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Англия Тюдоров. Полная история эпохи от Генриха VII до Елизаветы I

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Bowker M. The Secular Clergy in the Diocese of Lincoln. Cambridge, 1968. P. 44–45.


      Piers the Ploughman / Ed. J. F. Goodridge. London, 1959. 2nd edn., 1966; repr. 1968. P. 72–74.


      Owst G. R. Literature and Pulpit in Medieval England. Cambridge, 1933. P. 278–279.


      Bowker. Secular Clergy. P. 110–154; Heath. English Parish Clergy. P. 104–134.


      Heath. English Parish Clergy. P. 187–196.


      Thomson J. A. F. The Later Lollards, 1414–1520. Oxford, 1965. P. 4–15; Aston M. Lollardy and Sedition, 1381–1431 // Past and Present, no. 17. 1960. P. 1–44; McFarlane К. B. Lancastrian Kings and Lollard Knights. Oxford, 1972.


      Guy J. A. The Legal Context of the Controversy: The Law of Heresy // CW x. The Debellation of Salem and Bizance / Ed. Guy, R. Keen, С. H. Miller. New Haven, Conn., 1987. P. xlvii-lxvii.




      Thomson. Later Lollards; C. Cross, Church and People, 1450–1660. Fontana edn., 1976. P. 31–52.


      Davis J. F. Heresy and Reformation in the South-East of England, 1520–1559. London, 1983. P. 5.


      Wilks M. Reformatio Regni: Wyclif and Hus as Leaders of Religious Protest Movements // Schism, Heresy and Religious Protest / Ed. D. Baker. Cambridge, 1972. P. 109–130.


      Political Poems and Songs Relating to English History / Ed. T. Wright. 2 vols. London, 1859–1861. ii. 202.


      Keep then the sea about in special, / Which of England is the round wall, / As though England were likened to a city, / And the wall environ were the sea.


      The Works of Sir John Fortescue, Knight, Chief Justice of England and Lord Chancellor to King Henry the Sixth / Ed. T. Fortescue [Lord Clermont]. 2 vols.; London, 1869. i. 549–554.


      Chrimes S. B. English Constitutional Ideas in the Fifteenth Century. Cambridge, 1936. P. 300–324; Elton. Studies, ii. 28–29.


      Wilks. ‘Reformatio Regni’. P. 123.


      Wrigley E. A., Schofield R. S. The Population History of England, 1541–1871: A Reconstruction. London, 1981. P. 645–685; Palliser D. M. Tawney’s Century: Brave New World or Malthusian Trap // Economic History Review, 2nd ser. 35. 1982. P. 339–353; The Agrarian History of England and Wales, iv. 1500–1640 / Ed. J. Thirsk. Cambridge, 1967; Hoskins W. G. Harvest Fluctuations and English Economic History, 1480–1619 // Agricultural History Review, 12, 1964. P. 28–46; Harrison C. J. Grain Price Analysis and Harvest Qualities, 1465–1634 // Agricultural History Review, 19, 1971. P. 135–155.


      Wrigley, Schofield. Population History. P. 174–179, 207–210, 234, 531, 645–685; Hatcher J. Plague, Population and the English Economy, 1348–1530. London, 1977; Cornwall J. English Population in the Early Sixteenth Century // Economic History Review, 2nd ser. 23, 1970. P. 32–44; Appleby A. B. Famine in Tudor and Stuart England. Liverpool, 1978; Appleby A. B. Disease or Famine? Mortality in Cumberland and Westmorland, 1580–1640 // Economic History Review, 2nd ser. 26, 1973. P. 403–432; Fisher F. J. Influenza and Inflation in Tudor England // Economic History Review 18, 1965. P. 120–129; Slack P. Mortality Crises and Epidemic Disease in England, 1485–1610 // Health, Medicine and Mortality in the Sixteenth Century / Ed. C. Webster, Cambridge, 1979. P. 9–59; Slack P. The Impact of Plague in Tudor and Stuart England. London, 1985; Palliser D. M. Dearth and Disease in Staffordshire, 1540–1670 // Rural Change and Urban Growth, 1500–1800: Essays in English Regional History in Honour of W. G. Hoskins / Ed. C. W. Chalklin, M. A. Havinden. London, 1974. P. 54–75.


      Clay C. G. A. Economic Expansion and Social Change: England, 1500–1700. 2 vols.; Cambridge, 1984. i. 13.


      Wrigley, Schofield. Population History. P. 234, 528.


      Bridbury A. R. Sixteenth-century Farming // Economic History Review, 2nd ser. 27, 1974. P. 538–556.


      e. g. Norfolk Record Office, Norwich Mayor’s Court Book 1510–1532. P. 201–202, 207, 227, 269 ff.; King’s Lynn Assembly Book, 1497–1544 (KL/C7/5), fo. 197v.


      Palliser D. M. The Age of Elizabeth: England under the Later Tudors, 1547–1603. London, 1983. P. 135–150.


      Идея предупредительного препятствия появилась в «Опыте о законе народонаселения» издания 1803 года. Последний раз Мальтус редактировал свой труд для издания 1816 года, этот окончательный текст впоследствии и переиздавали.


      Wrigley, Schofield. Population History. P. 356–401.


      Wrightson K. English Society, 1580–1680. London, 1982. P. 130–142.


      The Description of England / Ed. G. Edelen. Ithaca, NY: Folger Books, 1968. P. 200–203.


      Wrightson. English Society. P. 125–130; Appleby J. O. Economic Thought and Ideology in Seventeenth-century England. Princeton, NJ, 1978. P. 129–157.


      Humanist Scholarship and Public Order / Ed. D. S. Berkowitz. Washington DC: Folger Books, 1983. P. 136–137.


      Kingdon R. M. Social Welfare in Calvin’s Geneva // American Historical Review, 76, 1971. P. 50–69; Davis N. Z. Poor Relief, Humanism and Heresy: The Case of Lyon // Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History, 5, 1968. P. 217–275; Grimm H. J. Luther’s Contributions to Sixteenthcentury Organization