Robert Burns

The Complete Works

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to a bard I should be seen

      Wi’ half my channel dry:

      A panegyric rhyme, I ween,

      Even as I was he shor’d me;

      But had I in my glory been,

      He, kneeling, wad ador’d me.


      Here, foaming down the shelvy rocks,

      In twisting strength I rin;

      There, high my boiling torrent smokes,

      Wild-roaring o’er a linn:

      Enjoying large each spring and well,

      As Nature gave them me,

      I am, altho’ I say’t mysel’,

      Worth gaun a mile to see.


      Would then my noble master please

      To grant my highest wishes,

      He’ll shade my banks wi’ tow’ring trees,

      And bonnie spreading bushes.

      Delighted doubly then, my Lord,

      You’ll wander on my banks,

      And listen mony a grateful bird

      Return you tuneful thanks.


      The sober laverock, warbling wild,

      Shall to the skies aspire;

      The gowdspink, music’s gayest child,

      Shall sweetly join the choir:

      The blackbird strong, the lintwhite clear,

      The mavis mild and mellow;

      The robin pensive autumn cheer,

      In all her locks of yellow.


      This, too, a covert shall insure

      To shield them from the storm;

      And coward maukin sleep secure,

      Low in her grassy form:

      Here shall the shepherd make his seat,

      To weave his crown of flow’rs;

      Or find a shelt’ring safe retreat

      From prone-descending show’rs.


      And here, by sweet, endearing stealth,

      Shall meet the loving pair,

      Despising worlds with all their wealth

      As empty idle care.

      The flow’rs shall vie in all their charms

      The hour of heav’n to grace,

      And birks extend their fragrant arms

      To screen the dear embrace.


      Here haply too, at vernal dawn,

      Some musing bard may stray,

      And eye the smoking, dewy lawn,

      And misty mountain gray;

      Or, by the reaper’s nightly beam,

      Mild-chequering thro’ the trees,

      Rave to my darkly-dashing stream,

      Hoarse-swelling on the breeze.


      Let lofty firs, and ashes cool,

      My lowly banks o’erspread,

      And view, deep-bending in the pool,

      Their shadows’ wat’ry bed!

      Let fragrant birks in woodbines drest

      My craggy cliffs adorn;

      And, for the little songster’s nest,

      The close embow’ring thorn.


      So may old Scotia’s darling hope,

      Your little angel band,

      Spring, like their fathers, up to prop

      Their honour’d native land!

      So may thro’ Albion’s farthest ken,

      To social-flowing glasses,

      The grace be—“Athole’s honest men,

      And Athole’s bonnie lasses?”


      [When Burns wrote these touching lines, he was staying with Sir William Murray, of Ochtertyre, during one of his Highland tours. Loch-Turit is a wild lake among the recesses of the hills, and was welcome from its loneliness to the heart of the poet.]

      Why, ye tenants of the lake,

      For me your wat’ry haunt forsake?

      Tell me, fellow-creatures, why

      At my presence thus you fly?

      Why disturb your social joys,

      Parent, filial, kindred ties?—

      Common friend to you and me,

      Nature’s gifts to all are free:

      Peaceful keep your dimpling wave,

      Busy feed, or wanton lave:

      Or, beneath the sheltering rock,

      Bide the surging billow’s shock.

      Conscious, blushing for our race,

      Soon, too soon, your fears I trace.

      Man, your proud usurping foe,

      Would be lord of all below:

      Plumes himself in Freedom’s pride,

      Tyrant stern to all beside.

      The eagle, from the cliffy brow,

      Marking you his prey below,

      In his breast no pity dwells,

      Strong necessity compels:

      But man, to whom alone is giv’n

      A ray direct from pitying heav’n,

      Glories in his heart humane—

      And creatures for his pleasure slain.

      In these savage, liquid plains,

      Only known to wand’ring swains,

      Where the mossy riv’let strays,

      Far from human haunts and ways;

      All on Nature you depend,

      And life’s poor season peaceful spend.

      Or, if man’s superior might

      Dare invade your native right,

      On the lofty ether borne,

      Man with all his pow’rs you scorn;

      Swiftly seek, on clanging wings,

      Other lakes and other springs;

      And the foe you cannot brave,

      Scorn at least to be his slave.


      [The castle of Taymouth is the residence of the Earl of Breadalbane: it is a magnificent structure, contains many fine paintings: has some splendid old trees and romantic scenery.]

      Admiring Nature in her wildest grace,

      These northern scenes with weary feet I trace;

      O’er many a winding dale and painful steep,

      Th’ abodes of covey’d grouse and timid sheep,

      My savage journey, curious I pursue,

      ’Till fam’d Breadalbane opens to my view.—
