Veronika Grossman

Escort For The Witch

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I asked calmly, trying not to reveal my excitement, while mentally running through all the women of the De Manshand family that I knew.

      “Yes, I can. She looks about twenty-seven. She’s not tall, with dark, almost black hair, light blue eyes. A very good figure, and also…” Sabrina suddenly fell silent and lowered her gaze.

      “What’s that? ” I inquired.

      “I swear to God, she looks very much like me! Almost identical!” Sabrina exclaimed.

      I couldn’t believe it. Could Sabrina have seen her own mother? I frantically recalled everything I had ever read or heard about the De Manshand family. After Michelle and Alex had hidden the girl, Michelle decided to return home to France.

      There was talk of an incredible scandal that had erupted in the family after Michelle had told Marie – Sabrina’s grandmother – that the child had died.

      Michelle had never been seen again since. Some newspapers wrote about her death, and Marie did not deny it, on the contrary, she burst into tears, portraying herself as a grief-stricken mother, but Michelle’s body was never found. And now,

      what if Sabrina is seeing Michelle’s spirit? What is she trying to convey to her daughter? And why is Grandpa’s spirit so persistently opposing this interaction?

      Could it be that Michelle wants Sabrina to reach out to her Grandmother herself?

      But why? Michelle was so desperate to save her daughter from the family fate.

      She didn’t want Sabrina to grow up like all the other women in their family. Cold, callous, and merciless. Maybe… But was that Michelle feared? Grandpa was right; Sabrina’s mother was different from the other family witches. Michelle’s paranormal gift was being able to see both the past and the future. She knew the whole truth about the deeds of her numerous relatives and ancestors. All it took was touching any object belonging to someone even remotely interesting to Michelle, and their past lives with all their deeds, no matter how terrible, would be revealed before her eyes. It was this gift that made her different. Also kind, loving, and honest. And most importantly, she was capable of something that other members of the De Manshand family were not. She was an empath, able to feel deeply: guilt, shame, and even disgrace for the past and present of her own family.

      That’s why she had turned to Alex for help…

      “I’ve been visited by her during the day,” Sabrina said thoughtfully.

      Her quiet voice interrupted my thinking. I widened my eyes in disbelief and stared at Sabrina.

      “What? What do you mean she has visited you during the day? ” My confusion was so apparent that Sabrina became slightly alarmed. She squinted at me. I turned away to face the window and pulled out another cigarette trying to mask the emotions that had come over me at the most inappropriate moment.

      “Mind if I smoke? ” I asked.

      “No, of course not,” she replied.

      I sat down on the wide windowsill and lit up, desperately trying to sort out my thoughts. However, what I had just heard made it difficult to think rationally, and some details of Sabrina’s “encounter” with her mother left questions swirling in my mind unanswered.

      “So what’s this about her visiting you, ” I reminded her.

      Sabrina sighed bitterly and turned towards the window. She looked so small and vulnerable in her Grandfather’s old robe that I felt a pang in my heart.

      “I was in my room, getting ready for work and thinking up a plan to get Eric out of his binge, when suddenly the Mardi Gras beads hanging on my mirror fell down and scattered all over the floor. I started picking them up. When I finished, I habitually glanced at the mirror and was stunned. She was there, looking at me.

      She was standing right behind me and I was looking at her reflection staring back at me!” Sabrina paused to catch her breath and continued. “I turned around but she was gone. I thought it was just paranoia or a hallucinations – just the product of my exhausted brain. But soon it happened again. And this time, the vision was much clearer. Then I started hearing Alex’s voice. And I swear, there are other voices too, but I can’t make them out. They… they mumble something, but I don’t understand. It’s madness. ”

      I smoked silently, unsure of how to tell her that everything that was happening to her was neither madness nor paranoia, nor the product of twisted imagination. I couldn’t find the right words to adequately explain this. Now I knew why she had glances crazy look in her eyes sometimes, strange, erratic gestures, and mood swings. It was Michelle, accompanied by Alex. And they clearly frightened her.

      “Jack,” Sabrina called out softly, “do you think I’m going crazy? ”

      I tried to gather my thoughts and even shook my head, hoping for some enlightenment that would help piece together the puzzle. However, everything only became more tangled.

      “You say you can hear Alex’s voice,” I ignored her question.

      “Yeah…” Sabrina still sounded uncertain.

      “What does he say? Or what is he trying to communicate?” I knew Alex’s character well and was sure that Grandpa would never dream of scaring his granddaughter for no reason, especially now that he was dead.

      “He also comes to you during the day now?” I pressed further.

      “Lately – yes. And he says something about me being different, that I shouldn’t listen to them and never, under any circumstances, believe what they say. Also…”

      She paused and glanced at me sideways.

      “Yes?” My patience was wearing thin, and it must have shown.

      “He said I should be around you and Eric,” she said, staring at me intently, as if trying to read my mind. A faint glimmer of hope appeared in her eyes, hoping that I would be able to unravel the mystery of her strange visions. “That only you know

      the truth and can help me deal with it ,” she continued, leaning forward as if afraid to miss something important. “What does that mean? What truth and who is he talking about?”

      I sighed deeply, feeling the weight of her expectant, cautious gaze on me, stood up, and started pacing the room. I mentally thanked her for not bringing up that brief conversation she had had with Eric when he was still drinking, namely what he had said about me doing the job better than him.

      “I, I don’t know,” I said a near-truth. “And the pain?” I glanced at her stomach.

      Sabrina hesitated for a moment, then looked out the window again.

      “It only hurts when I try to ignore it.”Ì stared at Sabrina in bewilderment, not believing my ears. Could such a thing really be possible?

      “So? ”

      “Well… I pretend not to see. I try not to notice. I think pain is how she’s trying to get my attention. ”

      I now watched Sabrina’s every move intently. Genuine shock reflected on my face.

      “Can she physically affect you? ” I whispered in horror.

      “Yeah, maybe,”

      “So that means…” I started, “in the kitchen then and then today…”

      “Yes. But when you or Eric are around, something changes. She can’t get too close and it doesn’t hurt as much as when I try to ignore her,” Sabrina fell silent and tucked her legs under her.

      “So that’s why you’re always hovering around me.”

      She blushed and nodded, about to say something when the front door slammed, making us both jump in surprise and turn towards the direction of the sound.

      “Hey everyone! I’m home! ” Eric’s hoarse voice echoed from the hall.

      “Jack!” Sabrina jumped to her feet and, coming up to me almost face to face, grabbed my hand and whispered excitedly: “Please, don’t tell him anything! I don’t even know why I decided to tell you all this nonsense.