Konstantin Maramygin

Create the best version of yourself

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further, which could lead us to the question: is man a creature of nature? If his absence only improves nature… But now our thoughts are about something else.

      So, what we get is that all of the above groups have the meaning of life – survival. Through food and reproduction. And if we look separately at survival as food extraction, we get an interesting picture: “Herbivorous animals eat plants, they, in turn, are eaten by predatory animals. And man eats them all.”

      Man also uses natural resources to organize his life and livelihood – wood, coal, oil, metals, minerals, etc.

      And if we now begin to reason about the meaning of life from the point of view of the above, it turns out that the meaning of life of animals and plants is to become food (resource) for humans. It sounds cruel, but based on this reasoning, it is so.

      But let’s not stop and think further. Since everything is so organized, everyone is food for someone else, more predatory and stronger. For whom is the human being food in this chain?

      Obviously, for microorganisms. But this applies not only to man, but to all living things on this earth. So we will not stop here. Let’s go further, let’s turn on rational thinking.

      If we look at human life from the outside, we see that people create farms, raise livestock, create infrastructure in order not to have problems and interruptions with food and resource extraction. And obviously, that’s fine.

      People have even invented aquariums and terrariums, where they create conditions close to natural, natural. To breed various fish and animals.

      In all these cases, the person who created the farm, terrarium and the like, considers it his property. Including all the animals that live in it. And he can dispose of them as he pleases. He feels like he owns the animals. And he uses them for food and household needs.

      And if we look at food from the point of view of a resource, we see that food is energy. And today it is the only source of energy for humans recognized by modern science.

      Since that’s the case, let’s broaden our scope of analysis for a second and allow for the existence of other beings. Let’s assume that we’re not alone in the universe. Let’s say we were put here by someone. Let’s say that someone is watching us.

      Then we get an interesting picture.

      What if we are someone else’s property and our cities are like farms and cattle stalls? Maybe we’re a source of energy that someone else is also feeding on. Then it all fits. That explains why there’s a change of civilizations every 150 to 300 years. It’s just someone harvesting.

      Yeah, that’s what inductive reasoning2 leads to. New questions. But I think it’s time to stop there and get back to our meaning of life.

      Ever since man began to think and complicate his life, the meaning of life for him as an individual began to change. Besides the basic meaning of survival, he began to search for more complex meanings. Because of this, new theories and hypotheses of existence began to appear. And this, in its turn, began to press on the human brain, and the meaning of life for him became only a form of thinking about his mortal existence.

      And to beat all this crap out of my head, I suggest using such a concept.

      Since the question of the continuation of the human race is not an urgent one right now. And you can easily manage to get food. You can choose your own meaning in life. I give you permission. Put aside all doubts and choose your meaning of life. Like finding your destiny and realizing your potential one hundred percent.

      Why not?

      I really like that idea. Imagine if everyone wanted to find their destiny and realize their potential one hundred percent. I think the world would look very different, in a good way.

      Just think what a high standard of living we would have, and most importantly, people would have much higher qualities and skills. And overall, as a result, humanity would have evolved faster.

      So if you don’t have your own clearly defined meaning of life yet, I suggest you use this one. At least, it will be a great base and support for building your life path. And at the same time it will allow you to set high goals and achieve them.

      In addition, having specific goals, your life at least will not be boring. Agree that none of you would want to live a boring life, at least if you had a choice.

      You know, it’s even too obvious to ignore, but we humans always want some kind of thrill. We always want a taste of struggle, of competition, of rivalry, of competition. We often take risks and often lose, and then we have problems, and we start to correct them with new strength. And by overcoming these problems, we kind of give ourselves an extra tick and feel proud that we managed to get out of the next problem.

      So, in other words, I want to say that people tend to create problems for themselves in order to solve them later. A simple, measured and clear life is not interesting to them. I don’t know where we get it from, but it’s like a pain in the ass that keeps making itself known. We don’t sit still. And we seek our own adventures.

      That’s the way the mind works, and it’s our everything. No wonder that in the spiritual practices of India the human mind is associated with a wild monkey that cannot sit still.

      Perhaps that’s where all our troubles come from. Our minds are restless and unstable. Today we may wake up with the desire to conquer the universe, and tomorrow – with a feeling of fatigue and a desire to lie in bed a little longer and put things off for later.

      And so it is with everything. Our perception of life is quite plastic and changeable, which, in turn, affects our choices at a particular time and place. And often our minds make the wrong decision, mistaking the temporary for the permanent.

      Now it becomes obvious that the root of evil lies in our mind. Our mind is our gift and our curse. Sometimes it may seem to have a life of its own, like a wild mustang that has broken free. And it’s up to you and me to ride it. In other words – to tame him, to make him obedient and calm, so that he serves us as a loyal friend and stop showing us his wild character.

      And now we can safely conclude that our problem with you and me has always lurked in our heads. In our minds. And in order to start a new life with a clean slate or to change something in your current life, the first priority will be to work with our mind. Namely with our beliefs, attitudes and rules, which we use automatically and on the basis of which we make decisions. Also we should not forget about our addictions and phobias. After all, all of these create certain kinds of limitations that constrain us and keep us from moving.

      So right now I propose to do an audit of your mind. Do a complete audit of all of your settings. Disassemble and reassemble your beliefs. To get rid of unnecessary attachments and fears. To assemble, like a building block, the best version of yourself. Allowing yourself to become whoever you want to be and achieve the goals you dream of.

      “What does it take to do that?” – you ask.

      Be very attentive as you read the following chapters and start taking notes. The methodology I have developed will allow you to reassemble your mind and make it more organized and obedient. But for the effect to take hold, you will need to practice the techniques and recommendations I will give you. And most importantly, you need to want to change yourself and your life for the better.

      Chapter 2. Basic concepts to pay attention to

      First, you and I need to get the basics straight. We need to understand what lies on the surface. After all, without defining the basic concepts, we will not be able to reason about more complex things. In simple words, we need to create a knowledge base on the basis of which further reasoning will be built.

      After all, each of us has our own view, our own opinion on every situation or event. I would like your view to be correct.
