Valery Pikulev

Mysteries of The St.Petersburg suburbs: Kroniort’s gold. Historical photostory

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But, right there, having got it together, the skilled soldier, – even in such row! – he has managed to give the order to two reliable soldiers: to take a horse with the vehicle, to dig a box with gold somewhere, on the cape, closer to the Gulf (later to be turned back behind him by sea) … and to notice the place.

      Meanwhile Russians with Swedes, a uniform blue-green wave having splashed out on open space, have continued fight. Soon, however, having managed to be separated with “green”, shapeless blue weight has rushed in hope for rescue to the wood where almost all has fallen under blows of sabers of Russians the dragoon…

      The general Kroniort, having lost a half of the group in this terrible fight, has hastily receded to Vyborg; and behind the hidden treasury Swedes weren’t turned back. Also Kroniort’s gold, somewhere, under one of mighty oaks … – but about it the story ahead lies to this day.

      The colonel Karl-Ewald von Rénnе before the Fatherland has received a position of the Commandant of the St. Petersburg fortress for the merits, – the first in her history! We will note that in the 18th century the Commandant of fortress was also a Commandant of St. Petersburg. He was considered as the third party in the city: after the Tsar and the Governor general. Thus, Karl Rénnе became also the first Commandant of future capital of the Russian Empire. And in 1704 he the first in the Russian cavalry has received also the major general’s rank.

      So, on July 8, 1703, has opened new, – the Russian! – the page in the history of the settlement in the mouth of the river of the Sister. These events which forever have returned to Russia her ancient northwest lands have also formed the basis of our narration.

      Not dying away interest of Swedes in the lost territories, – to remember only an expedition of the general Maydel and the admiral Ankerstern to the mouth of Neva in the summer of 1704! – It has forced Peter to become stronger seriously on these lands especially as they – the last line of defense of St. Petersburg from the North. Therefore, in 1706, not far from the mouth of the Sister, the harbor suitable for reception and the shelter not only trade, but also warships has been hastily built.

      Attempts of Swedes to return at least the gold of regimental treasury hidden by Kroniort, were also not crowned with success: from the sea as Maydel’s expedition has shown, was not to approach, and on dry land … – well who after so many failures will venture to ask for trouble especially as the area grew roots Russians so promptly. And only many years later … – However, all one after another.

      Russians have undertaken development of new lands very seriously and in details: in 1710 the geological and topographical expedition for the purpose of drawing up the district map and search of deposits of marsh ores has been directed here. – Yes, the tsar Pyotr had grandiose ideas!

      After the impressive victory of the Russian fleet over Swedes at Gangut (on July 27, 1714) the tsar had a thought to immortalize this event: Peter has enjoined to build two country residences – has been decided to found one (a front door, under the name Peterhof) on the southern coast of the Gulf, other (worker) – on northern, in the mouth of the river of the Sister. On September 20, 1714 he personally surveyed the mouth of the Sister and was very satisfied. This date is also the Birthday of Sestroretsk! Here it has been decided to build the Summer palace and the park.

      Monument to Peter the Great, founder of Sestroretsk

      The palace and park ensemble in “Distant Oaklets” (and there were still “Average Oaklets” in the settlement the Fox Nose and “Neighbors…” – in Lahta that is absolutely close from St. Petersburg) was created thoroughly and in a big way.

      During the period from 1714 to 1724 on the project of Dutch Stefan van Zviten (1719 – 1724) the palace, unfortunately, sorted in 1781 has been designed and built; and even fountains were planned. However, the water pressure from the reservoir on the Sister formed after construction of a dam (1723) was so insignificant that with fountains have refused an invention. It was necessary to be limited to landing of the young oaklets (more than two hundred of which has landed Pyotr) intended as it was conceived by the tsar for ship business. However and there was a misfire: oaklets were for this purpose unsuitable. Instead of avenues with fountains have dug channels on which it was possible to float by boats.

      Running forward, I will note not without pride that Sestroretsk is located on the most northern in the world – in the world! – to border of growth of oak groves. Separate oaks can be met and much to the north (in Canada, on Alaska, in Sweden, in Norway …), but here, oak groves … – And therefore, I think, here the place to enjoy fascinating landscapes of the “Distant Oaklets” stretched on the northern coast of the Gulf of Finland.

      Monument to Peter I in the Distant Oaklets park

      The Dubkovsky cape (one of island forts is in the distance visible)

      Mighty oak, perhaps, put by Peter

      Sea landscapes of the park

      The lake in the center of the park

      Alarm beacon at the Gulf

      Bewitching views of the park

      The oak veteran twisted by the Baltik winds, but not broken!

      The burden of prolonged war has concerned also Sestroretsk, having for many years defined his destiny. In the summer of 1721 at the dam which has formed the lake the Sestroretsk Flood (then and the settlement began to be called Sestroretsk), under the imperial decree, have begun to build small-arms factory which cars water from the lake had to set in motion. It directed construction (from the moment of the basis and till 1723) the colonel Wilhelm of De-Gеnnin ordering before the Olonets plants. After Gennin recalled on the Siberian plants, construction was continued by the colonel Matvei Vyrubov. On January 27, 1724 the plant has been solemnly open.

      Production of the plant, – guns (a close formation quickly captivated the factory yard), mushketona, guns, sabers, broadswords, swords … – right there arrived on arms of the Fleet and Army, – now Imperial (Peter I’s construction in a rank of the Emperor of Russia has happened in St. Petersburg, in Trinity Cathedral on the square of the same name, after victorious completion of Northern war, in October, 1721). At the plant also the huge amount of gunpowder was made.

      The Sestroretsk small-arms factory originally consisted of two tens shops (“weapon factories”) which machines were set in motion from twenty eight water wheels, and on technical equipment didn’t know to itself equal in Europe of that time. The wooden Peter and Paul church also has been built to his territories.

      And one more worthy event 1721 is memorable for Sestroretsk! – test on the lake the Sestroretsk Flood of the first-ever prototype of the submarine: the “secret vessel” designed and constructed by the peasant Efim Nikonov of boards brass plates, iron hoops and skin. Tests were carried out in the presence of Peter.

      Here she, first-ever submarine! (Historical reconstruction)
