Ibratjon Xatamovich Aliyev

Scientific research and development of solar energy in the modern world and the Republic of Uzbekistan. Monograph

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the efficiency, rationality and transparency of administrative procedures in the field of urban development, as well as improving the efficiency of organizations in the construction industry;

      digitalization of urban planning activities, introduction of modern information and communication technologies into the industry;

      improvement of the system of training, retraining and advanced training of personnel, development of scientific potential in the field of urban planning.

      2. Approve:

      Strategy of modernization, accelerated and innovative development of the construction industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan 2021-2025 (hereinafter referred to as the Strategy) according to Appendix No. 1;

      The Roadmap for the implementation in 2021-2025 of the Strategy for Modernization, accelerated and innovative Development of the construction industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan in accordance with Appendix No. 2.

      3. Set targets for the implementation of the Strategy of Modernization, accelerated and innovative development of the construction industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2021-2025 in accordance with Annex No. 3, providing:

      improving the position of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the international index "Doing Business" (Doing Business Index) in the direction of "obtaining construction permits" (Dealing with Construction Permits) from the current 61.7 points to 78.2 points by the end of 2025;

      achieving by 2025 the harmonization of national urban planning norms and rules with international norms and standards at a level of at least 50 percent, taking into account geological, climatic, seismological and other features of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

      achieving coverage of all cities and 25 percent of urban settlements with master plans by 2025;

      ensuring by 2025 the creation of an additional four electronic platforms within the framework of the National Information System "Transparent Construction", as well as their integration with interdepartmental information systems and databases;

      achieving by 2025 the share of the introduction of the "volumetric" method of development of design and estimate documentation up to 50 percent of the total number of construction projects in the republic;

      By 2025, one of the higher educational institutions in the field of architecture and construction will be included in the list of the best higher educational institutions in Asia (top 1000) in the ratings of internationally recognized organizations.

      4. Establish the procedure according to which, from January 1, 2021, in order to ensure public control over construction:

      a) general plans of settlements are approved taking into account the results of public discussion. At the same time , public discussion of the general plans of settlements is carried out in the following order:

      Stage I – familiarization of citizens with the terms, place and procedure of public discussion;

      Stage II – conducting public discussion (discussions, social surveys, collecting opinions of residents, land users and owners of real estate and other methods) on the draft general plan of the settlement;

      Stage III – analysis of public opinion based on fixed results of public discussion;

      Stage IV – informing the public about the results of public discussion in the media, including on the Internet;

      b) the possibility of carrying out a public examination of the master plans of settlements for compliance with the rights and legitimate interests of legal entities and individuals, the interests of society and the state is being introduced;

      c) a mechanism is being introduced for developing an alternative general plan of a settlement or making changes (adjustments) to it at the initiative of subjects of public control who do not agree with the proposed general plan of a settlement;

      d) the organization of public discussion of the draft general plans of settlements is entrusted to the local public authorities.

      5. Establish that from March 1, 2021:

      a) the construction and reconstruction of buildings and structures, including individual residential buildings, with a number of floors of more than two floors (excluding the ground floor), a height of more than 12 meters from the ground surface and (or) a total area of more than 500 square meters are carried out with the mandatory examination of the project documentation of the object and the establishment of state construction control of the object by territorial inspections on control in the field of construction under the Ministry of Construction;

      b) it is prohibited:

      developers – individuals and legal entities, with the exception of organizations engaged in construction and installation work as the main activity, independently (by economic means), without concluding a construction contract with a construction organization, to carry out the construction and reconstruction of buildings and structures with more than two floors (excluding the ground floor), a height of more than 12 meters from the surface of the earth and (or) a total area of more than 500 square meters;

      implementation of the construction of multi-storey apartment buildings on land plots located in the functional zones of the territories of settlements not intended for this type of construction;

      increase in the number of storeys (superstructure) of existing buildings and structures, including individual housing, without examination of project documentation;

      increase in the number of storeys of buildings and structures under construction (by changing the project documentation) without carrying out an examination of the modified project documentation;

      c) a positive expert opinion on project documentation is recognized as valid if it is entered by an expert organization in the "Unified Register of Expert Opinions" of the National Information System "Transparent Construction", with the exception of expert opinions on project documentation containing information constituting a state secret.

      6. To allow the Ministry of Construction to carry out public procurement of works (goods, services) for the development and processing of national regulatory documents in the field of technical regulation, state standards, as well as the adaptation of foreign regulatory documents in the field of urban development under direct contracts, followed by posting information about them on a special information portal of public procurement no later than three days from the date conclusions.

      7. The Ministry of Construction (B. I. Zakirov), together with interested ministries and departments, should ensure:

      within two months, the submission to the Cabinet of Ministers of a draft regulatory act providing for the improvement of the mechanism of legal regulation in the field of individual housing construction, paying special attention to ensuring seismic and fire safety in this area;

      by December 1, 2020, submitting for approval to the Cabinet of Ministers a draft Temporary Regulation on the procedure for conducting electronic public procurement in the field of construction;

      until June 1, 2021, the development of a Unified administrative building regulations providing for the regulation of all construction processes, from primary permits, the development of design estimates, its expertise to the commissioning of facilities;

      By June 1, 2021, proposals will be submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers on the phased implementation of insurance principles in design, survey and construction activities based on the study of international best practices;

      by August 1, 2021, the implementation of the anti—corruption compliance system of the Ministry of Construction, and by January 1, 2022 – obtaining a certificate of compliance with the international standard ISO:37001 (Anti-Corruption Management System);

      until September 1, 2021, the creation of an electronic system "Attentive Citizen", which allows citizens to independently receive information about objects under construction, identify illegal construction, record (in the form of photo and video materials) detected violations at construction sites and send them to the authorized bodies for control in the field of construction;

      Until March 1, 2022, the development of the "Zero Injuries on Construction Sites" Program based on the implementation of the Concept of the International Social Security Association (ISSA);
