Dana Erik

Fantastic Fables. Book 3

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ic Fables

      Book 3

      Dana Erik

      Artist Aiperi (Olga Maksimenko)

      © Dana Erik, 2017

      ISBN 978-5-4485-5205-2

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      About author

      My name is Dana Erik. I was born and grew up in the southern part of the wonderful country of Kazakhstan in a city called Shymkent! Here I absorbed warmth, kindness and the beauty of relationships that I was lucky enough to see. I grew up in a family of kind and open people who I love and respect! I also respect people of different cultures, who I see as different flowers in a garden, each with their own unique color and scent! I have 3 wonderful children that I raise. And through it all, I have had to go through complex lessons in life, which are continuing and through which I learned to find joy that I want to share with you. In my stories, you can also feel sadness, but there is no life without it.

      I love reading, dancing and cooking. And, of course, I love to dream. If you imagine yourself as a bird, then I would hug you with my wings.

      Girl Warrior

      The girl always tried to be good, but people around her were cruel to her, so she decided to be bad. She began to do everything to spite others. She put on a mask and stopped being sincere. In one of these moments, an angel flew up and talked to her.

      – Sweetie, what are you doing to yourself?

      – What? – the girl asked, looking askance.

      – Why do you let your soul be polluted?

      – How do I pollute it?

      – When you came into this world, we gave you a pure soul, but you polluted it with your bad thoughts and deeds. Know that the most precious thing in this world is your soul. And you bear responsibility for it. Only you can pollute or clean it. By polluting your soul, you make it heavy; it hurts and it will crawl under a burden of filth forever. But if you try to clean it in time, then you can fly.

      – How can I clean it?

      – You must forgive everyone who has made you feel pain, and ask forgiveness from all those whom you have ever hurt. And treat others like the most precious creatures because they also have souls.

      – But, what if they act badly?

      – it is because they didn’t listen to an angel. But unfortunately, their bad behavior will be worse for them.

      – Does an angel come to everybody?

      – To everybody.

      – If it doesn’t work for me?

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