в «белом свете» поэтического абриса, в одухотворённо-высоком, романтическом свете, что и не могу не отметить.
В сим месте, Я не то, чтобы всецело обращаюсь к известному смыслу конца трагедии Гёте, но, при всём этаком, Я, также, в параллелях позволяю себе намекнуть на факт биографического конца Русского Фауста – Брюса, кто, по историческим слухам, занимаясь алхимическим опытом, пробуя изготовить Эликсир Бессмертия, увы, летально ошибся в своём эксперименте. (Это – самое простецки-объяснённое изложение всех нюансов его смерти, рассказывать о коих подробно вышло бы слишком утомительным на этих страницах; – оное всё, опять-таки в моей книге.) – Вы спросите о бутыли? – отвечу: – нет, не столько опережая хронологический ход развития сюжета в последующих изображениях на Пушкинских рисунках, Я это, дескать, будто б измыслил; – сам по себе предмет «бутыли» мною усматривается именно на Рис.1, и, как мне кажется, половина её видна прямо под бесовым хвостом; по крайней мере, этакое мне сообщает моё художественно-поэтическое чувство.
См. стр. 197
Авторские подстрочные переводы вещей из этого сборника Английских текстов публикуются в разделе Дополнений, см. стр. 207.
The idea of this theme, startingly, appeared as a kind of poetic response to that message of Peace, which stays forever kept for us within the works of a noble (and most perspicaсious, this way) English poet P.B.Shelley. Nothing can be more provocative and more agitating for his intellectual reader, – and that’s, to say, to all the further thinking upon this sort of truths, questions and possibly practical answers, – than that laconic wisdom, expressed, for ex., in his upper cosmopolitan «Gella», like that in the wisest words of his Ahasuerus, talking on final «mutability» of Humane, or that in the last two strophes of the Chorus, by the end of the poem, where: «The world is weary of its past, Oh might it die or rest at last!» …At least, any rationalist, who will take this theme seriously, by means of bringing it closer to the proper philosophical matters, or, rather to say, to the proper philosophical way of thinking, could never escape that very naturally rising question, which, after all the romantic desires and wishes, simply, is the question of all the mature, unabstractive «how’s». The allegory, (highly-human allegory, hurray!), much deserves and, therefore, has to be improved, unveiled in things and actions; – in thinking that of how tragically, still, the whole modern world and its society is rapt by all «syndromes of the post-war egotisms», of how much, still, the ethical attitude to celebrating the End of Conflict yet performs but the potential willingness to start the new one, then, I was, especially, consciously driven to develop this theme, rather, in the manner of proper objectivization and dis-chimerization; and that is how, even against all the Plato’s warnings for inexorable escaping of dealing with poesy in philosophy, this particular product of my thought and vision was, finally, created.
The foolish characters of moors, – time ago, the bloodiest foes, – are the part of Spanish carnival of Today.
Russian philosopher Leo Shestov. (1866 – 1938) In his works, especially in his book «Athens and Jerusalem», once again in the history of philosophical thought, nihilistically, he tried to argue for that very unpopular idea, which tells us that «Socratus was never poisoned» – the thought unbearable for the most of philosophers of Logos.
The image «Doc», me-used in these lines, do not characterize especially the one only person; however, from the big group of so-called «Holocaust deniers», the names of D. Hoggan, A.J.Mayer and other writers, especially those who address their thoughts to authority of professorships in the world of fundamental sciences, are darken-starred, still we think, simply as the names of anti-deductivists in the history.
«Eidos» – «idea» (in old Greek).
All you must have known that very popular rock-song from the end of 60’s, played by King Crimson the band, with P.Sinfield’s lyric.
See the line 8—9.
The poison of water hemlock (Cicuta Verosa) was the favorite type of the human-killing poisons before the era of modern cyanide (potassium cyanide) was started. As you all well know, Socratus was cruelly served with it in his prison…
This word «haddle» simply came out as a product of mixing apostrophic spelling between the words: «had-it-all» = «haddle». Not that I mentioned a figure of ghost could ever be as like that vulgarly person from commonhood, who after the certain «cup of safety & relaxation», in the certain moment and in the certain manner, would have cry: – «Oh! It’s just a haddle-waddle!»; – whether, me-think, this new-made word quite ironically points the character of action and the used jester closely to alive context of here-described situation within the poem.
Red Horse – apocalyptic image from Matth. 6: 4;