Konstantin Maramygin

Create the best version of yourself

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ate the best version of yourself

      Konstantin Maramygin

      © Konstantin Maramygin, 2024

      ISBN 978-5-0064-4193-4

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system


      Greetings to you, my dear readers. In this book I have tried to disclose as much as possible questions about self-realization and achieving goals. I did not do without searching for the meaning of life and your destiny. In order to really reach a new level of life and create a better version of yourself, you need to find the answers to all these questions.

      After all, you must agree that the ability to achieve your goals does not guarantee that your life will be filled with meaning and you will find your destiny. Therefore, in my opinion, these things should be interconnected.

      The fact is that, according to my observations, many people do not understand why they live and, most importantly, do not know what they want to be in this life. Many people have no goals and nothing to strive for. In fact, they live their lives for nothing. When talking to them, you realize that they would love to find the meaning of life, but they don’t understand how to find it. As a result, I decided to help them and all those who do not want to live their lives in vain.

      You will ask me why I decided to do this?

      The answer is simple. A person without a purpose in life, without understanding his destiny is a problem not only for the person himself, but also for the whole society. Since we all depend on each other, whether we want it or not. We are all, in fact, a part of one big organism. And our actions affect the whole organism. In other words, each person’s success depends on the success of other people.

      And to make this idea even clearer, I will give an example. Imagine a human body, in which every cell has a certain role and function. Just like its organs. The heart is responsible for blood circulation, kidneys – for cleaning the body, eyes – for our vision, intestines – for digestion of food and saturation of blood with nutrients and so on. And thanks to this well-coordinated work, the human body exists.

      Now let’s imagine that one kidney refused to do its role because it hesitated to do its job. And, looking at it, the liver refused to do its job. What would happen in such a case? Of course, such an organism will cease to exist.

      We can also put it this way: a person who has not found himself in this life begins to poison people around him, blaming all others for his failures. He will try to assert himself only at the expense of convincing others of his rightness and his paradigm of world perception, while belittling the dignity and world order of another person. And as a result, destroys his life, making him a loser like him. And when such people become many, they unite and create their own reality, in which there is no order, justice and prosperity. Their element is chaos. Their mottos are: “life is shit”, “get the most out of life”, “live one day at a time” and so on and so forth. They popularize drugs, alcohol and promiscuity. They don’t want any family values. They cover themselves with slogans of freedom and democracy.

      They are often used in dirty machinations and crimes. Politicians, large corporations, intelligence services, criminal organizations and other interested structures are happy to use such people. After all, it is not difficult to bribe a person who lives one day. They are willing to do anything to get funds for their immoral lifestyle. They are ready to commit crimes, organize a rally, commit an act of vandalism or terrorism, participate in revolutions to overthrow the government, the main thing is to be paid.

      Living one day at a time, not valuing their lives and all those around them. They poison the lives of others by behaving defiantly, vulgarly, like a typical “bully”, showing their dislike and contrived superiority. They are like a virus, a disease that can become a cancerous tumor in society.

      And to prevent this from happening, the task of the whole society is to help people who have not yet found themselves or have lost their way. We must help each other so that our organism can flourish and evolve.

      I hope I have answered this question in an accessible manner.

      And now let’s pay attention to the important questions that we will consider together with you: “What is the meaning of your life? What is your destiny? How to achieve any set goals? With the help of what can you become better?”

      These are actually very important questions. To which every person must find an answer. And the earlier it happens, the more he can achieve in his life.

      Frankly speaking, our life is just a small period of time.

      Time that you and I do not appreciate as we should have.

      So what do you do if you’re off track, confused and don’t understand what you need to do to get out of your predicament.

      In my opinion, it requires a kind of tool to help fix you when you’re broken. Like we fix our car or the piping in the apartment. We need a kind of wrench to help us fix the breakage.

      That’s why I decided to write this book, it will become this “wrench” with which you can fix yourself and your life. That’s its main mission.

      So take this book as a tool that you can use in a difficult moment. And if necessary – to change your whole life. Change your worldview and understanding of life. Help you become more conscious and take control of your life. Avoid unnecessary mistakes and achieve the desired goals in life.

      Therefore, I recommend that you take the material and methods in this book seriously, because the information from this book can have a global impact on your future life.

      I will also ask you to take small notes while reading the book. Highlighting important theses and methods. So have a pen and paper ready.

      Of course, you can read the book quickly without taking notes and without following the methods outlined in it. You will familiarize yourself with the material, perhaps you will memorize something and even try to apply in practice. But you must realize that the effectiveness of this will be very low.

      I will repeat once again: this book is a tool. It is like a wrench that can lie in a toolbox for a long time. But when you need to tweak something, you remember it. And first of all, this tool is necessary for those who want to change something in their lives.

      If you are satisfied with your way of life and are not ready to change something, then, most likely, you should not read it, you will save your time, which we already have very little. But in this case, perhaps among your inner circle there are people who are trying to change their lives for the better or achieve their cherished desires. If so, it is better to give this book to them, I am sure they will thank you many times.


      Tell me, would you like to achieve your goals? To get what you dream of? To live in comfortable conditions and be a happy person?

      I think at least each of us would like to be financially secure and independent. To be a healthy and strong person. And most importantly, to be happy.

      If with the desire to be rich there are no questions, the concept of being happy is not so clear.

      It is worth noting that not every person understands the meaning of the words “to be happy”. And all the more is able to formulate the meaning of his happiness. And so a person can spend his time on unnecessary activities, mistakenly believing that this very action will make him happy.

      But you can easily divide all your goals and desires into categories according to their degree of difficulty of realization. On complex, medium and easy.

      As a rule, to achieve complex, global goals, we spend a significant part of our money and time. For example, to get a higher education and become a sought-after specialist. After all, for this we will have to successfully finish high school, pass entrance exams to the right university and, most likely, move to another city.

      Since the most popular and reputable universities are located in big cities. This means that you need to save