Evgeniy Shmigirilov

Super Queen-Mother. Book II. Life or Death

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at the spot where it was. The trees split under the blows and flared up, thus pointing to hot spots.

      After the blow the danger disappeared at that area, but then other spots, which her enemies had already reached, became dangerous. Unknown creatures, little by little, approached the edge of the wood.

      Super Queen-Mother changed her tactics and hit only far targets, not touching the nearest ones. She increased the frequency of blows to be prepared to meet the attacks.

      Super Queen-Mother’s body worked as an open wound, which informed her brains about the lightest air movement.

      At the same time, she automatically launched selective energy blows at the judges on the stadium, who were actually accomplices of the attack at her.

      The first creatures appeared at the wood’s edge. They were like half transparent energy bodies, constantly changing their colors of tender tints. Green beneath, the creatures were crimson at the top.

      They stalked her when the bright light, illuminating the battle, was switched off, and when for a moment the light switched on, they tried to hide themselves at the spot where it reached them. The light, coming from their bodies, also switched off.

      From aside, it looked like the convulsive jerking movement of unknown creatures.

      Super Queen-Mother directed small portions of energy at this enemy.

      The creatures sprayed apart, like jelly-fish, slapped down against a dike dam. The broken parts instantly became transparent and thawed on the planet’s surface.

      Super Queen-Mother directed the fire farther and father, inland. Her shots became more often, but assailants cropped up even quicker.

      She had to use the «carpeting» tactics – to make a shot not at targets, but at localities divided into areas: an inner circle, a middle circle, and a distant circle. The tactics she had chosen appeared to be effective.

      There were no trees left any more, they all perished, helping Super Queen-Mother in the battle. Only the soil, turned over and mixed up with burning trunks, was around her now.

      The darkness, set in when the light was undulating, was not absolute any more. Anything that was burning, gave light to this picture of death.

      Chapter 8

      It seemed the enemy had understood that the fight could have been without end, and had changed their tactics.

      Whatever surrounded her: stones, trunks, and ditches, started to move off; 3D images became flat. It looked like a large picture painted on the internal side of a big ball.

      Suddenly, the whole surface cracked and crumbled, revealing dozens of small holes. The next moment a fiery ball was blown out of each of them.

      All of these blown balls burst.

      Small fiery balls ran out of them; they swirled, filling all the space of a big ball.

      New balls were blown out of the holes and also burst. The process of ball blowing did not cease.

      These small balls became more and more numerous, with every minute they approached Super Queen-Mother nearer and nearer.

      Their chaotic movement became at once directed when Super Queen-Mother sharply moved her arm back. The balls flew to her hand.

      «Well, you react to the movement! Then you’ll get it. I’ll hit them with the energy they had created», Super Queen-Mother decided and, having broken off a big piece from her cracked pedestal, threw it up, having imparted the strongest rotary motion to it.

      The balls, like magnets, stuck to the stone and flew into each other, forming one big fiery ball. Soon it looked like a huge shining sun.

      Super Queen-Mother directed it to the wall and hit the ball against it. She saw it burning a hole with a hiss and jumping out at the planet’s surface. The rest of the balls jumped out through the big hole after it.

      Chapter 9

      The ball disappeared, and she again found herself in the battle hall, which now looked intact, as before.

      The only thing Super Queen-Mother had time to notice was the restored field of the stadium. She was at once thrown to the ocean bottom.

      The judges remembered the beginning of the battle very well. Now they did not want to leave Super Queen-Mother unattended even for a minute.

      The earthly women appeared to be unpredictable, and they got a special woman – Super Queen-Mother.

      Super Queen-Mother quickly took stock of the situation.

      She was in front of the entrance to a big dark cave. A sandy bottom with rare stones was barely seen there, like in the dusk; long, green algae were growing on them. Fish and mussels were moving on the sand, looking for some food.

      Super Queen-Mother did not notice any big sea animals. There was no danger nearby. She did not hurry – the time was on her side.

      Suddenly, a waterspout began to swirl her and then carried to the cave at lightning speed.

      Super Queen-Mother set herself free of the obtrusive hugs, having destroyed it by a small energy outbreak.

      It was very dark in the cave. She released small but powerful bundles of energy. The balls brightly illuminated the flooded cave.

      Super Queen-Mother was in a big hall, decorated with numerous hanging stalactites. Tall outgrowths of stalagmites were directly under them. Some of them joined with the former, forming stalagnates. Motionless stone «waterfall» was «flowing down» from the left corner of the hall.

      Super Queen-Mother thought that this cave had been on the planet surface for a long time, because all these stone outgrowths could be formed only in the air, and then, after the continental platform had lowered, appeared under the water.

      There were some passages from this general hall into the depths of the rock. As soon as she swam to the main passage, the central entrance into the cave collapsed, and the water pushed her on her back.

      Super Queen-Mother glanced back and saw as a lot of strange creatures were being formed in the water. They were long and transparent.

      «It looks like a nesting of water snakes», she thought.

      Super Queen-Mother threw one of the balls down the cave, but did not burst it, remembering that water did not compress. Instead, she discharged it gradually.

      The water in the hall boiled.

      In front of the entrance to her cave Super Queen-Mother put the second ball.

      Water reptiles rushed to other passages. The water killed those who did not succeed to run away.

      The energy not only killed all live creatures, which could be in it; it lifted the dead bodies to the cave ceiling.

      Their transparent bodies could be seen now – the boiled reptiles became white. Now Super Queen-Mother could look them over.

      They were snakes a hundred feet long, with small legs but sharp claws. Their tails, strong for such bodies, were wide in their upper and narrow in their lower part, like in fish; it assumed a good speed. They had two caudal fins. The head was like that of an ordinary snake, but with a small beard, which caught vibrations and smells coming from a prey.

      Super Queen-Mother noticed all that with a corner of her eye and swam inward the cave. Bright balls – her light and vanguard weapons – led Super Queen-Mother to another hall, even larger.

      It was a strange hall.

      She swam to the middle of it and felt that her hand was hanging in the air. Super Queen-Mother pulled her hand closer to her body and cautiously swam a bit more. Her head and hands hung over a water precipice.

      It was the simplest trap, and Super Queen-Mother discerned it in time. She looked the hall over and did not see anything dangerous.

      Super Queen-Mother