Horatio Alger Jr.

Digging for Gold

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know you’ve got money in two savings banks, besides some railroad bonds. Tom Wilson told me the other day that you had over five thousand dollars in money and bonds.”

      “Tom Wilson don’t know anything about my affairs,” said Tarbox hastily. “I’ll think it over, Grant, and mebbe – I won’t promise – I’ll see what I can do for you. Now we’ll go to work. It’s a sin to be idle.”



      Mr. Tarbox’s farm was located in Woodburn, rather a small town in Iowa. He was originally from Connecticut, but at the age of thirty removed to the then frontier Western State. He owned a large farm, which he had bought at the government price of one dollar and a quarter an acre. He also owned a smaller farm a mile and a half west of the one he occupied, and this he cultivated on shares. It had been a lucky purchase, for a railway intersected it, and he had obtained a large price for the land used. Besides his two farms, he had from six to seven thousand dollars in money; yet it seemed that the richer he grew the meaner he became. He had a married daughter, living in Crestville, six miles away, and when he died she and her family would no doubt inherit the miserly farmer’s possessions. Like her father she was selfish and close so far as others were concerned, but she was willing to spend money on herself. She had a son about the age of Grant, who liked to wear good clothes, and was something of a dude. His name was Rodney Bartlett, and he looked down with infinite contempt on his grandfather’s hard-working stepson.

      Just before twelve o’clock a smart looking buggy drove into the yard. The occupants of the buggy were Rodney and his mother.

      “Hey, you!” he called out to Grant, “come and hold the horse while we get out.”

      Grant came forward and did as he was requested. Had Rodney been alone he would not have heeded the demand, but Mrs. Bartlett’s sex claimed deference, though he did not like her.

      “Just go in and tell your mother we’ve come to dinner.”

      But Grant was spared the trouble, for the farmer came up at this moment.

      “Howdy do, Sophia!” he said. “What sent you over?”

      “I wanted to consult you about a little matter of business, father. I hope Mrs. Tarbox will have enough dinner for us.”

      “I reckon so, I reckon so,” said Seth Tarbox, who, to do him justice, was not mean as regarded the table. “How’s your husband?”

      “Oh, he’s ailing as usual. He’s lazy and shiftless, and if it wasn’t for me I don’t know what would become of us.”

      By this time the two had entered the house. Rodney stayed behind, and glanced superciliously at Grant.

      “Seems to me you’re looking shabbier than ever,” he said.

      “You’re right there,” said Grant bitterly, “but it isn’t my fault.”

      “Whose is it?”

      “Your grandfather’s. He won’t buy me any clothes.”

      “Well, you’re not kin to him.”

      “I know that, but I work hard and earn a great deal more than I get.”

      “I don’t know about that. Maybe I can hunt up one of my old suits for you,” Rodney added patronizingly.

      “Thank you, but I don’t want anybody’s cast-off clothes; at any rate, not yours.”

      “You’re getting proud,” sneered Rodney.

      “You can call it that if you like.”

      “Don’t you wish you was me, so you could wear good clothes all the time?”

      “I should like to wear the good clothes, but I’d rather be myself than anybody else.”

      “Some time I shall be rich,” said Rodney complacently. “I shall have all grandfather’s money.”

      “Won’t it go to your mother?”

      “Oh, well, she’ll give it to me. I hope you don’t think you and your mother will get any of it?”

      “We ought to, for mother is making a slave of herself, but I don’t think we will. If your grandfather would do more for us now we wouldn’t mind inheriting anything.”

      There was a tapping on the front window.

      “That means dinner, I suppose,” said Grant.

      “Are you going to sit down with us?” asked Rodney, eying Grant’s costume with disfavor.


      “In those clothes?”

      “I haven’t time to change them. Besides my Sunday suit isn’t much better.”

      At the table, toward the close of the meal, Rodney said, “Grandfather, Grant isn’t dressed very well.”

      Seth Tarbox frowned.

      “Has he been complaining to you?” he asked. “He’s been pesterin’ all the mornin’ about new clothes. I told him money was skerce.”

      “I can save you expense, grandfather. I will give him an old suit of mine – one I have cast off.”

      “Why, that’s an excellent plan,” said Tarbox, brightening up. “Do you hear that, Grant? You won’t need to buy a new suit for yourself now.”

      “I don’t care for any of Rodney’s old clothes,” answered Grant, with an indignant flush.

      “Sho! sho! You’re acting very contrary. Rodney’s suit is a good deal better than yours, I’ve no doubt.”

      “I don’t know whether it is or not, but I’m entitled to new clothes, and I want them.”

      “What do you say to that, Mrs. Tarbox?” demanded the farmer, looking over at his wife.

      “I say that he is right. Grant has worked hard, Mr. Tarbox, and he ought to be decently dressed.”

      “Rodney,” said his mother, “your kind offer is thrown away.”

      “So I see,” said Rodney, extending his plate for another piece of pie.

      “I’m sorry you take Grant’s part, Mrs. T.,” said the farmer. “I won’t countenance no extravagance. What’s the use of spending good money when a suit of clothes is offered for nothing.”

      “If the suit is a good one,” retorted Grant, “why does Rodney lay it aside?”

      “There is a difference between him and you,” said Mrs. Bartlett in an acid tone.

      “What difference?”

      “I’m a gentleman and you’re a farm boy,” said Rodney, taking it upon himself to answer.

      “I shan’t always be a farm boy!”

      “No, you won’t be a boy when you’re grown up,” returned Rodney, looking around to see if his joke were appreciated.

      “There aint no disgrace in bein’ a farm boy,” said Seth Tarbox. “I worked on a farm myself when I was a boy, and I’ve worked on a farm ever since.”

      “I’m going to college, and be a lawyer,” said Rodney in a consequential tone.

      “It costs a sight of money to go to college, Sophia,” said Tarbox deprecatingly.

      “I shall make a lot of money when I am a lawyer,” explained Rodney. “Why, I read in the paper that there are some lawyers that make fifty thousand dollars. Besides, I may get elected to Congress. That’s better than working on a farm. When Grant is getting fifteen dollars a month and his board, as a hired man on a farm, I will ride in my carriage, and live like a gentleman.”

      “I may be a rich man myself,” interrupted Grant.

      “You a rich man! Ho, ho!” laughed Rodney. “You look like it.”
