Philippians, 288.
– and ritual, Galatians, 435, 447.
– and the understanding of truth, Hebrews, 90.
– attracts character, Judges, 392.
– benefited by delay, Genesis, 137.
– capacity to distinguish, Isaiah I., 257-261.
– Decision of, Judges, 378.
– Effect of change on, Deuteronomy, 155.
– Fountain of Christian, Colossians, 39-53.
– Love and, Philippians, 31, 35.
– National, Judges, 205.
– of Jacob analyzed, Genesis, 260.
– of Lot, Genesis, 188.
– Salvation aims at perfection of, Genesis, 221.
– a secret in the growth of, Genesis, 288.
– tested by power, Genesis, 125.
CHARITY and independence, Thessalonians, 151-168.
– characteristic of Christianity, Thessalonians, 158-160.
– for the suffering, Job, 129.
– The giving of, Judges, 400.
– in judgment, Genesis, 79;
Joshua, 338.
– See giving.
CHARLES II. of England, and Cromwell, Isaiah I., 162, 163.
CHARRAN, Abraham leaves, Genesis, 85 sq.
CHARTERIS, Dr. Archibald H., Acts I., 11.
CHASTITY, Law of, Leviticus, 379-390;
Deuteronomy, 396-401.
CHAUCER, Geoffry, Peter, 209.
CHEDORLAOMER, Expedition of, Genesis, 121 sq.
CHEREM, The word for ban, Deuteronomy, 169-171.
CHERITH, The brook, I. Kings, 363.
CHERUBIM, The, in the Tabernacle, Exodus, 380.
– in the Temple, I. Kings, 180-185.
CHEYNE, T. K., Psalm I., 21, 23, 33, 51, 59, 64, 103, 114, 151, 161, 166, 178, 195, 202, 265, 277, 286, 296, 303, 343;
II., 15, 31, 49, 59, 65, 69, 75, 76, 101, 105, 110, 121, 126, 127, 132, 143, 160, 167, 175, 185, 190, 195, 212, 214, 224, 227, 228, 230, 233, 240, 248, 256, 257, 261, 272, 280, 288, 291, 316, 345, 350, 360, 363, 377, 405, 415, 419, 426, 427, 441, 447, 480, 486, 499, 502;
III., 4, 17, 24, 30, 32, 59, 63, 65, 88, 90, 92, 120, 134, 145, 147, 164, 175, 188, 189, 190, 223, 226, 233, 248, 319, 349, 372, 391, 398, 407, 414, 431;
Proverbs, 1;
Isaiah I., 3, 13, 196, 198, 199, 211, 223, 375, 440;
II., 19, 121, 211, 299, 333, 343, 383, 412, 414, 435, 457, 459, 464;
Jeremiah II., 4, 30, 33, 72, 75, 176, 182, 204, 289, 314, 338;
Twelve Prophets I., 264, 311, 360, 365;
II., 60, 65, 176, 209, 215, 312, 319, 354, 359, 380, 444, 446, 498, 504, 525.
CHILDBEARING, Purification after, Leviticus, 320-344.
– Uncleanness of, Leviticus, 327-344.
CHILDREN, and parents, Colossians, 340-345.
– and religion, Exodus, 25.
– Care of, Pastoral Epistles, 256.
– commanded to honour parents, Exodus, 312-314.
– Early influence for, Proverbs, 53-56.
– growing up bad, Jeremiah II., 351.
– have a sense of incompleteness, Genesis, 22.
– Jesus Christ and the, Matthew, 252-258, 270-273;
Mark, 254, 268, 273.
– Mosaic view of the education of, Deuteronomy, 146-167.
– of Godly parents bad, I. Samuel, 44.
– represent fresh hopes, Genesis, 29.
– sacrificed, II. Kings, 354.
– Scant religious instruction of, Exodus, 191.
– Suffering of, Song of Solomon, 149.
– Training of, II. Samuel, 204;
Proverbs, 56-64, 303-313.
– unable to understand the full truth, Genesis, 7.
CHITTIM, Numbers, 306, 312.
CHOICE and appearance, I. Samuel, 258.
– between living and dying, Philippians, 65-76.
– made by God the best, Genesis, 244.
– No escape from personal, Judges, 379.
– of the good, Genesis, 22;
Psalms II., 448;
Proverbs, 258-261.
– of Lot, Genesis, 111 sq.
– of Moses, Exodus, 34-38.
– of occupation reveals disposition, Genesis, 22.
– of Solomon, I. Kings, 124.
– A right, Joshua, 156.
– Temptation to a wrong, Genesis, 113.
CHOSROES, king, Acts II., 159.
CHRISTIAN, as an athlete, Pastoral Epistles, 348, 349.
– as a husbandman, Pastoral Epistles, 350-352.
– as a soldier, Pastoral Epistles, 344-347.
– The incomplete, Philippians, 97.
– law, Rejection of, Numbers, 187.
– life criticised, Numbers, 158.
– Limitations of the, Numbers, 393.
– nation, Duty of, Numbers, 160.
– Right conception of the life, Philippians, 95.
– The title, Acts II., 159-162, 211.
CHRISTIAN COUNTRY, A, Jeremiah I., 194-196.
CHRISTIAN WORK and money, Chronicles, 414.
– Continuity of, Chronicles, 194, 195.
– Shrinking from, I. Samuel, 166.
– Variety of, Leviticus, 57, 363.
CHRISTIANITY, Alliances with, Numbers, 114.
– Freedom under, Numbers, 209.
– practiced, Acts I., 31.
– secularised, Judges, 330.
– Sympathy with, Numbers, 112.
– What is? John II., 406.
CHRISTIANS always need help, Joshua, 62.
– armor, Ephesians, 410-424.
– as pilgrims in the world, Peter, 355-364.
– death with Christ, Colossians, 243-251.
– The garments of the renewed soul, Colossians, 305-319.
– growth, Colossians, 238-241.
– Ideal and the steps thereunto, Peter, 41-54.
– in public life, Deuteronomy, 201.
– In what sense are we? I. Corinthians, 60.
– the light of the world, Matthew, 66-69.
– Kings to God, I. Samuel, 263.
– living epistles, II. Corinthians, 99-111;