twenty-two who took part in that game seven are dead. Of these the senior club has the misfortune to claim five – Messrs. J. J. Taylor, J. B. Weir, J. Leckie, J. Dickson, and A. Mackinnon; while the Clydesdale, so far as I am aware, has only two, Mr. J. R. Wilson and Mr. Robert Gardner. As I have already given short sketches of Messrs. Taylor, Weir, Leckie, and Gardner, under the head of "Dead Internationalists," and J. J. Thomson and W. M'Kinnon under another, I have only to deal with R. W. Neil, J. Dickson, T. Lawrie, C. Campbell, Angus Mackinnon, and H. M'Neil (Queen's Park), and the whole of the Clydesdale, with the sole exception of R. Gardner.
Charles Campbell
Mr. Campbell seems to have had no real starting point in his football career. The love of the game and its early associations came to him as if by nature. I am told that when he was quite a boy he used to appear on the ground at Queen's Park to see his brother Edward playing with old club companions. He soon began to dribble about, and afterwards show splendid ability in long-kicking and tackling, and in 1873-74 played for the Queen's Park in her best matches. The final cup tie, however, was his first big event, and no doubt the lessons and confidence he obtained in that match served him well in after years, when he was destined to be the greatest favourite both among players and spectators that ever took part in any cup tie or International. Mr. Campbell has now retired from active duty on the field, but his love for the game, and the welfare of the players engaged in it, induced him to accept the presidentship of the Association for 1889-90, and one and all are alive to the fact that he discharges his duties with the greatest fidelity. As a brilliant tackler and neat kicker at half-back, it might honestly be said of him that he had no equal. Men who played against him on great occasions (for Mr. Campbell always rose to his best form in these) have good cause to remember how he could "head" the ball away from goal at a critical moment, and get it through quite a forest of legs. As he was not one of the cracks in the final cup tie of 1874, I must honestly confess I can't remember how he played, but as his club scored a victory, and he was one of the half-backs, he must have done well. Mr. Campbell rarely, if ever, spends a Saturday afternoon away from Hampden Park in the winter time; takes a lively interest in his mother club, and, what is of more account, can still play in his favourite position with great dash and precision. He has the unique distinction of playing in ten Internationals with England, and been an office-bearer of his club since 1873.
Thomas Lawrie
Mr. Lawrie has done much for football in connection with his club and the Association, both by example and precept. In the early days of the Queen's Park he was one of their most brilliant forwards, and in several of the cup ties, notably that between the Queen's Park and Renton, proved the best man on the field. He never shirked his work, or left hard tackling to the half-backs, but sprang on the ball and opponent at once, and generally had the best of it. Of all the fine forwards who received their football education under Mr. J. J. Thomson's, and later on Mr. C. Campbell's and Mr. Joseph Taylor's captaincy, none could keep his feet better on the field; and it was quite a rare thing to see Lawrie grassed by an opponent. Although not much above the middle height, he was a perfect football Hercules, and not long before retiring from the field opponents in some of the matches would frequently make earnest inquiries about whether he were to be included in the Q.P. team on that day. But for an accident to the knee which made him retire, after being chosen to play in the International against England in 1874, Mr. Lawrie would have then represented his club. After giving up active duty in the field, he has rendered noble service by being president of the Scottish Football Association, and loves the game as dearly as ever.
Harry M'Neil
The first final cup tie brought into prominence one of the neatest little dribblers and passers that ever played on the left wing of any club. Methinks I see him now, with his quick action, short step, and unselfish play, gliding down the side of the field, dodging an opponent close on the touch-line, and causing the spectators to laugh immoderately. Spectators are prone to make favourites, and while Mr. Campbell was assuredly one at half-back, Mr. M'Neil was none the less loved among the forwards. While playing in the leading games he was always ready with his joke, and I'll back him to be the best man in the world to explain away a defeat and magnify a victory for the club he loved so well. Mr. M'Neil was chosen seven times to play against England and Wales, and I remember his efforts and their results with pleasure. The only time he was sorely beset was in the International of 1876, when Mr. Jarrett (Cambridge University, I think), one of the English half-backs – a powerful young fellow – tackled him severely. The gallant little Queen's Park man, however, withstood the charges well, and came up from mother earth smiling. That match, however, ended in favour of Scotland by three goals to none. Mr. M'Neil was a member of the 3rd L.R.V. at the start of his career, and also of the Rangers, but joined the Queen's Park in 1872.
Robert W. Neill
Mr. Neill kept the late Mr. J. J. Taylor company at back in many of the most trying and critical Q.P. matches of 1876, '77, '78, and '80, and in all those years was a familiar figure in the Internationals against England and Wales. As we have previously said about the deceased Mr. Leckie, players have their peculiarities, and Neill had his. He was a really brilliant back and pretty sure tackler, but relied too much on his feet while defending goal, instead of using the breast and head. His individuality consisted in meeting the charge of an opponent with bended knees, and he had the knack of taking the ball away and making a brilliant return in a style that roused the cheers of the spectators. He was a very hard worker to the last, and only retired from football to go abroad some years ago. He has, however, returned to Glasgow, and may frequently be seen at some of the best matches of the season. His play during 1877 and 1878 was exceptionally good, and in those years was in the best form of any back in Scotland.
John Dickson
Poor fellow! Mr. Dickson had but a short career, not only in football, but in everyday life. He caught a severe cold one bleak evening coming from Hampden Park after a practice match, and succumbed to the malady of inflammation of the lungs at the age of 28. He started his football life as a back; but when the Queen's Park lost Mr. Gardner he was tried as goalkeeper, and did very well. Tall and gentlemanly in appearance, with neatly trimmed sandy whiskers and moustache, Dickson kicked out in front of his goal very neatly, and was not afraid to meet the charge of an opposing forward. An incident in his career caused a great deal of amusement at the time, however, and is worth recording, just to show the immense faith he had in the infallibility of his old club. It was in a cup tie with the Vale of Leven, when that club beat the Queen's Park by two goals to one. Dickson appeared at goal with an umbrella, as the rain was falling fast, but when the Vale scored their first goal he was obliged to throw away his companion, and work harder than ever he had done before.
Angus Mackinnon
A powerfully-made young fellow, above the medium height, Mr. Mackinnon was a very fair forward, and always played in the centre with Mr. William M'Kinnon, his namesake, and the pair were a "caution" to meet in a hot tussle. The six forwards took part in the play then, with two on each wing and a couple in the centre, and it was a treat to see how well the Mackinnons worked in their places. Mr. Angus, however, was rather short in the temper, and often had a "few words" with both companions and opponents during a game. He played a very indifferent game in the final tie and some of the matches previously, but was really in excellent form at that same year's International against England, and scored one of the goals. Mr. Mackinnon died about four years ago in Canada.
Frederick Anderson
If there is one player more than another that deserves to be remembered by his old club, the Clydesdale, for the manner in which he brought it before the public by scoring one of the goals in the third International at Partick in 1874, it is Anderson. He was a very fine dribbler, and about the most difficult man in the Clydesdale forwards to get the ball away from after he had obtained possession. Although not one of the original members, he was early associated with the Clydesdale, and played in the best games of seasons 1874, '75, and '76. He was a bit of a sprinter, and very fast on the ball, with very fine staying power. Many of the backs who played against him during his best days were afraid of Anderson when he got near the sticks. He is now in Manchester.
John M'Pherson