from the "teleportation" popularized in science fiction. Quantum teleportation does not transfer energy or matter over distance. Quantum teleportation is the teleportation of information only, violating the laws of physics. It violates them by traveling faster than the speed of light. It is called teleportation because the state of the first particle first disappears, and then, at another time and place, the same state appears in another particle. It is experimentally proved that it is real to create a pair of photons that have quantum entanglement, even if they do not exist at the same time. That is, to the fantastic fact that such coupling works even at a great distance, time separation is also added. The interconnection of two particles is valid even after a considerable amount of time has passed. Quantum entanglement has been in effect since the birth of the universe, and maybe even before that. After all, for time the birth and death of the universe is as ordinary phenomenon as for us the change of day and night. The first realization of quantum teleportation of the polarization state of the photon was carried out in 1997. In different years, scientists have made successful experiments at different distances. In June 2017, Chinese scientists performed quantum teleportation over 1,200 kilometers, from Earth to space. These are all unclassified experiments known to everyone.
– Let me stop her," said the servant of science, waving the open palm of his right hand, for whom, and for everyone present, not counting Amita, this was far from news. – Wait, we know that. We get it. I personally approve of both voice and manners. Let me remind you that we (or rather, I) are now talking about quantum state transfer, or rather – about brain waves transformation with its help, i.e. about transferring the code of consciousness and human state, emitted by the brain, to practically infinite distances and about putting them into the brain of another living being, namely – into the same person, – said the scientist with conviction, which even the most unbelieving Thomas, if there was such a person at the council, would be interested and practically convinced in the possibility of such a fantastic phenomenon.
– We also, let me remind you, understood you and would not mind learning more detailed information about such a phenomenon. You don't think that we will just take it all on faith and approve the project, the fantasticalness of which not everyone can imagine. Let's listen to Irene, because we are listening not only for the sake of learning the very possibility of quantum teleportation. Irene, is there anything else you can tell us about the subject? I'll give you an introduction. We need it both to check you and to form a general idea of the project topic for the main participant of its practical part. As you understood, for Madame Amita.
– I understood both you and the whole idea originally. As for this topic, there is a very interesting method, which is quite suitable for testing hypothetical variants. It's called quantum suicide. Quantum suicide is a mental experiment in quantum mechanics. It is a modification of the mental experiment with Schrödinger's cat, it illustrates the difference between two interpretations of quantum mechanics: the Copenhagen interpretation and Everett's many-worlds interpretation. In fact presents an experiment with Schrödinger's cat, from the point of view of that cat. In the proposed experiment, a gun is pointed at the participant, which fires or fails to fire depending on the decay of some radioactive atom. The risk that the experiment results in the shotgun firing and the participant dying is 50%. If the Copenhagen interpretation is true, the gun will eventually go off and the participant will die. If Everett's many-worlds interpretation is true, then each experiment conducted results in the universe splitting into two universes, one in which the participant will live and one in which the participant will die. In the worlds where the participant dies, the participant ceases to exist. And from the point of view of the living participant – the experiment will continue without causing the person to disappear. This is because in any branch the participant is only able to observe the result of the experiment in the world in which he survives. If the many-worlds interpretation is correct, then the participant may observe that he or she will never die during the experiment. One variation of this mental experience goes by the name of "quantum immortality". This paradoxical experiment predicts that if the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics is correct, the observer can never cease to exist at all.
– No! I can't hear it," Ruthra almost groaned, as he was nicknamed by Ruthra. – This is the wrong approach to explaining my program. No murder, much less suicide. No, no, and no again. My project is all about life, life and life again. In different bodies, in different bodies. That is not a multi-world interpretation of variants of existence, but a multivariant possibility of existence of one and the same phenomenon. For example, this one. Just imagine – somewhere the same thing is happening. Don't laugh, I already told you. Everything is possible in infinity.
– All right, all right," Ruthra tried to stop him. – I, and I think everyone else, understands your point. We've all tried to visualize this very multiverse of worlds as you see it. Give us time to think, to study your theory thoroughly. I'll say for myself, I have faith in all this. Judging by your past, no less fantastic ideas, which you managed to realize, – parallel worlds can be quite possible too.
– I'm telling you: let's conduct an experiment with the transfer of consciousness within the Earth, you can even within our center, – the scientist calmly suggested, which, remembering his past prank, everyone laughed.
– Good, good. We'll leave the council to decide the division of influence between the corporations in terms of future colonization of Mars, and you and I and Amita will go to your office and confirm some dates for the experiment. I hope no one minds. It's worth a try, since we've approved the preparations.
– Yes, of course. And anyway – we should have done the experiment first, and then asked for resources to implement a mind-boggling, unbelievable idea on a global level," the head of the finance unit replied to Rutra, like everyone else.
Ruthra nodded to those present, took Amita lightly by the shoulder, and headed for the door; the scientist and the lady followed him. They passed through the corridor in silence, and at the door of the scientist's office Ruthra asked:
– So who – and who – do you want to relocate to?
– Don't be like that, it's our program. I told them about the effect of one world on the other with your help. The other thing is who and how much risk they're willing to take. You and the council have been studying my arguments for a long time and, as I see it, accept them, since this madam is with you, especially since the council has approved her admission. I've opened myself up to her.
– That's right, yes, I've been looking into it, I admit to you, though what's there to admit to – you've already figured it out perfectly well… it's not my decision alone. I'm not just referring to Amita's presence here, but the training itself. You've already been told the reason for trusting you is because of your past accomplishments. Accurately cloning a body, and in such a short period of time, was also unbelievable and improbable, but it was accomplished.
– Okay, enough with the lovely lady playing dry scientists and talking in your language.
They grinned.
– That was your idea, too, by the way. Cloning.
Chapter 13. Amita and the clone
They entered the office of the servant of science, which, in fact, was his workplace and looked like something out of the fairy-tale fantasies that a man with a future-oriented mind might draw for himself. One of the wonders of the office was a machine made by him, which directed an invisible, intangible beam into the pupils, thus changing the space in front of the person. It was possible to set any program – and the person present saw the corresponding picture, the environment. For example, at the moment the machine was programmed for an aquarium: water, coral, and all sorts of bizarre underwater creatures. Ruthra knew this and enjoyed flirting with the octopus without surprise. Amita, not sure where she was, reflexively clung to Rutra, trying to understand what was happening.
– Calm down, there's no such thing. It's just a friend of ours having fun," Ruthra explained, and he looked her in the eye and raised his eyebrows.
They already had their own gesture for attention. Ruthra didn't want their more than friendly relationship to be too visible to others, so he gently guided the scientist, who was