sequi– to try to conjecture probabilities.
aliquid mihi nec opinanti, insperanti accidit– a thing has happened contrary to my expectation.
5. Truth – Error
verum dicere, profiteri– to speak the truth, admit the truth.
omnia ad veritatem 93 dicere– to be truthful in all one's statements.
veritatis amans, diligens, studiosus– truthful; veracious.
a vero aversum esse (Catil. 3. 1. 29) – to be averse to truth.
a veritate deflectere, desciscere– to swerve from the truth.
veri videndi, investigandi cupiditas– love of truth.
veri inquisitio atque investigatio– zealous pursuit of truth.
a vero abduci– to be led away from the truth.
proxime ad verum accedere– to be very near the truth.
a vero non abhorrere– to be probable.
veri simile esse– to be probable.
haec speciosiora quam veriora sunt– this is more plausible than true.
vera et falsa (a falsis) diiudicare– to distinguish true and false.
vera cum falsis confundere– to confuse true with false.
veritas– veracity.
re (vera), reapse (opp. specie) – in truth; really.
in errore versari– to be mistaken.
magno errore teneri– to be in gross error, seriously misled.
in magno errore versari– to be in gross error, seriously misled.
vehementer errare– to be in gross error, seriously misled.
erroribus implicari (Tusc. 4. 27. 58) – to fall into error.
per errorem labi, or simply labi– to take a false step.
aliquem in errorem inducere, rapere– to lead a person into error.
errorem animo imbibere– to get a mistaken notion into the mind.
errorem cum lacte nutricis sugere (Tusc. 3. 1. 2) – to imbibe error from one's mother's breasts.
error longe lateque diffusus– a wide-spread error.
errorem tollere– to banish an error, do away with a false impression.
errorem amputare et circumcīdere– to banish an error, do away with a false impression.
errorem stirpitus extrahere– to totally eradicate false principles.
errorem deponere, corrigere– to amend, correct one's mistake.
alicui errorem demere, eripere, extorquere– to undeceive a person.
nisi fallor– if I am not mistaken.
nisi (animus) me fallit– if I am not mistaken.
nisi omnia me fallunt– unless I'm greatly mistaken.
6. Choice – Doubt – Scruple
optionem alicui dare (Acad. 2. 7. 19) – to give a person his choice.
optionem alicui dare, utrum…an– to offer a person the alternative of… or…
in dubium vocare– to throw doubt upon a thing.
in dubio ponere– to throw doubt upon a thing.
in dubium venire– to become doubtful.
quod aliquam (magnam) dubitationem habet (Leg. Agr. 1. 4. 11) – a thing which is rather (very) dubious.
dubitatio mihi affertur, inicitur– a doubt arises in my mind.
dubitationem alicui tollere– to relieve a person of his doubts.
aliquid in medio, in dubio relinquere (Cael. 20. 48) – to leave a thing undecided.
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