Sanzhar Kondybayev

Journey to the Emerald Era. Science fiction story

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individually, but also how you work together.”

      Sanzhar enthusiastically stood up for one of the teams. Volleyball had always been one of his favorite sports. He was looking forward to the opportunity to distract himself from his thoughts and just enjoy the game, freeing his head from heavy thoughts.

      The game began. The ball flew quickly over the net, passed from one player to another. Sanzhar quickly immersed himself in the game, feeling how his body synchronized with the movements of his teammates. Each hit, each jump was coordinated and precisely calibrated. The coach watched them carefully, occasionally shouting out advice and instructions.

      “Great job, Sanzhar! – the coach shouted after he scored a successful point. – But remember: the game is not only about strength, but also about strategy. You must see not only the ball, but also the positions of all your teammates and opponents.

      Sanzhar nodded, thinking about the coach’s words. The game went on, and he began to notice how important the cooperation between the players was, how every pass and every shot was part of a single plan that was developing right before their eyes. The excitement and passion that arose during the game made him forget about everything else. He enjoyed the moment, each time trying to better understand his teammates and anticipate their actions.

      But thoughts about the story still did not leave him. He began to draw parallels between the game and his task: to find the very idea that would become the key element of his story, like a good pass in volleyball. He realized that he needed to think not only about individual details, but also about how they fit together, how one thought can pick up another, creating a unified whole.

      With each new play, Sanzhar increasingly felt his consciousness being cleared, as the internal barriers that prevented him from finding that very idea slowly dissolved. Team play made him think more broadly, go beyond the usual, and look for solutions in the team.

      When the training came to an end, Sanzhar was tired but satisfied. He understood that the game helped him to distract himself a little and look at the problem from a different angle. The coach patted him on the shoulder, congratulating him on a good game, and Sanzhar, lingering on the court for a little while, thought about how sports can help in solving creative problems.

      His next point was the casting of new club members, and, feeling slightly excited, he headed to the locker room to freshen up and prepare for the next test of the day. He knew that there was still a lot of interesting things ahead of him, but how exactly this would affect his search for a new idea remained a mystery.

      2:5 Work in the club. Sanzhar, feeling slightly tired after an intense training session, headed to the club room, where they were going to hold a casting for new members for the student club “KIMEP TIME”. Although his thoughts were still wandering around the task set by the professor – to write a science fiction story with a completely new plot – he knew that now he needed to concentrate on the current matter.

      The club room greeted him with its usual lively atmosphere. The spacious room was flooded with bright daylight streaming through large windows. In the center of the room there were several tables, at which the club members were already seated, discussing the upcoming event. On the walls hung posters with previous issues of the magazine, photos from events and posters of past club meetings. In the corner of the room, a projector was visible, already set up to show the presentations of the candidates.

      – Hello, guys! – Lana, the president of the club, began energetically when Sanzhar entered the room. Her cheerful voice immediately attracted the attention of everyone present. – Today is an important day for us – a casting of new members of our club. I am sure that everyone came in a great mood and ready for productive work.

      Sanzhar nodded affably in response and took his place at one of the tables. For him, working in the club had always been something special – here he could realize his creative ambitions, discuss ideas with like-minded people and participate in projects that really mattered. Today he was serious, because they had to select those who would become part of the team and create new content for the magazine together with them.

      Candidates began to enter the room, introducing themselves one by one and telling about their interests. The atmosphere became increasingly tense, each candidate tried to impress the club members, hoping for approval and the coveted place in the team.

      – Hello, my name is Alina, – one of the candidates began, entering the room. She held herself confidently, but there was a slight nervousness in her voice. – I have always been interested in journalism and I want to develop my skills by working on articles and projects with you. I have several ideas that I would like to implement in your club.

      Sanzhar looked closely at Alina, noting her sincerity and desire for self-realization. She spoke about her proposals with enthusiasm, and this made a positive impression on him.

      When Lana invited the club members to speak out, Sanzhar was the first to voice his opinion:

      – It seems to me that Alina is truly interested in the work of the club and can make a significant contribution to our projects. Her ideas are fresh, and I think that she will be able to quickly adapt to the team.

      The other club members supported his opinion, and after a short discussion, it was decided to accept Alina into the club.

      The casting continued, and each new candidate aroused more and more interest in Sanzhar. Some candidates were more experienced, others were enthusiastic, but with less experience. It was important to find a balance and choose those who could work effectively in a team, bringing new ideas and energy to their activities.

      Sanzhar became more and more immersed in the process, trying to objectively evaluate each candidate, because the future of the club and its projects depended on their choice. He was interested in watching how each candidate manifested themselves, how their personalities were revealed and how they interacted with the current members of the club. He noted to himself which of them had creative thinking, who could offer unconventional solutions, and who was able to inspire others to new achievements.

      When the last candidate left the room, Lana took the floor again:

      – Great job, guys! I think we made a good choice. Now we have new members, and many interesting projects await us ahead.

      Sanzhar nodded, feeling satisfied with the work done. He knew that the club would always have a place for creative ideas and talented people, and this inspired him. However, the fatigue from the day was starting to tell. He decided that he needed to rest a little and have some food before returning to thinking about the cinematography assignment. Sanzhar headed to a small cafe on the university grounds, hoping for a moment of peace and quiet to collect his thoughts and get ready for productive work in the future.

      2:6 Meeting in a cafe. After a busy day filled with events and thoughts, Sanzhar headed to a small cafe on the university grounds to rest and catch his breath. The cafe space beckoned with its quiet, calm atmosphere. Here you could forget about all your worries for a while and just enjoy a moment of solitude.

      The cafe was almost empty. Only a few students were sitting at their tables, immersed in their study materials or in a leisurely conversation with friends. The light coming through the large windows softly illuminated the interior, creating a feeling of coziness. Sanzhar ordered a sandwich and a glass of fresh juice, hoping that this would help him regain his strength before returning home.

      While his order was being prepared, Sanzhar accidentally noticed a familiar figure at one of the tables by the window. It was Richard, who seemed to be completely immersed in reading a book. In one hand, he held a thin, almost transparent cup of tea, from which aromatic steam slowly rose.

      Sanzhar thought for a moment whether to approach him. Their last meeting had been strange, and thoughts about what Richard had said back then had not left him. But curiosity had gotten the better of him, and after receiving his order, Sanzhar headed to the table