gazing on the glory
That shines in triple ray,
Our souls shall feast with gladness
On Thy sweet light alway.
And of Thy glory shining,
And of Thy ruling light,
From age to age Thy servants
Shall hymn both day and night.
To Thee be lasting praises,
Immortal Three in One, —
Thou Father, Son, and Spirit, —
Now, and while ages run.
Exapostilarion Automelon
The early dawn awakes,
The morn triumphant breaks,
See, see! the brightening sky,
The Saviour from on high
Is with us here.
And we who sat in night,
Rejoicing see the Light;
The shadows now are past,
The Dayspring come at last
And day is near.
For we have found the Truth;
The Son of Virgin youth,
The Saviour hath been born
This glorious festal morn,
And joys appear.
Troparia of The Sixth Hour
Before Thy Cross we take our place,
With all our load of guilt,
And plead forgiveness of Thy grace
Because Thy blood was spilt.
For Thou, to free us from our foes,
Didst bear that cruel Cross,
And by its agony and woes
Bring gain for all our loss.
Therefore we raise with one accord
Our songs right thankfully,
For joy and peace, O Christ our Lord,
We owe in full to Thee.
Ode V
O Christ, Who art the peerless Light,
Come with Thy presence ever bright,
And from the Father’s throne above
Descend to hearts that own Thy love.
Thy Cross no shame to mortals brings;
The world with joy its glory sings;
And men, O Christ, before Thee bow —
All hail! Thy Resurrection now.
Ah Thou, our Lord, the Shepherd good,
Upon that Cross poured forth Thy blood,
And with Thy last expiring breath
Didst save Thy flock from endless death.
And death of all his power is shorn,
And men to joy and peace are born,
For from their sins’ oppressive sway
Forgiveness bears their souls away.
Glory to Thee, O God, we bring,
And to the Son, our Heavenly King,
And to the Holy Ghost always,
Now, and throughout the endless days.
All hail, life-bearing Cross,
The trophy of the good,
Thy bloom is fragrance on our way,
Thy fruit our heavenly food.
Entrance to paradise,
Strength of all faithful souls;
The Church’s fortress when the foe
His banner grim unrolls.
By thee the curse is gone,
And death no terror brings;
We cast his power beneath our feet,
And rise to heavenly things.
O shield of our defence,
And foe of all our foes;
The glory of the saints of God,
Their crown for all their woes.
Who follow Christ the Lord,
Their beauty find in thee;
Their harbour of salvation thou,
Now and eternally.
Come, mortals, come behold!
He hangs upon the tree,
Who made the rolling sea
The new formed earth uphold.
See! He is crowned with thorns,
The King of angels great,
Who in His high estate
A glorious crown adorns.
Derided, see Him wear
A robe of purple dye,
Who robes the noon-day sky
With clouds that float on air.
The Bridegroom of the Bride,
The Son of Virgin born —
With nails His hands are torn,
With cruel spear His side.