Иван Павлович Кулясов

Источники экосоциологии

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2016. 286 с.


      Тысячнюк М. С., Кулясов И. П., Кулясова А. А. (ред.) Охрана водосборов в России и США. Вологда: ВИРО. 2001. 340 с.


      Кулясов И. П. Лесная сертификация. Серия: «Экосоциология». Издательские решения. 2016. 214 с.


      Clements F.E. Nature and structure of the climax // Journal of Ecology. 1936. Vol. 24. №1. p. 252—284.


      Leopold A. A sand county almanach and sketches here and there. New York: Oxford University 1949. Vol. 13.


      Леопольд О. Календарь песчаного графства. Пер. с англ. И. Гуровой. Ред. А. Банников. М.: Мир. 1980. 210 с.


      Mead G.H. Mind self and society from the standpoint of a social behaviorist. 1934.


      Dewey J. Democracy and education: An introduction to the philosophy of education. New York: The Macmillan Company. 1916.; Human nature and conduct: An introduction to social psychology. New York: Holt and Co. 1922.; Experience and Nature. Chicago. 1925.; Logic: The theory of Inquiry. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 1938.


      McKenzie R.D., Park R.E., Burgess E.W. The City. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1967.


      Park R.E. Human nature and collective behavior // American J. Sociology. 1927. Vol. 32. №5. p. 695—703.; Human ecology // American journal sociology. 1936. Vol. 42. №1. p. 1—15.


      Park R.E. Society: Collective behavior, news and opinion, sociology and modern society. Glencoe: Free. 1955.


      Wirth L. Social interaction: The problem of the Individual and the group. 1939. Vol. 44. p. 965—979.; Human ecology. 1945: Vol. 50. No. 6. p. 483—488.; Community life and the social policy. Chicago. 1956.


      MаcKenzie R. Social ecology // The encyclopedia of social sciences. New York: Macmillan & Collier. 1937. Vol. 5. p. 314—315.


      Alihan M.A. Social ecology: A critical analysis. New York: Columbia University Press. 1935.


      Huwley A. Human ecology: A theory of community structure. New York: Ronald Press Company. 1950.


      Duncan O.D. From social system to ecosystem // Sociological Inquiry. 1961. Vol. 31. p. 140—149.; Social organization and the ecosystem // In handbook of modern sociology. Ed. R. Faris. Chicago: Rand McNally. 1964. p. 36—82.; Duncan O.D., Schnore L.F. Cultural, behavioral and ecological perspectives in the study of social organisation // American journal sociology. 1969. Vol. 65. №2. p. 132—136.


      Mukerjee R.K. The regional balance of man // American journal sociology. 1930. №36. p. 455—460.; The ecological outlook in sociology // American journal sociology.1932. №38. p. 349—355.


      Sorokin P.A. Man and society in calamity. New York: Dutton. 1942.


      Landis P.H. Man in environment: An introduction to sociology. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company. 1949.


      Cottrell F. Energy and society: The relation between energy, social change, and economic development. New York: Mc-Graw-Hill. 1955.


      Catton W.R., Dunlop R.E. Environmental sociology and new paradigms // The American sociologist. 1978. №13. p. 41—49. Dunlap R.E., Catton W.R. Environmental sociology // Annual review of sociology. Eds. A. Inkeles, J. Coleman, R. Turner. California: Annual Reviews Inc. 1979. Vol. 5. p. 243—273.; Environmental sociology: a framework for analysis // In Progress in resource management and environmental planning. Eds. T. O’Riordan, R. Chichester. England: Wiley. 1979. Vol. 1. p. 57—85.


      Daly H.E. Steady-state economics. San Francisco: Freeman. 1977.


      Ophuls W. Ecology and the politics of scarcity. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman. 1977.


      Hardestry D.L. Ecological anthropology. New York: Wiley. 1977.


      Schnaiberg A. Environmental sociology and the division of labor. Evanston, Illinois: Department of Sociology, Northwestern University. 1972.


      Zeisel J. Sociology and architectural design. New York: Russel Sage Foundation. 1975.


      Wilson F.D. Urban ecology: Urbanization and systems of cities // Annual Reviews Sociology. 1984. No. 10. p. 283—307.


      Bookchin M. Ecology and revolutionary thought // Anarchy69. 1966. Vol. 6. p. 18—29.; Post scarcity anarchism. London: Wildwood House. 1971.; The ecology of freedom. The emergence and dissolution of hierarchy. Palo Alto CA, Cheshire Books. 1982.; Remaking society. Pathways to a green future. Boston: South end Press. 1990.


      Pepper D. The roots of modern environmentalism. Croom Helm Australia. 1984.; Eco-socialism. From deep ecology to social justice. London: Rosefledge. 1993.


      Naess A. The shallow and the deep, long-range ecology movement: A summary // Inquiry. 1973. №16 (1). p. 95—100.


      Gore A. Earth in the balance. Forging a new common purpose. London: Earthcan Publications. 1992.


      Huber J. Die veriorene unschuld der okologie: Neue technologien und susperindustrielle entwicklung. Frangfurt-Main: Fisher Verlag. 1982.; Die regenbogengesellschaft: Okologie und sozialpolotic. Frankfurt am Main: Fisher Verlag. 1985.


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