Гарольд Шехтер

Мясники. Крайне жестокие и малоизвестные преступники из прошлого века

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New Year.”


      “City Intelligence.”


      “Happy New Year”; “The Minister's New Year,” 130.


      “Happy New Year.”


      “City Intelligence.”


      Advertisement, PI, January 1, 1866, 3, and Advertisement, PI, January 6, 1866, 3.


      “Philadelphia in 1865.”


      “The Old Year.”


      Там же; см. также “Condemned.”


      Там же; см. также “Murder in the Fourth Ward.”


      Keyser, Kain, Garber, and McCann, History of Old Germantown, 28–43, 108-9; “Horrible Murder,” 1, 2.


      “Germantown Murder Case.”


      Там же; см. также “Horrible Murder,” 1.


      “Horrible Murder,” 1.


      Там же; см. также “Germantown Murder,” PDEB.


      “Germantown Murder,” PET, January 8, 1866.


      “Horrible Murder,” 1.


      “Germantown Murder,” PET, January 12; “Watts Murder.”


      Там же.


      Там же.


      “Great Tragedy,” PI.


      “Recent Murder at Germantown.”


      “Germantown Murder: Trial of Berger.”


      “Conviction of Germantown Murderer.”


      “Germantown Murder: Death Sentence.”


      “Murderer in His Cell.”


      “Berger's Death Warrant.”


      “End of the Murderer.”


      Там же.


      “Castle Garden”; Svejda, Castle Garden, 35.


      Anbinder, City of Dreams, 146-47.


      “Marine Intelligence.”


      Anon., Life, Confession, Crimes, 37–43; Mann, Official Report, 102.


      Krick, “The Smoothbore Volley,” 1-41.


      Svejda, Castle Garden, 68–70.


      Heidler and Heidler, Encyclopedia of the American Civil War, 103.


      New York Civil War Muster Roll Abstracts.


      McKevitt, Meridian Hill, 37–38.


      Geary, We Need Men, 12–13; Heidler and Heidler, Encyclopedia of the American Civil War, 257; M. T. Smith, Enemy Within, 133, 137-41.


      New York Civil War Muster Roll Abstracts; Smith, Enemy Within, 149-50; Mann, Official Report, 102; “Great Tragedy,” PI.


      M. T. Smith, Enemy Within, 149-50; Mann, Official Report, 76, 102; “Great Tragedy,” PI. В различных источниках фамилия указывается как «Деринги», однако правильно «Диринги».


      Bankson, “North and South Philadelphia,” 76; Alexander, Dearing Tragedy, 19.


      Alexander, Dearing Tragedy, 30, 41–42.


      “Philadelphia Butchery.”


      Mann, Official, 15; “Great Tragedy!” PET; Anon., Life, Confession, Crimes, 68.


      Mann, Official Report, 103, 49.


      Там же, 99.


      Элизабет Долан иногда называют племянницей Кристофера Диринга, а иногда его кузиной. Cf. “Latest Horror!”; Anon., Life, Confession, Crimes, 54.


      Mann, Official Report, 15–16; Alexander, Dearing Tragedy, 28.


      Mann, Official Report, 47; Alexander, Dearing Tragedy, 31.


      Mann, Official Report, 48; Alexander, Dearing Tragedy, 30.


      Mann, Official Report, 51–52; Alexander, Dearing Tragedy, 33.

