Konstantin Maramygin

Create the best version of yourself

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environment. What the rules of life are and how we can influence this world.

      All of you and I live in a world that is filled with both good times and bad. We can face problems at any second. From the bad moments it can be illness, betrayal of friends, getting fired from a job and many more. From the good ones, we may get promoted at work, we may get a good monetary reward for our hard work or meet our other half and experience a feeling of love and care.

      In short, our lives are multifaceted, just like our world. There are good and evil in it. At the junction of these contradictions, neutrality is born. And this neutrality is our modern world. Our reality.

      There are laws and rules of behavior in our society. There are religions and various organizations with their own worldviews and statutes. Not to mention the customs and traditions of each nation.

      This all leads us to the point where our choices are narrowed. A person is told how to behave in society, how to earn money, where and how to spend it, not to mention how and to what God to pray. After all, this is the law (customs, traditions, norm). That’s what everyone does, and that’s what you do. If you don’t do it the way everyone else does, you will have problems.

      On the one hand, it is good, because in reality people are not born decent and conscious. They need to be taught, educated, controlled, guided. So that they themselves do not destroy their own lives and even more so someone else’s. And on the whole it is fair.

      The word fairness is, at first glance, self-explanatory. And it seems to be very easy to be fair. But the problem is that justice can be interpreted in different ways. Each person can use arguments in his own favor and thus violate the fairness of another.

      For example, many people think it is unfair that most of the money on our planet is concentrated in the hands of a small group of people. And they think it is unfair that in one country people starve and in another country people throw away excess food.

      From this we can conclude that there is subjective fairness – it is different for everyone. And objective – when deeds are evaluated not by the interests of the parties, but by the basic moral principles of “good and evil”. That is why there was a need for courts, where the judge must establish objective fairness, relying on the laws of a given society.

      But as you might have guessed, nowadays courts have become subjective, corruption and blackmail are the main weapons of powerful people. And now, people in whose hands there is power determine what is good and what is bad. Unfortunately, this is a fact and it must be recognized.

      You know, we can talk for a long time about how hard it is for ordinary people to live in countries where corruption and lawlessness reign. How people are manipulated through the media. TV presenters and journalists brazenly lie and get good fees for it. How in underdeveloped countries children are stolen and sold into slavery or for organ transplants. We seem to be a civilized society, but for the most part we remain savages with spears. We have the same law as before: “He who is stronger is right”. And this strength is measured by power.

      I am only telling you this to show you that there are laws and rules that were formed before we were born. And with them there are also the problems of society, which are more than a thousand years old. And our task is simply to accept these rules of the game. This will save us a lot of time. Because everyone who has tried to fight the system always ends up with nothing. And not even because they were weak, but because by defeating certain leaders of the system, they will be forced to become part of a new system that will eventually break them. Because the system holds on to the basic sins of society. And it is useless to fight them with methods of force. It is necessary either to learn how to manipulate them, or to raise a new generation, which will be much more moral and conscious. But this is already from the category of fantasy. So if you decide to become a politician, I can only sympathize with you, because it is difficult and unpopular to be a decent politician, and most likely you will become an ordinary corrupt “button-pusher”. However, I do not think that such people will read this book. Therefore, I will once again voice my thought: do not waste your precious time fighting the system. It will destroy itself, but it will not be for a long time.


      Time is exactly what we need to think about. It is the most valuable and irreplaceable resource that every human being possesses. Time is given to everyone. But the amount of this time is different for everyone. If we waste time on trifles, we will not have time to achieve our goals. And, accordingly, vice versa. Someone who wants to spend time watching TV shows must sacrifice his goals. And if one’s goal is to watch TV, then there is no problem. Actions coincide with goals.

      That’s why there are always critics who, lying on the couch, criticize others and say that here they would have done it differently. Exactly the way it should be done. Funny, but how do they always know how things should be done? Maybe you can get the wisdom of the universe from TV? I don’t think so. In fact, they just know the fact of what happened and judge from an “if only” position. But the point is, you can’t know until you try.

      The importance of time can be discussed at length, but since I value your time, I will try to highlight the most important things for you.

      Let’s start with the most important thing, you must remember and always try to keep in your mind the thought: “You have the opportunity and the right to manage your time”. Only you decide what to spend it on. After all, time is your life. The interval between your birth and death.

      The second thing you must remember. Time flows like a river. And just like a river, it has a direction of flow. But unlike a river, time cannot be stopped or its direction turned. You can sit in one place and do nothing, but it will continue to flow at its own speed and in its own direction.

      The third thing is that you must make a rule: “You must plan your day and your life”. If you do not set goals and do not act according to a plan, you are like a leaf on a tree that has fallen into a river, you will float downstream, and there is no telling where you will end up. Learn to plan your daily routine based on your needs and goals.

      Fourth, keep track of time. Put a clock in a prominent place. Have it on your desk at work, in the kitchen, and in your bedroom. Get in the habit of feeling the passage of time. Control your actions based on the time allotted in your plan.

      Fifth, your plan should contain specific actions with the time allotted for a specific task. What a plan should be, I will talk about in the future. But the main condition is that the plan should be based on your goals.

      You also need to teach yourself to value your time. After all, you will be constantly distracted by various trifles. Your family and relatives, your friends and acquaintances. No matter how much we love them, they will distract you with their conversations, requests and problems. You need to learn how to filter their requests. After all, you can spend the whole day talking to a friend, going shopping with your girlfriends and still not fulfill your plan for the day. Sure, we want to go out and socialize with friends at times. I’m not against that. But it also happens that we are in the mood for work, we are busy, and we get a call asking us to go for a walk or sit at a friend’s house. And at that moment we need to ask ourselves a question – is it worth it? What is important to me right now? To be there or to do my business? After all, no one will do your business for you. My point is that every choice has a price, and that price is time. Your time. So I urge you to value your time and not waste it.

      And I also noticed one peculiarity: as we get older, we start to feel like time is speeding up. And the results of our actions show up quite quickly. If you are under 25, it may seem to you that you have your whole life ahead of you. You can plan, choose, do, then change your mind and choose again, then do again. And the result of your actions was usually waiting for you somewhere out there in the future. Even after we make mistakes, we feel like we still have plenty of time to correct those mistakes. After the age of 30, it becomes obvious that it is better