nam ut cantu, nimiumque potentibus herbis 179 180 Plin. lib. viii. c. 48. 181 Herodot. lib. ix. 182 183 Pausan. lib. vii. p. 141. 184 Homer, Iliad, xii. 2, 235. 185 Herodot. lib. ii. c. 52, 55. 186 Exod. xxv. 22. 187 Deut. xviii. 13. 188 2 Kings i. 2, 3, 16, &c. 189 1 Sam. xiv. 24. 190 Deut. xiii. 1, 2. 191 Isaiah xli. 22, 23. 192 Tertull. Apolog. c. 20. 193 Hieronym. in Dan. 194 Matt. xxiv. 11, 24. 195 Jonah i. 2. 196 2 Kings xx. 1. Isai. xxxviii. 1. 197 Numb. xxii. xxiii. xxiv. 198 Numb. xxxi. 8. 199 Aug. de Divinat. Dæmon. c. 3, pp. 507, 508, 200 Idem. c. 5. 201 S. August. in his Retract. lib. ii. c. 30, owns that he advanced this too lightly. 202 Porphr. apud Euseb. de Præpar. Evang. lib, iv. c. 5, 6. 203 Plutarch, de Defectu Oracul. p. 434. 204 Macrob. Saturnal. lib. i. c. 23. 205 Lettres édifiantes, tom. x. 206 Cicero, de Divinat. lib. ii. c. 57. 207 208 Strabo, lib. xvii. 209 Joan. Vier. lib. ii. c. 7. 210 A remarkably fine print on this subject was published at Paris some years ago; if we remember right, it was suppressed. 211 Horat. Epodon. xviii. 4. 212 "Quædam sceleratæ mulieres dæmonum illusionibus et phantasmatibus seductæ, credunt se et profitentur nocturnis horis cum Dianâ Paganorum deâ et innumerâ multitudine mulierum equitare super quasdam bestias et multa terrarum spalia intempestæ noctis silentio pertransire ejusque jussionibus veluti dominæ obedire." – Baluz. Capitular. fragment. c. 13. Vide et Capitul. Herardi, Episc. Turon. 213 Agobard de Grandine. 214 Vide Baluzii in Agobard. pp. 68, 69. 215 Fleury, Hist. Eccles. tom. xvii. p. 53, ann. 1234. 216 Alphons. à Castro ex Petro Grilland. Tract. de Hæresib. 217 Bolland, 5 Jul. p. 287. 218 Causes Célèbres, tom. vi. p. 192. 219 Job i. 12, 13, 22. 220 2 Cor. xii. 7, 8. 221 John xiii. 2. 222 Matt. xxiv. 5. 223 Luke xxi. 224 The attentive reader of this horrible narrative will hardly fail to conclude that Gaufredi's fault was chiefly his seduction of Mademoiselle de la Palud, and that the rest was the effect of a heated imagination. The absurd proportions of the " 225 Matt. iv. 5. 226 Dan. xiv. 33, 34. Douay Version. 227 Acts viii. 40. 228 Joan. Diacon. Vit. Gregor. Mag. 229 Lettre de M. G. P. R., 5th October, 1746. 230 On the 26th of May, of the Bollandists, c. xx. n. 356, 357. 231 Acta S. J. Bolland. 3 Jul. p. 95. 232 Ibid. 31 Jul. pp. 432, 663. 233 Acta S. J. Bolland, 21 Aug. pp. 469, 481. 234 Ibid. 18 Aug. p. 503. 235 Ibid. 17 Aug. p. 255. 236 Ibid. 4 Aug. p. 405. 237 Vita S. Christina. 24 Jul. Bolland. pp. 652, 653. 238 Nicole, tom. i. Letters, pp. 203, 205. Letter xlv. 239 Vita Sancti Dunstani, xi. 42. 240 It is worthy of remark, that in the cases which Calmet refers to of persons in his own time, and of his own acquaintance, being thus raised from the ground, he in no instance states himself to have been a witness of the wonder. 241 Petrus Venerab. lib. ii. de Miraculis, c. 1, p. 1299. 242 1 Sam. xvi. 23. 243 Matt. viii. 16; x. 11; xviii. 28. 244 Tob. iii. 8. 245 Justin. Dialog. cum supplem. Tertull. de Corona Militis, c. 11; and Apolog. c. 23; Cyp. ad Demetriam, &c.; Minutius, in Octavio, &c. 246 James i. 14. 247 Joseph. Antiq. lib. vii. c. 25. 248 Ibid. lib. viii. c. 2. 249 Matt. xii. 24. 250 Luke viii. 21. 251 Luke x. 17. 252 Mark xvi. 27. 253 Mark ix. 36-38. Acts xi. 14. 254 Acts xix. 14. 255 Jean de Lorres, sur l'an 1599. Thuan. Hist. l. xii. 256 Charles IX. died in 1574. 257 This story is taken from a book entitled "Examen et Discussion Critique de l'Histoire des Diables de Loudun, &c., par M. de la Ménardaye." A Paris, chez de Bure l'Ainé, 1749. 258 Trésor et entière Histoire de la Victime du Corps de Dieu, presentée au Pape, au Roi, au Chancelier de France, au Premier Président. A Paris, 4to. chez Chesnau. 1578. 259 This account is one of the many in which the theory of possession was made use of to impugn the Protestant faith. The simplicity and credulity of Calmet are ve