Olga Santarovich

Navigating Your Career Journey. A Comprehensive Guide to Discovering and Pursuing Fulfilling Paths

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a knack for photography and often captured stunning landscapes during his travels. He realized his passion could be more than a hobby and decided to pursue a career in photography. James now works as a professional travel photographer, combining his love for adventure and capturing breathtaking images to inspire others.

      Guidance on Informational Interviews and Shadowing

      Informational Interviews:

      Reach out to professionals in industries or roles that align with your interests. Request an informational interview to gain insights into their career paths, daily responsibilities, and the skills required for success. Prepare thoughtful questions to ask during the interview and approach it as a valuable learning opportunity.


      Arrange to shadow professionals in fields of interest to gain firsthand experience. Shadowing allows you to observe their work environment, interact with colleagues, and get a feel for the day-to-day realities of the profession. Take notes, ask questions, and absorb as much information as possible to gain a deeper understanding of the career path.

      Chapter 3: Unveiling Your Core Values: A Roadmap for Ethical and Purposeful Career Decisions

      Welcome to Chapter 3 of our practical guide, “Unveiling Your Core Values: A Roadmap for Ethical and Purposeful Career Decisions.” In this chapter, we will delve into the process of identifying your core values and understanding their role in career decision-making. By incorporating practical exercises and techniques, we will explore how to align your values with potential industries and organizations. Additionally, we will discuss how to make ethical and value-based decisions in your professional life. As your career coach, my focus is to provide you with actionable steps and insights to help you navigate your career journey with integrity and purpose.

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