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Учебное пособие по устной разговорной практике английского языка

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What did Ivan decide to do after school?

      19. What is Ivan’s uncle?

      20. What did Ivan do during his childhood?

      21. Is Ivan’s uncle a good coach for him?

      22. What did Ivan do before entering the University?

      23. What is his specialization?

      24. Who would he like to be?

      25. What is Ivan’s aim?

      V. Now answer these questions to be ready to speak about your visit card.

      1. What is your name?

      2. How old are you?

      3. When and where were you born?

      4. Where do you live?

      5. Do you have a family? (Enumerate the members of your family).

      6. What do you do?

      7. Do you have a hobby?

      8. Do you have a lot of friends?

      9. What do you like to do when you have free time?

      10. Do you have a dream? What is it?

      VI. Add some more information to the answers to the questions above. Be ready to speak about your visit card.

      Topic 2. MY WORKING DAY

      I. Look through the list of vocabulary notes and try to match them with the words and phrases given in Russian.

      1) working day, 2) alarm-clock, 3) wake up, 4) early bird, 5) night owl, 6) get up, 7) stay in bed, 8) make one’s bed, 9) switch on, 10) do one’s morning exercises (do one’s daily dozen), 11) feel better, 12) take a shower, 13) clean one’s teeth, 14) comb one’s hair, 15) have breakfast, 16) get dressed, 17) leave, 18) live far from, 19) break, 20) lunch-time, 21) canteen, 22) get tired, 23) have a rest, 24) combine, 25) spend one’s free time, 26) well-bred, 27) support, 28) value, 29) go to bed, 30) fall asleep.

      1) просыпаться, 2) принимать душ, 3) выходить/покидать, 4) обеденный перерыв, 5) ложиться спать, 6) рабочий день, 7) сова, 8) одеваться, 9) вставать, 10) завтракать, 11) столовая, 12) совмещать, 13) засыпать, 14) проводить свободное время, 15) будильник, 16) лежать в кровати, 17) выполнять утреннюю зарядку, 18) жаворонок, 19) чистить зубы, 20) заправлять постель, 21) чувствовать себя лучше, 22) воспитанный, 23) включать, 24) ценить, 25) уставать, 26) поддерживать, 27) перемена, 28) отдыхать, 29) жить далеко от, 30) расчесываться.

      II. Fill in the gaps with the necessary vocabulary notes:

      1) support, 2) an early bird, 3) get up, 4) leave, 5) comb her hair, 6) gets tired, 7) value, 8) alarm-clock, 9) make her bed, 10) don’t have breakfast, 11) combine, 12) live far from, 13) canteen, 14) feel better, 15) lunch-time, 16) well-bred.

      1. I am … so I easily … in the mornings. 2. As I … my university I get there by bus or taxi. 3. Jason … after his trainings. 4. We … home at about 8 o’clock in the morning. 5. Mary is too small to … herself. 6. Some people … in the morning at all. 7. I can get up without my … 8. After taking a cold shower I … 9. It is very difficult for Lora to …: it is too long. 10. I … my friendship with my best friend. 11. This man is very tactful and … Everybody respects him. 12. The food in our … is not very expensive and quite good. 13. A true friend will always … you when you have some trouble. 14. It is rather difficult to … both work and study. 15. My … usually lasts for 30 minutes.

      III. Read and translate the following text.

My working day

      On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday my alarmclock wakes me up early in the morning (at 7 o’clock) and my working day begins. I am not an early bird, I would rather say that I am a night owl that is why it is very difficult for me to get up. So I stay in bed for 10 or 15 minutes more, get up, make my bed, switch on the radio and do my morning exercises. I feel much better after my daily dozen. Then I go to the bathroom, take a cold shower, clean my teeth, comb my hair and go to the kitchen to have my breakfast. Usually I make breakfast myself. I don’t eat much in the morning. For breakfast I usually have a cup of strong coffee and a sandwich. Then I get dressed and leave my house.

      I study in the Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sport. I am a first year student and my specialization is gymnastics. As I live far from my university I usually get there by bus or taxi (if I am very late). It takes me about 30 or 40 minutes. Our lessons begin at 9 o’clock. During our lessons we sometimes have a short 5-minutes break. Frankly speaking, it helps us to relax. At about 12 o’clock we have lunch-time. There is a big nice canteen in our university where most of our students and teachers have lunch. After lunch our lessons go on again. Sometimes we have 4 or 5 lessons a day. We usually have lectures, seminars and physical training lessons, of course.

      After my study I usually get very tired. I come home at about 6 or 7 o’clock in the evening and have supper. Then I have a short rest and do my homework. As I go in for gymnastics professionally, I train 5 times a week: on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. Sometimes it is very difficult for me to combine my study with my trainings, but I have to: sport is my life.

      I usually have free time on Saturday evening and Sunday. I have a lot of friends and I try to spend my free time with them. My friends are well-bred and friendly, ready to help and support in a difficult situation so I value them all.

      I usually go to bed at 11 o’clock in the evening. I fall asleep very fast and so my working day is over.

      IV. Answer the following questions.

      1. What time do you usually wake up?

      2. Do you wake up yourself or with the help of your alarm-clock?

      3. Do you do your daily dozen in the morning?

      4. Speak about other things you do in the morning (First I … then I … and…).

      5. Do you always have breakfast in the morning?

      6. Do you prepare your breakfast yourself?

      7. Do you live far from your university?

      8. How do you usually get to your university?

      9. How many lessons a day do you usually have?

      10. Do you go in for some sport? How many times a week do you train? Do you have a coach or do you train yourself? Do you get tired after your trainings? Is it difficult for you to combine trainings and study?

      11. What do you do when you have free time?

      12. What time do you go to bed?

      V. Are you an early bird or a night owl? Do the questionnaire to find it out!

      1. When I get up in the morning …

      A. I am always happy and I have a lot of energy.

      B. I am sometimes happy and sometimes I am not.

      C. I am never happy and I don’t have energy.

      2. At the weekend …

      A. I always wake up before 9 a.m.

      B. I sometimes wake up before 9 a.m. and sometimes sleep till noon.

      C. I hardly ever wake up before 9 a.m.

      3. When there’s a good film on TV late at night…

      A. I often watch the beginning