7 принципов власти: Удивительные (но толковые) советы по достижению целей и карьерному росту
Matthew Webster, Richard H. Smith, and Adele Rhodes (1999), “The Effect of a Favor on Public and Private Compliance: How Internalized Is the Norm of Reciprocity?” Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 21 (3), 251–259.
Reiterman and Jacobs, Raven, particularly chapter twenty-eight, “San Francisco in Thrall.”
Charles A. O’Reilly and Jennifer A. Chatman (2020), “Transformational Leader or Narcissist? How Grandiose Narcissists Can Create and Destroy Organizations and Institutions,” California Management Review, 62 (3), 5–27.
Bella M. DePaulo, Deborah A. Kashy, Susan E. Kirkendol, Melissa M. Wyer, and Jennifer A. Epstein (1996), “Lying in Everyday Life,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 70 (5), 979–995.
Elizabeth Prior Jonson, Linda McGuire, and Brian Cooper (2016), “Does Teaching Ethics Do Any Good?” Education + Training, 58 (4), 439–454.
Aditya Simha, Josh P. Armstrong, and Joseph F. Albert (2012), “Attitudes and Behaviors of Academic Dishonesty and Cheating—Do Ethics Education and Ethics Training Affect Either Attitudes or Behaviors?” Journal of Business Ethics Education, 9, 129–144.
James Weber (1990), “Measuring the Impact of Teaching Ethics to Future Managers: A Review, Assessment, and Recommendations,” Journal of Business Ethics, 9, 183–190.
Christian Hauser (2020), “From Preaching to Behavior Change: Fostering Ethics and Compliance Learning in the Workplace,” Journal of Business Ethics, 162, 835–855; quote is from p. 836.
Frank Martela (2015), “Fallible Inquiry with Ethical Ends-in-View: A Pragmatist Philosophy of Science for Organizational Research,” Organization Studies, 36 (4), 537–563.
Columbia 250, “Robert Moses,” accessed September 16, 2021. https://c250.columbia.edu/c250_celebrates/remarkable_columbians/robert_moses.html.
Yona Kifer, Daniel Heller, Wei Qi, Elaine Perunovic, and Adam D. Galinsky (2013), “The Good Life of the Powerful: The Experience of Power and Authenticity Enhances Subjective Well-Being,” Psychological Science, 24 (3), 280–288.
Kifer et al., “The Good Life of the Powerful,” p. 283.
Gerlad R. Ferris, Pamela L. Perrewe, B. Parker Ellen III, Charn P. Mcallister, and Darren C. Treadway, Political Skill at Work, Boston: Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2020; quote is from p. 15.
Ferris et al., Political Skill at Work, p. 27.
Samuel Y. Todd, Kenneth J. Harris, Ranida B. Harris, and Anthony R. Wheeler (2009), “Career Success Implications of Political Skill,” Journal of Social Psychology, 149 (3), 179–204.
Gerhard Blickle, Katharina Oerder, and James K. Summers (2010), “The Impact of Political Skill on Career Success of Employees’ Representatives,” Journal of Vocational Behavior, 77 (3), 383–390.
Kathleen K. Ahearn, Gerald R. Ferris, Wayne A. Hochwarter, Caesar Douglas, and Anthony Ammeter (2004), “Leader Political Skill and Team Performance,” Journal of Management, 30 (3), 309–327.