Frederick Marryat

Masterman Ready

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      “Well, Master Tommy, you are very glad that the gale is over?”

      “I didn’t care,” replied Tommy, “only I spilt all my soup. But Juno tumbled off her chair, and rolled away with the baby, till papa picked them both up.”

      “It was a mercy that poor Albert was not killed,” observed Mrs Seagrave.

      “And so he might have been, if Juno had not thought only of him and nothing at all about herself,” replied Mr Seagrave.

      “That’s very true, sir,” replied Captain Osborn. “She saved the child, and, I fear, hurt herself.”

      “I thump my head very hard,” said Juno, smiling.

      “Yes, and it’s lucky that you have a good thick woolly coat over it,” replied Captain Osborn, laughing.

      “It is 12 o’clock by the sun, sir,” said Mackintosh, the first mate, to the captain.

      “Then bring me up the latitude, Mr Mackintosh, while I work out the longitude from the sights which I took this morning. In five minutes, Mr Seagrave, I shall be ready to prick off over our place on the chart.”

      “Here are the dogs come up on deck,” said William; “I dare say they are as glad of the fine weather as we are. Come here, Romulus! Here, Remus!—Remus!”

      “Well, sir,” said Ready, who was standing by them with his quadrant in his hand, “I should like to ask you a question. Those dogs of yours have two very odd names which I never heard before. Who were Romulus and Remus?”

      “Romulus and Remus,” replied Mr Seagrave, “were the names of two shepherds, brothers, who in ancient days founded the city of Rome, which eventually became the largest and most celebrated empire in the world. They were the first kings of Rome, and reigned together. History says that Remus affronted Romulus by leaping over a wall he had raised, and Romulus, in his anger, took away his life; but the history of early days is not to be depended upon.”

      “No, nor the brothers either, it appears,” replied Ready; “however, it is the old story—two of a trade can never agree. One sometimes hears of Rome now—is that the same place?”

      “Yes,” replied William, “it is the remains of the old city.”

      “Well, one lives and learns,” said Ready. “I have learnt something to-day, which everyone will to the last day of his life, if he will only ask questions. I’m an old man, and perhaps don’t know much, except in the seafaring way; but I should have known much less if I did not ask for information, and was not ashamed to acknowledge my ignorance; that’s the way to learn, Master William.”

      “Very good advice, Ready,—and, William, I hope you will profit by it,” said Mr Seagrave; “never be ashamed to ask the meaning of what you do not understand.”

      “I always do, papa. Do I not ask you questions, Ready?”

      “Yes, you do, and very clever questions for a boy of your age; and I only wish that I could answer them better than I can sometimes.”

      “I should like to go down now, my dear,” said Mrs Seagrave; “perhaps Ready will see the baby down safe.”

      “That I will, ma’am,” said Ready, putting his quadrant on the capstan: “now, Juno, give me the child, and go down first;—backwards, you stupid girl! how often do I tell you that? Some day or another you will come down with a run.”

      “And break my head,” said Juno.

      “Yes, or break your arm; and then who is to hold the child?”

      As soon as they were all down in the cabin, the captain and Mr Seagrave marked the position of the vessel on the chart, and found that they were one hundred and thirty miles from the Cape of Good Hope.

      “If the wind holds, we shall be in to-morrow,” said Mr Seagrave to his wife. “Juno, perhaps you may see your father and mother.”

      Poor Juno shook her head, and a tear or two stole down her dark cheek. With a mournful face she told them, that her father and mother belonged to a Dutch boer, who had gone with them many miles into the interior: she had been parted from them when quite a little child, and had been left at Cape Town.

      Chapter Three.

      The next morning the Pacific arrived at the Cape and anchored in Table Bay.

      “Why do they call this Table Bay, Ready?” said William.

      “I suppose it’s because they call that great mountain the Table Mountain, Master William; you see how flat the mountain is on the top.”

      “Yes, it is quite as flat as a table.”

      “Yes, and sometimes you will see the white clouds rolling down over the top of it in a very curious manner, and that the sailors call spreading the tablecloth: it is a sign of bad weather.”

      “Then I hope they will not spread the tablecloth while we are here, Ready,” said William, “for I shall certainly have no appetite. We have had bad weather enough already, and mamma suffers so much from it. What a pretty place it is!”

      “We shall remain here two days, sir,” said Captain Osborn to Mr Seagrave, “if you and Mrs Seagrave would like to go on shore.”

      “I will go down and ask Mrs Seagrave,” said her husband, who went down the ladder, followed by William.

      Upon the question being put to Mrs Seagrave, she replied that she was quite satisfied with the ship having no motion, and did not feel herself equal to going on shore; it was therefore decided that she should remain on board with the two younger children, and that, on the following day, Mr Seagrave should take William and Tommy to see Cape Town, and return on board before night.

      The next morning, Captain Osborn lowered down one of the large boats, and Mr Seagrave, accompanied by Captain Osborn, went on shore with William and Tommy. Tommy had promised his mamma to be very good; but that he always did, and almost always forgot his promise directly he was out of sight. As soon as they landed, they went up to a gentleman’s house, with whom Captain Osborn was acquainted. They stayed for a few minutes to drink a glass of lemonade, for it was very warm; and then it was proposed that they should go to the Company’s Gardens and see the wild beasts which were confined there, at which William was much delighted, and Tommy clapped his hands with joy.

      “What are the Company’s Gardens, papa?” inquired William.

      “They were made by the Dutch East India Company, at the time that the Cape of Good Hope was in their possession. They are, properly speaking, Botanical Gardens; but, at the same time, the wild animals are kept there. Formerly there were a great many, but they have not been paid attention to lately, for we have plenty of these animals in England now.”

      “What shall we see?” said Tommy.

      “You will see lions, Tommy, a great many in a large den together,” said Captain Osborn.

      “Oh! I want to see a lion.”

      “You must not go too near them, recollect.”

      “No, I won’t,” said Tommy.

      As soon as they entered the gates, Tommy escaped from Captain Osborn, and ran away in his hurry to see the lions; but Captain Osborn caught him again, and held him fast by the hand.

      “Here is a pair of very strange birds,” said the gentleman who accompanied them; “they are called Secretaries, on account of the feathers which hang behind their heads, as the feather of a pen does when a clerk puts it behind his ear: but they are very useful, for they are snake-killers; indeed, they would, if they could, live altogether upon snakes, which they are very great enemies to, never letting one escape. They strike them with their feet, and with such force as to kill them immediately.”

      “Are there many snakes in this country?” inquired William.

      “Yes, and very venomous snakes,” replied Mr Seagrave; “so that