the safe were found several bundles of letters andshare-certificates, and an old cash-box containing some loosestamps; but nothing else.
Malcolm Sage dismissed Peters and Dane, saying that he would bereturning to town after dinner. In the meantime he and Sir Jamesstrolled about the grounds, discussing the remarkable rise in thechess-world of Capablanca, whilst Dawkins was busily occupied in adarkened bath-room.
Dinner proved a far less sombre meal than luncheon. Malcolm Sage andSir James between them succeeded in placing young Dane more at hisease. The haunted, shell-shock look left his eyes, and the twitchingdisappeared from the corners of his mouth.
It was nearly nine o'clock when the distant moan of a hooterannounced to Malcolm Sage's alert ears the return of Tims. He rosefrom the table and walked slowly to the door, where for some secondshe stood with his hand upon the knob.
As the car drew up he slipped into the hall, just as Peters openedthe door.
A moment later the butler started back, his right hand seemed to flyto his left breast pocket. At the same moment Malcolm Sage sprangforward. There was a flash, a report, and two bodies fell at thefeet of Inspector Wensdale, of Scotland Yard, and another manstanding beside him.
In a second, however, they had thrown themselves upon the strugglingheap, and when Malcolm Sage rose to his feet it was to look downupon Peters pinned to the floor by the inspector, with the strangeman sitting on his legs.
"There is no witness so sure as the camera," remarked Malcolm Sageas he gazed from one to the other of two photographs before him, onerepresenting him holding an automatic pistol to his own head, andthe other in which Sir James was posing as a murderer.
"It is strange that it should be so neglected at Scotland Yard," headded.
Silent and absorbed when engaged upon a problem, Malcolm Sageresented speech as a sick man resents arrowroot. At other times heseemed to find pleasure in lengthy monologues, invariably of aprofessional nature.
"But we use it a lot, Mr. Sage," protested Inspector Wensdale.
"For recording the features of criminals," was the retort. "No,Wensdale, you are obsessed by the finger-print heresy, quiteregardless of the fact that none but an amateur ever leaves such athing behind him, and the amateur is never difficult to trace."
He paused for a moment; but the inspector made no comment.
"The two greatest factors in the suppression of crime," continuedMalcolm Sage, "are photography and finger-prints. Both are in use atScotland Yard; but each in place of the other. Finger-prints areregarded as clues, and photography is a means of identification, whereas finger-prints are of little use except to identify pastoffenders, and photography is the greatest aid to the actual tracingof the criminal."
Malcolm Sage never failed to emphasise the importance of photographyin the detection of crime. He probably used it more than all otherinvestigators put together. He contended that a photographic printestablished for all time what the eye could only dimly register forthe moment, with the consequent danger of forgetfulness.
As the links in a chain multiplied, it was frequently necessary torefer to the scene of a crime, or tragedy, and then probably someimportant point would crop up, which the eye had not considered ofsufficient importance to dwell upon. By then, in the case of amurder, the body would have been removed, and everything about iteither re-ordered or obliterated.
Malcolm Sage proceeded to stuff his pipe with tobacco which he drewfrom the left-hand pocket of his jacket. He had discovered that arubber-lined pocket was the best and safest pouch.
He picked up a third photograph and laid it beside the others. Itwas a print of Mr. Challoner's head, showing, marked in ink, thecourse of the bullet towards the left of the frontal bone.
"A man shooting himself," began Malcolm Sage, "places the pistol ina position so that the muzzle is directed towards the back of thehead. On the other hand, anyone approaching his victim from behindwould have a tendency to direct the muzzle towards the front of thehead. That is why I got Dawkins to take a photograph of me holdingthe pistol to my head and of you holding it from behind. Thesephotographs will constitute the principal evidence at the trial."
Sir James nodded. He was too interested to interrupt.
"On this enlargement of the wound," continued Malcolm Sage, "youwill see an abrasion on the side nearer the ear, as if the head hadsuddenly been jerked backwards between the time of the muzzle beingplaced against the temple and the actual firing of the shot."
Thompson leaned across to examine the photograph.
"If the eyes of someone sitting at a table are suddenly andunexpectedly covered from behind, the natural instinct is to jerkbackwards so that the head may be turned to see who it is. That isexactly what occurred with Challoner. He jerked backwards, and thebarrel of the pistol grazed the skin and was deflected still moretowards the frontal bone."
Sir James and Thompson exchanged glances. Dawkins stood by, a lookof happiness in his eyes. His beloved camera was justifying itselfonce more. Inspector Wensdale breathed heavily.
"Apart from all this, the position of the head on the table, and theway in which the hand was holding the pistol, not to speak of thecurve of the arm, were unnatural. You get some idea of this from thephotograph that Dawkins took of me, although I could only simulatedeath by relaxing the muscles. Again, the head would hardly belikely to twist on to its side."
"The doctor ought to have seen that," said the inspector.
Another thing against the theory of suicide was that the secondjoint of the first finger was pressing against the trigger. Mr.Challoner was an expert shot, and would instinctively have used thepad of the finger, not the second joint.
"The next step," continued Malcolm Sage, "was how could anyone getinto the room and approach Challoner without being heard or'sensed.'"
"He must have been very much absorbed in what he was doing,"suggested Sir James.
Malcolm Sage shook his head, and for a few seconds gazed at thephotographs before him.
"You will remember there was nothing on the table in front of him. Ishall come to that presently. It is very unlikely that a man sittingat a table would not be conscious of someone approaching him frombehind, no matter how quietly he stepped, unless that man'spresence in the room were quite a normal and natural thing. Thatgave me the clue to Peters. He is the only person who could be inthe library without Challoner taking any notice of him. Consequentlyit was easy for him to approach his master and shoot him."
"But the locked door, sir," said Thompson.
"That is a very simple matter. An ordinary lead-pencil, with a pieceof string tied to one end, put through the ring of the key to act asa lever, the cord being passed beneath the door, will lock any doorin existence. The pencil can then be drawn under the door. This willshow how it's done." Malcolm Sage reached across for a sheet ofpaper, and drew a rough sketch.
"That is why you examined the under-edge of the door?" suggested Sir
Malcolm Sage nodded. "The marks of the cord were clearly defined andreflected in the mirror. Had the key not been touched, it would havehelped."
"How?" asked Inspector Wensdale.
"By means of the string the key is turned only just to the pointwhere the lever falls through the hole to the floor. The fingerswould turn beyond that point, not being so delicate."
"Mr. Sage, you're a wonder," burst out the inspector.
"I then," proceeded Malcolm Sage, "examined all the other doors inthe house, and I found that of one room, which I after discovered tobe Peters', was heavily scored at the bottom. He had evidentlypractised fairly extensively before putting the plan into operation.He had also done the same thing with the library door, as there weremarks of more than one operation. Furthermore, he was wiser than totake the risk of so clumsy a tool as a lead-pencil. He used this."
Malcolm Sage drew from his pocket the roll of twine with the thinsteel instrument down