
Хрестоматия по социологии физической культуры и спорта. Часть 1

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      319. Osterhoudt Robert G., Simon Bob, Volkwein Karin (2000). Philosophy of sport // ICSSPE. Vade Mecum. Directory of sport science. 2nd Edition. – pp. 107–121.

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      322. Pfister Gertrud (2000). Sport History // ICSSPE. Vade Mecum. Directory of sport science. 2nd Edition. – pp. 191–207.

      323. Philosophy of Physical Culture: Proceedings of the International Conference held in Olomouc, Czech Republic, September 1–3, 1996 / Svatopluk Horak (Ed.). – Olomouc, 1997.

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      336. Saeki Toshio (1990). The Characteristics of Sociological Research on Sport Organization in Japan // Int. Review for the Sociology of Sport. – vol. 25, N. 2. – pp. 109–123.

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      340. Schulke Hans Jurgen (1977). Sociology in Sport Science. Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of the Research Situation in the German Federal Republic // Int. Review of Sport Sociology. – vol. 3 (12). – pp. 63–73.

      341. Shilbury David, Mandella Alberto, Cuneen Jacquelyn (2000). Sport Management // ICSSPE. Vade Mecum. Directory of sport science. 2nd Edition. – pp. 229–254.

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      345. Social problems in athletics: Essays in the Sociology of Sport / Ed. by Landere D. M. – Urbana etc.: University of Illinois press, 1976.

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      347. Sociology of Sport in Bulgaria: Bibliography 1959–1970. – Sofia: Bulgarian Union for Physical Culture and Sport. Scientific-Methodological Council, 1970.

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      355. Stolyarov V. I. (1983 a). Aktuelle Probleme der Sportphilosophie und Sportsoziologie // Theorie und Praxis der Körperkultur, Heft 5. – S. 352–358.

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