedy, when a person lives in his own world, as if in a hot spot, you need to look for outside interference.

      I understood it this way: each trouble was as if drawn against a dark background; from it there was a trail to some faces – real people – sources of blackness. I saw whole stories in the energy flows – where the trouble began and how it unfolded, in the root causes of situations, with obvious incidents and hidden details. Sometimes I have seen rituals performed against my wards or their families. Yes, not simple, but carefully planned; and in the most terrible situations – with sacrifices, pieces of the deceased or with artifacts from the cemetery. I couldn’t talk about it.

      I called the time of the beginning of the collapses and asked: “Can I restore you a little to make it easier?” They always answered me: “Yes.” I pretended to use elements of hypnosis or acupressure, but I spiritually “untied” the blackness. It broke away from the carrier and rushed to the author of the outrage. As if she’d always been waiting for this moment. After a few days, such wards came to thank me.

      This happened for quite a long time until one case. But I will talk about it a little further.

      It is important what I understood when I worked with people, and I want to draw your attention to this as well.

      Here’s the important thing:

      People who harm others do so quite consciously and with a deep interest in the process. They spend time and effort, money. They sometimes kill animals, go to scary places, perform crazy rituals on themselves – all in order to achieve their own goals. They don’t do it out of hatred. They are sure that this is a game in search of influence. In which they will not be punished.

      They do not connect the consequences of their own actions with the nightmare that then fills their lives; they do not understand that they have ruined the life of the one they have harmed, forever.

      They need to satisfy their “momentary desire”, which they are obsessed with. For total satisfaction. The illusion of satisfaction is strong, but it will never come. And they do it again and again, like drug addicts, only their drug is black energy.

      They hunt. And their food is energy. In their obsession, they are not quite human. They have allowed black energy to become a part of them and are now forced to feed it with someone else’s life. So that the blackness doesn’t eat them up.

      Anyone who violates the Divine Scenarios of human life does so with the absolute certainty that they can get away with it. He has done this many times in past incarnations, and he will do it if he is born again.

      The victim is chosen according to two main criteria: energetic, but inexperienced [defenseless], or bright, beautiful. Here is an example: the most destructive magic is thrown on the most beautiful house in the village. The brighter the object, the more one is willing to get it for free.

      And they are not going to pay. Why pay when you can steal? After all, no one can protect themselves anyway.

      Because in our civilization, “there is no esotericism and you do not need to believe in God.” And if you do not believe in God, then there is no God. And if he is not there, then no one will stand up for the victim. A person likes to shit – and he finds a loophole to do it with impunity. Impunity is the main word in this situation.

      But what was the most horrifying revelation to me: no one, ABSOLUTELY NO one who secretly destroys the lives and families of their victims, takes it seriously!!!

      Just playing around.

      How to make a scandal? Get rid of half of the family…

      To satiate the thought: “how dare she be better than me?” Destroy the opponent’s uterus.

      “I want this business!” – destroy the possibility of prosperity and the strength of the victim’s family, or extinguish the lives of his children…

      And all of this – “just playing around”.

      How did this become possible?

      Somehow it happened. How it happened – there are only fragments of ancient manuscripts and the revelations of some philosophers. Now I can say that there was an infection of our World with alien energy. Some kind of attack from the outside, which broke through the consciousness of people and spread to all levels of reality. When and who did it – the details are erased, and the times are mixed up.

      The immune system of the World has partially coped with the infection, so we are not zombies and evenly develop. But the life of the World is like the life of a sick child: his health is thoroughly destroyed, there is no strength, and he is periodically feverish with delusional fantasies. Hence such collapses. With the disease, the light flow is not restored immediately, the flow of reality is disrupted. Delusional thoughts can be extremely scary.

      However, the world is struggling with the disease. He has more and more strength and positive thoughts, as well as a thirst for life.

      Each of us is the condensed embodiment of his thought. It is now again, as in ancient times, there are many people with extraordinary opportunities. I’m one of many.

      You who read these texts are also part of the recovery process. Each of us is responsible for his own will and freedom for his decisions, respectively, everyone can go his way as correctly as possible. It’s like keeping your life, your home, and the place where your house stands clean-with maximum responsibility.

      And I, in turn, will talk about the techniques that I have mastered since the mentors began to deal with me and my recovery. But more important than the techniques – is the correct worldview, which consists of the current constant decisions and actions.


      I was approached by a twenty-five-year-old girl who had problems with personal relationships. Or rather, she didn’t have any relationships at all.

      She was cute and funny. Perhaps one of the oddities that could be noticed was the expression of her eyes. Or rather, the feeling that sometimes a very, very strange black-and-brown glow would light up in her eyes, turning her face from doll-like cute to chiseled-cold.

      In such moments there was a feeling that it was not safe to be around her. Something subtly changed in her appearance, lasted for a split second and disappeared; and her soft and friendly manner of communication reduced the strange sensations to nothing. “It seemed” – the feeling was leveled towards her, but the aftertaste remained…


      We have set a session time. I was supposed to give her tests to see where in her relationship stereotypes there are substitutions of concepts. So, when she came in, I gave her some simple test instructions and handed her the folder. She reached out trustingly for the sheets, but I froze: her face expressed the same benevolent calm, but her eyes! They went from blue to dark, deep, and prickly. Her voice and demeanor combined with those eyes gave rise to an uncontrollable sense of danger.

      – Can I read what’s in your subconscious a little?’ I asked, inwardly shuddering at her too-close presence, her presence